Why so many fail CA?

v@m$h! , Last updated: 10 January 2011  


  • What is making CA tough?

  • Are the subjects very tough to understand?

  • Does the institute have grudge over students?

  • Is there no professional resource enough to tackle such courses?

If we really introspect such questions, we will come to know what are the reasons for getting failed in exams. Some of the reasons are:-

1. Overvaluing the course: There is no doubt that CA is one of the tough courses. It is not impossible even. Because already there are 200000 people who have Chartered Accountancy Degree with them. Dont value CA exams more than it desires. Consider it as normal exam and do your routine preparation. Think positive and have adequate confidence. Though you see it as a mountain, start climbing from today, one day u will be on the top

2.Undervaluing the course: It affects more than overvaluing the course. It happens because of immense confidence which is higher than required. Generally it is termed as Over-confidence. This is too dangerous and has disastrous affect on career.

3. Coaching Aspects: So many people will be in dilemma whether to go for coaching or do self study. It is up to ones own individual discretion. If u can sit at home and manage studying daily, then u can do self study or otherwise you can go for coaching. Some people need coaching for guidance and clearing their doubts. No doubt how good the coaching institute is self study is necessary. Once you stick with it, dont change your decision. Dont listen to others and alter the decision amidst of coaching and go into turmoil.


4. Articleship Aspects: So many feel that articleship is pure time waste thing and take dummy. But see the practical training is as important as conceptual study. It is just like knowing the game and playing the game. Playing is lot more tougher and harder than knowing the rules of the game


5. Shifting the Courses: So many will shift the course from CA to CS or CWA or leave completely and do a job. Once u have decided to do CA, u should complete it, otherwise u will have an unfinished goal which you may repent later. Dont take many courses at a time unless you are very sure that you can manage all of them.


6. Dont listen/follow to others: Dont blindly follow the suggestions of others. Consider your priorities. Take suggestions from eligible persons and analyze them properly. Dont be misguided.

 Example: - 1. I took CA course because my friend is taking this course.

                  2. I want to go for coaching from that institute as my friend passed CA by opting coaching form the same institute.

7. Learning the Subject: Since it is a professional course, subject should be studied with interest and dedication. Reading should become a habit Enjoy reading every time you get a chance. Be very much practical and enough Conceptual. There are so many articles in this forum regarding the learning part of the subject.

8. Planning the professionDont plan the exams but plan the profession The statement might sound strange but it is real if you can understand the essence of it. Planning the profession means taking care of every aspect of studies (either conceptual or practical), a plan and target to complete exams, finding one or two subjects for practicing it in future (Expert knowledge) etc. Dont procrastinate and stick to your plans.


These are minute things, but everyone should take care of them. This silly thing sometimes act as psychological problems and make us to take harsh decisions.

This is the first time in my life I am attempting to write an article. I think you people will forgive me if they are any errors.






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