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Updated on : 28/03/2025 17:00:03

CA Inter / CA Intermediate Syllabus (2023)

CA IPCC syllabus has been revised and a new CA Inter course by ICAI has been introduced which now has eight subjects divided into two groups of four subjects in Group 1 and four subjects in Group 2 as per the below-given list

CA Inter Subjects (Group 1)

Papers Subjects Marks
Paper-1 Accounting 100
Paper-2 Corporate Laws and Other Laws

Part I: Corporate Laws (60 Marks)

Part II: Other Laws (40 Marks)

Paper-3 Cost and Management Accounting 100
Paper-4 Taxation

Part I: Direct Tax Laws (60 Marks)

Part II: Indirect Tax Laws (40 Marks)

Paper-5 Advanced Accounting 100
Paper-6 Auditing and Assurance 100
Paper-7 Enterprise Information System and Strategic Management

Part I: Enterprise Information System (50 Marks)

Part II: Strategic Management (50 Marks)

Paper-8 Financial Management and Economics for Finance

Part I: Financial Management (60 Marks)

Part II: Economics for Finance (40 Marks)


At CAclubindia Online Learning, students can access all the updated CA Intermediate Classes via video lectures based on the new syllabus/ course. The online videos are available in English and Hindi and can also be enrolled with pendrive and download options along with additional online streaming. Along with the videos also get eBooks and physical books as per the new course for exams.

CA Final exam is one of the toughest exams in the world. The entry in the course is easy but the exit is very difficult. As per the new CA course structure and syllabus, you can easily enter the course by two routes i.e. direct entry or with foundation exam.

Number of enrolled students in each attempt 90000 - 95000
Number of students cleared the exam 20000 - 25000

The CA Inter course was introduced by ICAI to update the course based on the needs of the industry. The first exam for the CA Intermediate Course was held in May 2018. The last exam for the Old Course will be in November 2020.

Why to take the CA Intermediate Classes by CAclubindia Online Learning?

It is important that students choose online classes strategically and choose a reliable platform. CAclubindia Online Learning is the oldest platform for CA students which provides the best-selected faculties from different parts of the country students can choose from. CAclubindia Online Learning not only takes care of the students overall learning by providing them with the ecosystem where they can interact with other students, download free files, read best articles from teachers, read discussions for self-motivation But also provides regular amendments and updates with a plethora of learning services. CCI online learning is the only platform which puts students interest and his learning over and above all and provides services like, counsellors support, flexibility to watch/stream videos from anywhere and at any time and on any device along with pendrive and download options, e-books and physical material, test papers, Q&A facility, study planning tools, all the latest amendments and updates and RTPs.

Tips to clear the CA Inter Exams with CCI Online Learning’s CA Intermediate Classes

As we all know, CA is a correspondence course where the Institute provides relevant course material to help you in preparing on your own to pass the exams.

But what are the usual Methods of Preparation for the exams?

Here, there are two ways of going about it,

  • Complete self-study
  • Self-study with the help of coaching classes/tuitions.

The second method is the most common method which strikes a balance. External guidance helps the student to get more conceptual clarity and self-study solidifies the learning. Now for coaching classes, you have two options:
Online and Live Classroom or recorded Classroom.

But before you choose which one to opt for let's understand why:
The most common mistake that students make is they start looking for classes first and then plan their studies. Instead, the better approach is to first plan your studies and then choose the classes to prepare for the subjects. Figure out your strengths and weaknesses and then plan accordingly.
Once you have a plan in place, you will have more clarity on how to choose the classes.

Now let's talk about how CA Students can choose the classes.
Presently, there are two modes of CA classes:

  • Classroom-based- Face to Face, Live or Recorded
  • Video-based: Online Video Classes Streaming, Pendrive Video Lectures, Download Option
While classroom classes force discipline, online classes bring flexibility and convenience. Both are a structured way to prepare for the exams with the help of a mentor.

So while choosing the online classes over classroom lectures, these are the factors that you should keep in mind:
Access To A Good Faculty
When you do not have a good faculty available for a particular subject in your locality or area you can go for e-learning mode where you can get video lectures from the best CA faculties of the country.

Our Own Learning Behaviour
While one student may find a classroom environment with a fellow being important to study the other may prefer studying in silence where they can better concentrate.

Comfort and convenience
Online lectures can be accessed when you don't have to travel, CA Inter students can stay at home and study without leaving their hometown in search of a good faculty.

If as a student are concerned over the expensive studies then online ca study would be a better option for you where you get national level faculty at a very nominal cost. Also, you can plan the subscription of the CA video classes paper wise and you don't have to take all the subjects in one go. There is a huge difference between the cost of taking an online class vs classroom lecture from a renowned faculty. Plan your subjects with the right balance of classroom lectures and online classes so that it does not hurt your pocket.

SWOT Analysis
You should also plan to take online lectures on the basis of your strength and weakness and what are the benefits of studying online or negatives of studying in the classroom after understanding your study plan strategy for CA inter exams. Find out which subjects are your strongest and which ones are the weakest. Then basis your preference to study whether classroom or self-study choose the classes. For some students practical subjects are the stronger, now basis their comfort they can choose online or classroom. For instance, if you are strong in Accounts and like classroom classes more, you can actually opt for online classes for stronger subjects because it will come easy to you and choose classroom classes for subjects like Audit which may be weak but since the classroom is more comfortable it will help to study the subject better.

Repeat Students
Repeat Students usually have already taken classroom classes and have got the basic clarity. These CA inter repeat students should opt for online lectures because of the flexibility in lectures selection and cost benefit. While it is best for the first attempt to strike a balance between online and offline classes, If a student has given one attempt and is trying for the next, it is best that they opt for online classes for subjects. Due to the paucity of time between two attempts, more time is needed for self-study and online classes prove to be more beneficial there. Nowadays there is not much difference in online and classroom lecture delivery and in online classes also students can easily ask queries via various means. Faculties are really supportive and also motivate students in their videos.

CA Inter Video Lectures

The video lectures are specially designed for CA students based on the new course syllabus by the ICAI. The CCI Online Learning Management System dividends every video into a maximum length of 30 minutes so that students can control the pace of the class. These video lectures are highly interactive sessions and are a mix of classroom recordings and camera recordings in different languages mainly Hindi and English. The lectures are covering the entire new syllabus topic explanations and all the CA intermediate exam related amendments and updates are added on a real-time basis to keep the content updated all the time. These videos are divided into topics explanations, case studies and practical examples and re-provided along with physical books or e-books for reference. AT CCI online learning students can also give mock tests to analyse their study progress.

Advantages of taking New CA Intermediate Classes as Online Course

A) Flexible Learning
Students can watch video lectures anywhere, anytime and on any device.

With online video classes, students not only save travel time but can also easily manage their work along with their studies. Students can also choose to stay in their hometown and study instead of travelling to the metro cities seeking good faculties.
B) Study at your own pace
Students can learn at a pace they are comfortable with. Students can choose classes to subject wise so that they can plan their studies as per their schedule, classes can also be taken as per the access time period specific to their requirement like for two attempts or only for revision, Classes can also be taken on the basis of fast track This also helps students to cope up with the time lost due to health or any other contingencies.

C) Revise your lectures more than twice
With online video classes, students can revise the content more than twice. Students can also revisit the lectures right before the exams for concept clarity.

D) Counsellor Support
Students can speak to our counsellors for any help or suggestion by just calling on our toll-free number during office hours.

E) Choose from the best faculties of the country
We have faculties from different regions of the country and lectures are available in both English and Hindi, students can select the faculty they are most comfortable with.

F) Cost benefits
Online classes are much more economical than classroom classes. You can plan your studies as per your budget, the cost is so low that the students can self sponsor their studies. With online classes, students can save travel cost, food cost and other expenses.

G) Query Handling
Students can easily reach out to the faculties on call or via email to solve their doubts and queries.

H) Holistic Learning with a host of features
At CCI online learning along with the video classes, students also get e-books or physical books. Students get access to the largest community of chartered accountants. With strong tech students gets access to a dedicated mobile app for CA students, students centric articles, free files and notes.

FAQ on CA Course

Is CA Inter tough?

It is considered to be one of the toughest course.

Can I shift from CA Intermediate’s old syllabus to new syllabus?

Yes, you can shift from the old syllabus to new syllabus by applying for the same.

What is CA Inter course?

CA Inter Course is the second level of the Chartered Accountancy course. It has two groups divided into 4 subjects each. The exams are held twice every year in May and November.

Is it difficult to pass CA Inter Course without taking CA Intermediate Classes?

CA Inter Course is considered to be one of the toughest levels to clear the exam but with dedication and hard work, one can pass the exam. However, with CCI Online Learning’s CA Intermediate Classes, one can be sure to clear the exam in the very first attempt.