
A conversation with
Prema Jayakumar
1stRank Holder, CA Final Course

CA exam results are just out and we had the opportunity to interact with the toppers and bring to you their success stories and close sneak peek into their motivating secrets.

Let us find out what was their strategy and what helped them bust the stress. These are not just some motivational exam success stories, but the real essence and meaning of life is hidden somewhere in their words.

Prema Jayakumar, daughter of a Mumbai-based autorickshaw driver, has topped the all India Chartered Accountancy (CA) examination. She is a girl with determination having interest in teaching and who wants to do Phd now. She credited her success to her parents and teachers. A very positive and down to earth girl who is very happy to have this achievement shared her experience and journey with CAclubindia and let us find out what she has to say. -

Prema, first of all, many congratulations to you from CCI.com

Thank you Sir. Thanks a lot.

Prema what was your first reaction seeing your scores?

First of all it was the Former President who called me and he asked me whether you have seen your result. I told that I haven’t seen. Then he said, you got 1st Rank. At the onset, I was thrilled and blank at the same time and was short of words to express. I was on top of the world as this is biggest achievement of my life.

It is. So were you surprised when the Former ICAIPresident called you?

Ya, Ramaswanmy Sir, when he called me, he said I am former President from CA Institute. I thought what happened, I thought about results only he is going to say something to me.So, I was excited, what he would be telling me. I was eager to hear from him. I was very happy when he said you scored 1strank.

Who was your creative support? Would you like to thank someone?

I would like to thank God, to my parents and to all my professors. Because of their efforts, support only, I could achieve this and of course the self effort, hard work and practice was very important. Self Study is most important.

Great! So, can you just share your strategy when you were preparing for the exams?

Yes, of course. Actually, I started from May-June – 15th of May, I started. From May month onwards I got leave, so started from that month and I took 25 days for two subjects – one practical and one theory; I decided that in 25 days I should complete 2 subjects- the plan was to complete in first reading all the subjects,then take revision of 3 to 4 days for each subject. I revised all the subjects and then I wrote Mock Test – Institute Mock Test paper I wrote and apart from that I had solved all the practice manuals for all the subjects.

What is the most important thing one should keep in mindwhile preparing for the exams. During and before the exams?

Ya, First of all, only one time reading is not enough. You should revise. If you read it only once and take it only before the exams – one day before the exams – it will not help you to revise all the things in one day itself. So first of all one time thorough study you must complete, other time study you should complete; second one time revision you must complete before the exam and if you write Mock Test, it will help a lot because after 3 years, if you clear our inter exam, there is a lot of time gap. Our writing practice will not be there, so if you write over paper then it will help you to understand that in 3 hours how to manage time, time management is very important. You should write atleast one paper of each subject. That is the main thing and we should make a note of important points which we should revise before the exams. Atleast these points we should remember and revise before the exams. We should make a note of all the subjects.

And what was your schedule when you were preparing for exams? Like, how many hours you used to study?

Actually, initially, I started with 6 to 7 hours of study only, when I started in the month of May and then I increased it upto10 to 12 hours. I had a target that in 25 days I have to complete two subjects. If I couldn’t complete, then I used to extend my time a little and try to complete anyhow in these days only. So, I used to extend till 12 o’clock – from morning 7:30, sometimes to midnight of 12 o’clock, I used to extend.

And during this journey, did you face any hurdle?

Not much, because I and my brother both appeared in the same attempt. So, we both used to study together. It helped a lot – we used to discuss, we used to solve a subject, after solving that whatever difficulties we had, we used to discuss and discussion part helps a lot, I think.

What is the importance of articleship?

Articleship is very important. Like practically what we do, in tax it really helped me. In tax the practical experience really helps us to solve the papers also. In DT paper, i felt my paper was not that good I thought, but because of my practical experience I secured 83 marks in DT paper. So, it also helps a lot.

Ok, and what are your other hobbies apart from study?

Actually teaching I am also taking tuitions for some students. So, I used to teach, I loved teaching to other students and till July Month I had taken tuitions for B.Com as well as IPCC student, I have taught them somehow, my friends and some students.

That’s great, so are you a member of CCI?

Yes I am (Smile)

Ok, you are. So, what help have you have got from CCI?

Continuous news about the new updation, it helped me like in DT, IDT, whatever new updates comes and regular updates one should track in this profession - I used to go through all these. And that is also very important only bookish knowledge is not sufficient – what are the new updates which come in the subject is also very important. So, it helped me.

So, what is your next plan after getting 1st Rank?

Now, actually, my Articleship is pending for 3 months. So, after my articleship, I am planning to join in some corporate.

Any plans for higher studies apart from CA, other degrees?

I am planning do PhD now.

Oh!! That’s really great. Would you like to give any message for CAclubindia members and aspiring CAs?

All the best students and hard work helps a lot. Hard work is must for appearing in CA.

You must be planning for the celebration!!

Ya, Sir


Comments on this Interview

[Scorecard : 38 ]

28 January 2013



swaminathan iyer
[Scorecard : 33 ]

28 January 2013

" "Congratulations Prema"... Keep Sharing ur Knowledge n Experience.."


[Scorecard : 157 ]

28 January 2013

" congratulation...."


Ranju Dass
[Scorecard : 20 ]

28 January 2013

" congrats prema "


Sharad Maheshwari
[Scorecard : 43 ]

28 January 2013

" Congratulations..........."


[Scorecard : 37 ]

28 January 2013

" Dear Prema, Heartiest congratulations and best wishes to both you and your brother. "


[Scorecard : 65 ]

28 January 2013



[Scorecard : 21 ]

28 January 2013

" Heartiest congrats....! You really deserve for this ones again congrats & good luck for your future... "


shreelaxmi pai
[Scorecard : 41 ]

28 January 2013

" Congrats....."


[Scorecard : 193 ]

27 January 2013

" Congratulations ......."