Can any one tell me how many attempts for ipcc exam?
(ipcc student)
(254 Points)
Replied 30 October 2010
thanks for telling i also have doubt now cleared thanks
(96 Points)
Replied 30 October 2010
Still i am doubtful
some says 5 attempts, than fresh registration for CA
Can any one tell me how many attempts for ipcc exam?
CA Puneet Dham
(694 Points)
Replied 16 November 2010
i have heard that we hv to pay nominal fees after 5 attempts n get re register
(21 Points)
Replied 10 February 2012
what is the nominal fee..?? can anyone tell me please.
chintan savani
(21 Points)
Replied 24 February 2012
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114783 Points)
Replied 24 February 2012
No restriction as such.
A. The maximum no. of attempts one can give with one registration no. is "FIVE"
B. Moreover, to extend the attempts, one has to pay the re-registration fees or has an option to re-register itself with new registration no. altogether.
(ipcc student)
(254 Points)
Replied 24 February 2012
sir i attempted five attempts and i attempt for six attempt in may 2012 can write this ipcc exam and iam not done the re -registration what will happen sir please tell sir please
* Krishna *
(CA Student)
(6149 Points)
Replied 24 February 2012
As per my opinion, there is no need to re-register now. Because it has been currently put on hold. Check below icai link in this regard.
Anuj Gupta
(21 Points)
Replied 19 June 2012
this is really a big tension for those who didn't crack their exams in time......
Mr. Struggler
(197 Points)
Replied 21 June 2012
@ saranya did you re-register as May 2012 was your 6th attempt. please reply urgently.
(28 Points)
Replied 03 October 2012
tell me plz.... how many attempts for ipcc xam....????
6 attmpts ho chuke any one tel me re-regitration krana hoga???
* Krishna *
(CA Student)
(6149 Points)
Replied 03 October 2012
IPCC Registration is valid for 4years from the date of registration. So check accordingly.