You must think about what kind of business you have, what you need, and what is critical to your business and your overall goals, targets, and objectives. Be specific about time when you describe your targets. Be clear about the scope and limit of your business.
Writing a good plan, one with a reasonable chance of acquiring funding, requires the assistance of people with legal, financial (to structure the financials), and accounting (to compile the income and balance sheets) expertise. The business plan will not only assist you in obtaining funding, it will also force you to take a logical view of your business and to develop a
"road map" for the future.
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Qualified assistance in preparing your business plan or financing proposal is harder to find than you might think. Relatively few people, even long-time accountants and lawyers, are experienced with financing proposals. In fact, very few people see more than one or two financing proposals during their entire business careers. Of those few who do see several plans, fewer still possess the creative skills necessary to prepare a financing package. There's a lot more to it than merely taking a bunch of numbers and putting them together into a financial projection. You must create an atmosphere of intelligence and credibility.
So how do you find the right expert? Look for someone who specializes in this area. Good accountant/financial consultants will question you just as thoroughly as an investor would. They will help you develop the documentation for the assumptions accompanying your projections. They will examine the methodology you used to develop your conclusions about your market and help you determine the adequacy and accuracy of those conclusions. They are also able to write an intelligent and readable project descripttion and help with the other parts of your financing proposal. Good accountant/financial consultants are more than merely "numbers persons."