Vision, Strategy and Action

Vishal Sahjani , Last updated: 26 October 2015  

Vision, Strategy and Actions: The set of success!

On reading vision, the word that may have popped up in your head is sight. But hey, STOP! Though used as synonyms in daily life, there’s a vast difference between vision and sight. Let me show you the difference. Just a plain look at a piece of land is sight, but thinking of building a mega factory on the same piece of land, is vision. Sight is what we humans get since birth and is limited, while vision is something what humans develop over the time, according to their own interests, capability and dreams. Sight is static, vision is dynamic. Sight binds you, while vision liberates you. Sight is present, vision is future.

A very famous saying goes like “Imagination is always better than the reality”. Vision is an idealized picture of the future which has the power to revolutionize things and is the first step towards accomplishing anything. Everything that we plan to do, has a vision at its core based on which goals are set and the course of the actions to be performed for execution of the plan is decided.

Strategy is a rigid follower of vision. If vision is the destination, strategy is the vehicle to drive through the path leading to the destination. The strategy plays a vital role in realization of vision and should be decided in rhythm with the vision.

Actions, an inevitable subset, without a vision are like the arrows shot without a target, they get you nowhere. Only when we have a vision, we tend to decide clearly as to what is to be done, when it is to be done and how it is to be done.

Vision also doubles up as the motivation required to continue trying to achieve the goals and drives the motive of action. In case of a failure, just remembrance of the vision provides the zeal to try one more time and persistence, has always leaded to success.

However impractical it may seem initially, if your vision convinces you, work towards it. There’s a law of attraction functional in the universe which helps you get your vision turned into reality given you trust your vision unconditionally and are willing to do whatever it takes. Most of the greatest inventions, largest businesses set are a result of a vision which seemed impractical and unachievable to other people but the people who had these visions dared to trust their visions and gave the world benchmarks.

If you have a vision, it becomes your duty to work towards the realization of that vision. Initially, you may not succeed or the quantum of success you get isn’t up to the mark, but then, no great achievement was achieved without failures and setbacks. Setbacks are only setups for success. So brace up, work for your vision and get successful!

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Published by

Vishal Sahjani
(Chartered Accountant)
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