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Utilise that 15 minutes effectively....!

CA Madhukiran Reddy , Last updated: 25 April 2011  

Friends in my last article I said that “this is my last article” because I thought that “I shared all Useful information for the May examinees”. But now institute recently said that 15 minutes extra time will be given for reading… I thought of sharing one smaller article on this aspect.

So, coming to directly to the topic

Enter the exam hall by 1.30:

ICAI made an announcement that students are allowed to the examination hall from 1.30 to 2.30.

So, go to the examination hall by 1.30 PM.

Make margins:

Some students are there who have a habit of drawing lines on the both sides of our answer sheets (Even I too have a habit of that). This is not a bad idea but some are there who will draw lines after giving question paper. So, don’t do that. Go for the exam hall at 1.30 PM and draw margins (for good appearance) up to 1.45 PM.

Give a fast looking:

After giving question paper you have a 15 minutes time to read the paper. It is more than enough to look at the paper if you utilize the time properly. So first 5 minutes, give a fast look at the question paper.

Remember that “Fast look does not mean over look”

Mark out the questions which you know perfect:

After one reading, give another reading and mark out the well known questions. These questions which you know well you have to answer first and make sure that you know all the questions in that particular bit.

For Example: you should know a, b, c questions in 1st question or second question.

Because if you start a question no.1, you have to write the entire sub questions a, b, c at one place.

Plan for the next questions:

After marking the questions which you have to write first then go for the questions which you have to write next...

Set a priority, for answering questions.

Make 3 readings:

Thus in that 15 minutes time, make use this time very effectively by giving 3 readings which gives you a better understanding of the questions and reduces the overlooking of questions.

Answer sheet cover page changed:

For this may exam your answer sheet cover page also changed and be familiar with that.

Note that this change of cover page in answer sheets is only for PCC and not for IPCC.


I will conclude this article here…. And please comment if you like this article… ALL THE BEST

Thank you


With regards


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CA Madhukiran Reddy
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