CA Dr. Mahesh Gour online classes

CA Dr. Mahesh Gour


CA Dr. Mahesh Gour is a renowned faculty for Auditing & Indirect Taxation at the level of IPCC, CA Final & CS Final. He initially started his teaching with a power pact implementation of Memory Techniques. As a Professor CA Dr. Mahesh Gour is not only well known for his teaching but also for the books authored by him for CA Final & CS Final. His book on Indirect Taxation is one of the best written books on the subject in India.

CA Dr. Mahesh Gour has always been known for his unique teaching style starting from memory techniques till 3D animation techniques. His only mantra for teaching is "Understand and Learn, Remember and Retain", i.e. along with knowledge he also provides confidence of performance during examination. More than 25000 students of CA final have benefited from his extra-ordinary teaching Skills. His teaching styles and technique have always been a topic of discussion in the profession whether it is among students or other professionals and always created a curiosity about what would be CA Dr. Mahesh Gour's next step to innovation.


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