# Layoffs: Suffering from sleepless nights?

BALASUBRAMANYA B Npro badge (CCI STUDENT....) (44668 Points)

04 February 2009  

Unemployment growing

Layoff… is the topic of discussion these days. The global economy is dwindling. The recession has hit the job market across the world. Every day we come across news about layoffs from different companies.

Many of us have lost our jobs in the current market scenario. The unemployment rate is growing at a faster pace; the situation is worsening day by day. As per the International Labor Office (ILO), the global unemployment rate is to escalate in the year 2009 within a range of 18 million to 30 million workers, and more than 50 million if the global economic crisis situation continues to deteriorate.


Plan for layoffs

Today, all those who have lost their jobs and the ones still connected with their present jobs are having sleepless nights.

While those who have lost their jobs are going through mental depression and a bad patch in their career, the ones who are employed are getting panicky, that any time they may be handed over pink slips. Employed people are getting anxious worried about job security, which has become a matter of serious concern for them.

What should one do to overcome the situation? How to plan for layoffs which can occur at any point of time? These are the questions which revolve in the minds of employees today.

Following are some points that may be borne in mind during tougher times of layoffs:


Revise your budget

Try to make a conscious effort to bring down your expenses, and save as much as possible. Avoid spending on luxury items and entertainment and restrict your expenses to maintain your basic standard of living.

In this way you will be able to save more, and utilize the savings in case such a situation arises.


Work towards organizational goals

You should involve yourself in vital projects of the company, on top priority, client deliverable, and requiring special attention.

Once, you get involved in such projects, you will become an integral part of your Organisation until the completion of such projects at least. Try to give your 100% to them.



Enhance your productivity

You should try to increase your working hours and focus more on accomplishment of your organizational goals. A very high level of commitment on your part is a must in such a scenario.

If you prove your merit and productivity under such circumstances, you may possibly save yourself from being laid off from your job.






Having good contacts has always proven to be very beneficial, whether in personal or professional life. Try to develop as many contacts as possible and maintain them.

This will certainly help you in times of crises. In this way, you can forward your resume to your friends and acquaintances, and easily get in touch with more employers.



Update your resume

You should update and polish your resume, so that in case you need to leave the job, and look for a new one, a well presented and updated resume, could possibly expedite your job search.

In today’s cut throat competition, you need to create an attractive resume, to draw the attention of recruiters and employers.


Look for freelancing jobs

Keep your eyes open and try to find entrepreneurs who need people to work on a freelance basis. In this case employers do not have the burden of paying a fixed salary to employees. During this time of recession, you may find many such opportunities.

The last and most important thing is to believe in yourself. Do not get depressed in times of crises, and have a positive attitude. Keep working on alternatives, as discussed above, and you shall be able to cope with the situation well.
