CAclubindia Meet Delhi’08

August 4,2008

After a day’s long work, me and vivek were just sitting down and discussing the future course of action and we felt that this was the right time to meet our members one to one.. The idea of organizing a meet was not new to us.. But it turning into reality, Ooooooo Jesus!!!!!!  the excitement was just overpouring…..we couldn’t stop calling an EGM( Extra-ordinary General Meeting) at the stroke of midnight.

We had a two hour long meeting and we discussed everything of how will the whole process work right from announcing on the site, to sending invitations, the size of the meet, the venue, the designing  of the meet logo, the ppt about the journey of caclubindia, the souvenirs, the scope of work of the technical team in organising the meet and we almost left no stone unturned.

And i was to given the designation - “MEET MANAGER”!!! uuuuuuusssssshhhhh…. felt the heat but kept the cooollll…

August 5,2008

We had lots of discussion with our mentor CA Sampat Jain regarding the same and he also was equally excited about the whole thing… The first idea was to accept applications till the 15th of August but we stopped receiving applications after 12th August itself due to overwhelming response of all the members… Coz since the first day itself we were clear that this has to be a really interactive meet with just bout 20-30 members…

Me and vivek started working on the same and clearing our back logs and looking forward for the meet…

August 18, 2008

The Search for the venue began… From North to South and East to West we went ahead for every single possibility… From “Sarvam” in CP, “Coffee Shop” near R.K. Puram (south Delhi), Pragati Maidan, Lodhi Road….. the list was getting longer and longer…

August 19, 2008

After the last day’s search we were convinced that pragati maidan was the best available location but destiny had some other plans….

“Constitutional Club” came into the scene and we decided to check it out, the LAST ATTEMPT…

woooooopppppiiiieieeeeeeee!!!! we knew this was it.. We had all the talks with the manager the Venue search was over… We with our team had lunch there itself to check out quality of food… Foooddddiiiieee was yummyyy yummyyy…

August 20,2008

We finalised the members list and one by one called all the members, got in touch with the technical team to send members invitations and finalize meet logo for all the banners.

The t-shirts also arrived and we really loved it…

The day just went by…

August 21,2008

Called the members who could not be reached earlier.. Got everything confirmed with the Venue Manager… shopped around for small things we would need for the meet…

August 22,2008

One day before the meet, went to the banner guy to check if everything was right in place.. And the Id cards for our team… and how to forget Vivek’s Iphone !!!!!!

Visited the venue in the evening and we had a dry run… everything was perfect till then… Spirits high.. confidence speaking…

August 23, 2008

12:30 we were at the venue.. arranging banners and speeding up the arrangements there..

From 2:00 members started pouring in… And mine n vivek’s emotions were pouring out…

For the first time we met our members.. Vivek started interacting informally with the members and i could sense the members were glad to see the CEO, young, dynamic and charming..

At 3:00 we started the meet formally.. with my introductory speech and then Vivek’s.. we then went to the members to introduce themselves.. we wanted that before they leave from the venue that day.. they should create a bond within themselves…

For that we then played a game ” Game of the Intellect” and then i could see the bond happening.. everyone in there was so involved.. to witness the involvement in itself was so rejoicing..

And around 4:30 p.m it started raining cats and dogs… but the spirits were up.. as we were settled in an open area…it took around us ten minutes to restart the meet in the restaurant… But amazing was the co-operation of the members.. they were not at all moved by any disruptions…

In the restaurant as we settled one of our member started a number game and everybody just enjoyed it thoroughly…

At 5:00 p.m. we all had snacks and by 5:30 p.m. we started with open hour…

Lots of discussions, feedbacks and new modules were discussed… and around 6:45 p.m. we had to wrap up everything…  we all had a rocking time…

This was what happened in terms of planning and programme..

But lots of things happened which were not planned and were just driven by emotions..

For us we felt so much more attached to our members now…Coz till then we just use to keep tracing them on site…

But that day we met them and the confidence in our product grew…

The urge to serve our members better has become even stronger…

Our technical team also felt rewarded for their work with the appreciation which we received from our members…

At last we felt worth every pain we had taken to keep the site running without any disruptions…

While i’m putting down everything into words i want to add few lines:

” Life is pretty much destined but ever we want to make a difference we’ll just need to think differently”!!!!!

Today in real sense we feel we have made a difference for the CA community and for this we thank our members whole heartedly….