"Operations Research Problems "


Operations Research Problems


. P.17 of Hillier, Fredrick S. and Lieberman, Gerald J., Operations Research, 2nd edition. San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1974. Wyndor Glass Co. Problem.


max Z = 3 * X1 + 5 * X2

with all the X's non-negative and also with

    X1   <= 4
      2*X2 <= 12
3*X1 + 2*X2 <= 18

2. The following problem has 3 variables and 4 <= constraints whose planes intersect in Euclidean space E3 at the optimal vertex – the optimal primal program.


Primal Linear Program
Maximize the Objective Function (P)
P = 600 x1 + 600 x2 + 2400 x3 subject to
L1: 600.0 x1 + 100.0 x2 + 500.0 x3 <= 24000
L2: 100.0 x1 + 100.0 x2 + 125.0 x3 <= 6500
L3: 100.0 x1 + 600.0 x2 + 500.0 x3 <= 24000
L4: 500.0 x1 + 500.0 x2 + 4000.0 x3 <= 100000
      x1 >= 0; x2 >= 0; x3 >= 0