Why should you appear for mock tests before sitting for IPCC / CA Final exam?
Everyone must have seen a movie. What comes on the screen is magnificent but let us just give a thought as to what goes behind glorifying the movie on the screen.
Each artist gets his / her part and they prepare for it. But what really helps in glorifying their performance is the rehearsal they do to reach perfection or near to perfection. Similar is the case of CA exams be it IPCC or CA Final.
You decide which books you have to refer, you arrange for the books and all other sources which according to you will help you to conquer the exam.
You prepare for each subject and in a way ready to appear for the exam. Now the only thing left is to do things which will bridge the gap between normal performance and near to perfection performance in exam since by now you know the content of each subject and you are well-versed with it.
Now comes the role of MTP - Mock test papers - prepared by ICAI on similar lines of the main exam.
There are two ways in which you can appear for the mock exams:
- By going to the designated ICAI centre which conducts a mock exam. ICAI charges a nominal fee for that.
- By downloading the same from the website when it's available and appearing for the test from your home.
I would like to highlight the pros and cons of both the options.
If you decide to go to the ICAI centre, first and the foremost thing is you would get a conducive exam like environment. The next best thing is your answer sheet would be checked by ICAI by following same guidelines as followed in the main exam and you would accordingly be awarded marks.
If you decide to take the exam at home, you would save on the traveling time and can appear for the exam at the time you find it convenient. Your answer copy won't be checked and you have to do self-assessment.
What option you choose is totally your discretion hence think properly and choose wisely.
Let's talk about the benefits of appearing in mock tests.
- You would be rehearsing for the main exam in exam like environment hence you would be able to tackle exam fear to some extent.
- You would get an idea of how to make effective use of reading time which is very crucial for any paper.
- You would get to know about your weak areas and could work on those topics to improve and perform well in the main exam.
- Since MTPs are made on similar patterns of the main paper, you would get an idea of choosing the sequence in which you should appear for the exam.
- You would be able to form a better strategy to tackle a paper as you will learn from the mistake you do in the mock test.
I would conclude by saying that there's quite a lot of benefit of appearing in mock tests and I don't find any disadvantage regarding the same hence you should plan your studies in such a way that you make time for mock tests.
Best wishes !!