When Life Hits Rock Bottom

CA Anurag Sharma , Last updated: 12 November 2021  

Life is tough. It's going to test you again and again. At times you see no way out of the mess you are in. You totally feel devastated and there is no one around to understand you.

Just remember one thing, "You can fail and you will fail, but you won't remain a failure if you decide to make a comeback".

I am not some preacher who keeps on giving wisdom, but having gone through what I would say as the toughest times of my life I realized the importance of self awareness, mental health and trust issues. I realized there should be nothing more important for you than yourselves in this life. Tough times come, people whom you trust change colors like anything, fortunes turn overnight and you just cant find a way out. You are desperate to be understood, but the world wont realize the pain you might be going through because mental trauma or pain cant be visible to anyone nor do people have time to listen to you.

When Life Hits Rock Bottom

In these situations, just take your time. Don't rush into things. Try to relax and keep your mind as calm as possible. It becomes difficult at times but it's certainly not impossible.

Visit a psychiatrist or psychologist for help. There is nothing wrong in that.

Its high time that we need to talk about mental health openly and encourage people to talk about it. We are living in the world of competition and we take mental health very casually which then develop into depression or some severe mental illness or suicides.

Try to understand the following points

1. Failure is a part of life but not a whole life. There is nothing wrong in failing. You can easily overcome it by working harder and smarter.

2. Don't plead people to stay in your life. "Loyalty is an expensive gift, don't expect it from cheap people". It's better be without people who are not trustworthy than being with them and getting hurt daily.

3. Give importance to yourself. Be your own best friend. It's your life and take charge of it. Don't let people dictate you about what is right for you. Learn to be accountable for your decisions too. You will make mistakes, but you will learn from it too.


4. Try to be positive though it's difficult at times but only way you can pass through the tough times times is by staying positive in the negative situations. Learn from the mistakes that put you in that situation rather than victimizing yourself.

5. Understand yourself. Make changes in your work ethics if you fail or make changes in your behavior if you feel that's the reason of the mess you are in. Be aware about your strengths and flaws. Work on yourself. If you feel someone cheated you then analyze that why did you allow that person this privilege? Don't trust anyone blindly again.


Good or bad times don't last forever. Things will change if you stay committed to your life and goals. We are just a small piece of this big universe. So don't carry an excess baggage on your shoulders. Learn to ignore things which you cant change. It's not your responsibility. This world is full of imperfect people and the biggest change we can make is making ourselves perfect. 

Take it easy in life and get going.

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CA Anurag Sharma
(CA )
Category Students   Report

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