!!! forgiveness is a promise !!!

Rahul Sharma (----------) (8192 Points)

04 March 2012  

                        Forgiveness Is a Promise


“Forgiveness is a promise not a feeling.

When you forgive other people,

You are making a promise not to use their past sin against them.”

Forgiveness is a major part of life that almost everyone has trouble doing. Learning to forgive someone that has wronged us is a very long and difficult process that must be done. Without forgiveness we can not let go of the bitterness and resentment we have towards someone, and without letting go of these things, they start to eat back at us spiritually, emotionally, and eventually physically. When we remain angry for extended periods of time it definitely takes a toll on our bodies, for example, with a rise in blood pressure.

We have to learn to forgive and move on from the past sins that people have committed against us in order to further our lives, and in order to continue a relationship with them if we plan on continuing to do so. Make a commitment today to forgive all of those you may be angry with, and that may have done you wrong, this past year and your whole life. Whenever you think of the way that someone has wronged you wish a blessing upon them instead of cursing them, and stay as positive as possible.