Counterfeiting has emerged as one of the major problems globally. Counterfeit goods, including medicines, auto parts, electrical components, toys, food and beverages and many others, can be dangerous and can potentially harm or even kill consumers. The massive infiltration of counterfeit and pirated goods drains $1 trillion from the global economy and robs over 2.5 million jobs. The impact and consequences of counterfeiting are far-reaching. Not only does it infringe on intellectual property rights, the counterfeit goods also pose direct threat to consumer health and safety. That is why a countrywide cooperation as well as public and private sector collaboration to detect and decisively combat counterfeiting activity has become the need of the hour. A truly integrated approach, involving key stakeholders such as global, national and local law enforcement bodies, NGOs, technology solution providers and corporations, can pave the way for the development and implementation of strategies to stop counterfeiting in its tracks.
The objective of the conference is to bring together Government, industry and other stakeholders on common platform to discuss policy level issues and share the best practices and innovative ideas to curb the menace of counterfeiting, piracy and brand theft resulting in strengthening of IPR protection ecosystem in the country.
Key Topics:
The conference will cover the following topics:-
1. Combating Online Counterfeiting: Will it be an uphill task?
2. Innovation in Brand Protection: Using New Technologies
3. Eliminating Counterfeits in the Supply Chain - An FMCG perspective
4. The Continued Threat of Spurious Drugs: A Pharmaceutical Outlook
5. Protecting your Brand! : Brand Protection by Brand Leaders!
The conference will provide excellent opportunity to participants to discuss, share experiences, case studies, network with industry leaders and learn about the current and innovative practices in the industry to curb the menace of counterfeiting & piracy and protecting the brand.
To read more in details, click here
Event from : 21 January 2020
Event to : 21 January 2020
Events Venue : New Delhi
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