I sent an E-mail into space.
It disappeared without a trace.
I wondered where my E-mail went,
So, I called my ISP to vent.
They asked me if I was hyper-text?
"No," I said, "but I'm hyper-vexed"
Suppose it was sent overseas?
It may have gone to the Chinese.
Did a German grab it's tail
"Guten Morgen! Sie gott mail!"
Did I type the address wrong?
Was it com.dot....or dot.com?
Since my mail did not arrive
Do you suppose it's still alive?
Is it fighting for a place,
On the avenue of Space?
I shot my mail into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where.
Another lost joke, another lost tale.
Wish I could fathom the flight of my E-mail.