Book : GST Law and Commentary with Analysis and Procedures by CA Bimal Jain

(Set of 4 Volumes) Edition Sep-2024

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Price : 7695.00

Edition: Sep-2024

Language: English

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About this GST Book

This GST book extensively covers in-depth analyses of CGST, SGST, IGST, UTGST and GST Compensation Cess Laws along with the Rules, Notifications, Circulars, Instructions and Clarifications issued thereunder and comprehensively discusses all the key GST provisions along with challenges and way forward suggestions, in commentary as well as tabular/ pictorial formats with multiple practical case studies and examples. Further, this book provides a detailed insight to the readers for proper understanding of GST Law and rules made thereunder and useful to professionals, corporates, regulators, govt. authorities, etc., for easy and convenient reference.

Vol 1
  • Detailed commentary (with updated provisions, rules, circulars, etc.) on various domains of GST laws & provisions viz. Supply of goods or services – intra-state and inter-state. Concept of taxable person and registration, GST Input Tax Credit (ITC), reverse charge mechanism, value of supply of goods and services etc., with practical case studies and illustrations & FAQs for conceptual clarity.
  • Detailed commentary on all updated provisions and rules along with various notifications, circulars, clarifications, etc., as on date including all the decisions of the GST Council Meetings as on date
  • Effective takeaways and action plan for smooth sailing in GST with suggestions
Vol 2
  • Detailed commentary on Principles of time of supply, place of supply, exports and imports, job work, TDS, TCS, constitution of the GST Appellate Tribunal and Benches thereof
  • Detailed commentary on demand and recovery, inspection, search, seizure & arrest, etc., and appeals & revision, under GST with practical case studies and illustrations & FAQs for conceptual clarity.
  • Detailed commentary on all updated provisions and rules along with various notifications, circulars, clarifications, press releases etc., as on date including all the decisions of the GST Council Meetings as on date and effective takeaways and action plans for smooth sailing in GST with suggestions
Vol 3
  • Detailed commentary on offences, penalties, prosecution, compounding, payment, invoice, refund, e-way bill, along with relevant forms & their due dates, ‘e-invoicing’ and ‘QR code’ under GST.
  • Detailed commentary with tabular presentation of all procedural requirements in GST Returns filing & matching of GST ITC – where GST credit is dependent upon tax compliant suppliers and Introduction of Credit rating system of taxpayers.
  • Detailed commentary with tabular presentation of GSTR 9 and GSTR 9C
  • Complete Guide and Manual for GST Rates of Goods or Services/ Exemptions of Goods or Services
  • Multiple Case Studies and Legal Jurisprudence on Classification and Exemption of Goods or Services and its corresponding GST Rates and Exemptions
Vol 4
  • Constitution (101st Amendment) Act, 2016
  • Updated CGST, IGST, UTGST and Compensation Cess Acts, 2017 as amended vide the Finance (No.2) Act, 2024 [Updated as on date]
  • Updated CGST, IGST, UTGST and GST Compensation Cess Rules, 2017 [Updated as on date]
  • Index of all GST Forms along with their utility under GST
  • Index of all GST Council Meetings
Scratch the coupon code given in the Book to download the following:
  1. All Annexures Referred in All Chapter(s): This QR folder includes various annexures that are referred to in different-different chapters. These annexures provide additional information and forms that are essential for understanding and implementing GST provisions effectively.
  2. All Updated Notifications – Tariff and Non-Tariff, Circulars, Orders, and Press Releases (Since July 01, 2017): This folder provides a comprehensive compilation of all relevant notifications issued by the government since the implementation of GST on July 01, 2017. It includes both tariff and non-tariff notifications, circulars, orders, and press releases, ensuring that the reader is fully aware of the regulatory landscape.
  3. All GST Forms under GST [Updated as on date]: This folder contains a detailed list and explanation of all the forms required under GST law. Each form is accompanied by its purpose, applicability, and detailed instructions on how to fill them out, ensuring compliance with the latest regulations.
  4. Available Functionalities on GST Common Portal: The GST Common Portal updates is very important for taxpayers and professionals. This folder provides a detailed guide on all the functionalities available on the portal, including filing returns, claiming refunds, registration processes, and other essential services.
  5. Updated Guidelines and Instructions by CBIC [Updated as on date]: The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) frequently issues guidelines and instructions to clarify GST laws and procedures. This folder compiles all the updated guidelines and instructions, ensuring that readers have access to the most current interpretations of GST laws.
  6. Updated GSTN Press Releases (Since July 01, 2017): The GST Network (GSTN) plays a crucial role in the implementation of GST. This folder compiles all press releases issued by the GSTN since July 01, 2017, providing insights into the developments, updates, and improvements in the GST system.
  7. GST Guidelines and Instructions [Updated as on date]: This folder includes all the latest guidelines and instructions issued by government related to GST. It serves as a comprehensive reference for understanding the implementation and enforcement of GST laws in India.
  8. Goods and Services Tax Settlement of Funds Rules, 2017 [Updated as on date]: This section provides the updated rules related to the settlement of funds under the GST regime. It includes detailed explanations of the rules, amendments.
  9. GST Council Meetings Press Releases along with Minutes and Agenda Notes (from 1st to 53rd): The GST Council plays a pivotal role in shaping GST policy. This section compiles all press releases, minutes, and agenda notes from the GST Council meetings, providing insights into the decision-making process and key policy changes from the 1st to the 53rd meeting.
  10. Detailed Report on 7 Years of GST: This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact and progress of GST over the past seven years. It covers key milestones, challenges, achievements, and future prospects, offering readers a holistic view of how GST has transformed the Indian economy.
  11. Updated GST E-Brochures [Updated as on date]: E-brochures serve as a quick reference for understanding various aspects of GST. This folder includes the latest e-brochures published by the government, covering key topics such as registration, returns, refunds, and other compliance requirements.
  12. Updated Customs E-Brochures [Updated as on date]: For businesses engaged in international trade, understanding customs procedures is crucial. This folder provides the latest e-brochures related to customs regulations, helping readers navigate the complexities of import and export processes under the GST regime.
  13. Handbook of GST Law & Procedures: A detailed handbook that covers the entire spectrum of GST law and procedures which is issued by government. This handbook provides an in-depth analysis of the legal framework, compliance requirements, and procedural aspects of GST, making it an indispensable resource for practitioners.
  14. Handbook for GST Officers: Specifically designed for GST officers, this handbook provides guidance on their roles and responsibilities. It covers topics such as inspection, audit, enforcement, and dispute resolution, equipping officers with the necessary knowledge to perform their duties effectively.
  15. All India GST Audit Manual 2023: This manual is an authoritative guide on the GST audit process. It provides step-by-step instructions for conducting audits, ensuring compliance with the law, and identifying discrepancies.
  16. Handbook on New Foreign Trade Policy 2023: For businesses engaged in international trade, understanding the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) is crucial. This handbook provides a detailed overview of the new FTP 2023, including its impact on exports, imports, and related GST provisions.
  17. E-Commerce Exports Handbook for MSMEs: This handbook is important for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) engaged in e-commerce exports. It provides practical guidance on compliance with GST, customs regulations, and other legal requirements, helping MSMEs navigate the complexities of international trade
  18. Subject Index: An exhaustive subject index is included to help readers quickly locate topics of interest within the book. The index is organized alphabetically, covering all key terms, concepts, and regulations related to GST.

Key Features of the Book

  • Detailed commentary on CGST, SGST, IGST, UTGST and GST Compensation Cess Laws along with the Rules made thereunder to encapsulate the provisions for easy digest
  • Discussion on various domains viz. supply of goods or services inter-state and intra- state, principles of place of supply & time of supply, taxable person, GST ITC, reverse charge, exports and imports, job work, GST rates, TDS, TCS, e-way bill, appeals and revision, demand and recovery, inspection, search, seizure, & arrest, offences, penalties, etc.
  • In-depth analyses of meaning and scope of term ‘supply’, principles of ‘time & place of supply’ with multiple case studies and likely issues with way forward suggestions Analyses and discussion on seam less flow of input tax credit in GST with multiple examples
  • Case studies on various aspects of ‘valuation’ – transaction value, related party transactions, stock transfers, cross charge, etc.
  • Analyses of Exports, Imports and supplies to or by SEZ units/developers in GST along with documentation required vis-a-vis refund mechanism
  • Flowcharts on various rules & procedural aspects of GST-registration, payment, invoice, returns and refund along with guidance & implementation of ‘e-invoicing’ and ‘QR Code’
  • Analyses of various provisions for assessment & audit, demand & recovery and offences & penalties, search, seizure, arrests and compounding of offences along with procedural flowcharts for appeals & revision and advance ruling
  • Detailed commentary on constitution of the GST Appellate Tribunal and Benches thereof
  • Detailed commentary on filing of GSTR-1, GSTR-1A, GSTR-3B, GSTR-4, GSTR-6, GSTR-7, GSTR-8, GSTR-9/9C, GSTR-10 with payment of taxes
  • All updated provisions and rules along with topic wise bifurcation of all departmental clarifications, CBIC FAQs as updated, press releases, circulars, orders, e-fliers, etc. as on date

Author's Name: CA Bimal Jain

Title of Book: GST Law and Commentary with Analysis and Procedures

Edition of Book: Sep-2024

About Author:

CA Bimal Jain

CA Bimal Jain, He is a Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India since May 1994 and Member of Institute of Company Secretaries of India since December 2006 along with a Bachelor’s degree in Law

He has more than 24 years of experience in Indirect Taxation and specializes in all aspects of Service Tax, Value Added Tax (VAT)/ Central Sales Tax (CST), Central Excise, Customs, Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Export Oriented Unit (EOU), Export-Import Laws and well acquainted with the concept and impact of Goods and Services tax (GST).

He has blend of Industry and Consulting experience in renowned Companies viz. LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd, Honda Motorcycle Scooters India Pvt. Ltd, Hindustan Development Corporation Ltd, Khaitan & Company and presently he is the Executive Director of A2Z Taxcorp LLP – a boutique Indirect Tax firm.

Significant Transactions:
  • He has hands-on experience in providing opinion & advisory services, carrying out diagnostic review of business operations, process review, structuring of business model, undertaking litigation services at all appropriate forum including High Court, CESTAT, representation before the TRU/ CBEC/ DGFT, etc. for various matters concerning to trade, industry and commerce
  • He is also a writer of 5 editions of GST book.
Professional Membership:
  • Mentor of Indirect Tax Committee of PHD Chamber of Commerce
  • Chairman of the Corporate Advisory Committee of IPEM Group of Institutions
  • Member of Indirect Tax Committee of ASSOCHAM/ FICCI
  • Special invitee of Indirect Tax Committee of ICAI/ ICSI
  • Member of eminent faculties in Indirect Tax Committee of ICAI/ ICSI/ ICMA
Awards & Recognitions:
  • Keynote Speaker at Guinness World Record made by ICSI in “Largest Taxation Lesson” on GST, attended by 4500+ Participants, breaking the earlier record of Japan
  • Business Leader Award from Amity School, Noida
  • Best Speaker Award from NIRC- ICAI/ ICWAI
  • Young Achievers Award at Igniting Minds, 2015
  • Best Participant Award in MSOP- 117th Batch by ICSI.

If you have any further query feel free to call us at 011-411-70713.

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