Worst part of CA Student's life !

Sanket , Last updated: 28 August 2018  

Not being able to clear those exams!

Giving your best each time and not getting to see the four letters ‘Pass’ on your Marksheet.

Whether you’re in Intermediate or Final, when you work really hard for exams, and you don’t succeed, that’s the worst stage in this course.

Your friends leave. The ones you thought would stand by you, leave you when you need them the most. Some do stay. And those are the ones who, in the end, deserve credit for your success.

Those relatives get a chance to doubt you, and your capabilities. You avoid meeting them, because the first question they ask you is, how were your results? Still couldn’t clear it?

Your parents! They know you’re working hard and so they don’t say anything to you. But they are as much worried as you. They stand by you when it comes to facing the world. But you know, they’re going through it because of you. You know they deserve to feel better. And not being able to make them feel proud tests your patience.

From the day you fail for the first time in CA exams, to the day you finally achieve that tag, that’s the most crucial, heartbreaking and the toughest part of this course.

Believing in yourself when nobody else does, is tough. Knowing that you’re worth it and reminding yourself every day, even when nothing makes sense, is tough.

It’s hard. It’s really hard. For every Non-CA student, these are just exams. For CA students, this is the most respected profession in the world. People think all you need is to study and get through it. Only CA students know the mental, emotional, and psychological pressure they go through while having to sit at home and start something again afresh, after having failed in it.

But as they say, hard work pays off. Someday, it will. And that would be the day you’d look back at this period of your life and be glad that you didn’t give up.

The worst times make you the strongest.

Best Wishes for upcoming exams!

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