Dear Friends,
I'm receiving many messages and mails reporting certified copies under the RTI was not received even after 30days from the date of filing RTI application and many are worried about the decrease of marks upon suo-motu verification of ICAI. In this article I'll try to address the most common queries raised by the students, before commenting please go through the complete article.
PARAS JAIN, a name to be remembered by each and every student who are accessing certified copies under the RTI, because of his tireless efforts & SC judgement ICSI Vs. Paras Jain today, we are enjoying this benefit today, which not only saves hard earned money of the students but also definitely brings transparency in the evaluation system of the examination body. I'm always indebted for his guidance and timely support.

1. As per the RTI Act, 2005 information must be supplied within 30days, but we didn't receive certified copies under the RTI even after 30days?
Yes, as per the Sec 7(1) of the RTI Act, 2005 the Central Public Information Officer, information must be supplied in any case within thirty days of the receipt of the request. And in includes Sundays and public holidays.
This time, many students are applied for certified copies under the RTI. As on date more than 35,000RTI applications are filed with the ICAI &approx 1,45,000+ answer sheets (35k applications x 4 copies for each student(avg)) are to be carried out suo-motu verification of marks and scanned/uploaded by the ICAI, so there may be a slight delay.
As per the telephonic conversation with the CPIO of the ICAI, wait for 3-5 days if you haven't received copies after 30 days from the date of filing RTI application. And later file First Appeal on RTI portal itself.
Meanwhile, drop a reminder mail to CPIO with your RTI Application number and do follow-up.
2. How to check status of your RTI application?
You can check status of your application at RTI portal. But you are not required to check the same on regular basis as you'll receive an intimation through the SMS & E-mail from the ICAIonce the copies are hosted. And also you'll receive an alert by SMS & on E-mail once the RTI application is disposed of by the ICAI.
3. On which site certified copies will be hosted?
Scanned copies of answer sheets are hosted at either on ICAI Exam portal (or) at
Login credentials will be sent on e-mail.
4. Download your Certified Copies at the Earliest
Certified Copies are available for view/download only for a certain period, generally15daysfrom the date of hosting, after that link will be expired. So, download your copies before the said date.
5. Whether Suo-motu verification of marks will be carried out under the RTI?
Yes, ICAI will carry out suo-motu verification of your answer books under regulation 39(4) of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 and the same is mentioned in the mail.
6. Whether I should apply for Verification of marks at ICAI EXAM portal after making application under the RTI?
You are not required to apply for Verification by paying Rs. 100 per paper (ICAI Process), if you are applying for certified copies under the RTI.
No separate verification fee is payable for this purpose, it will be done at Free of cost in the interest of the students.
7. I have scored 40/ 60/ 200/ 400 marks in paper or group and applied for certified copies under the RTI, whether my marks will be decreased and failed?
As mentioned in the report dated 14th of Feb, 2020 of High-level independent committee of the ICA. Committee noted the EXISITNG PROCESS of verification, in page 49 of para 7.1 it was mentioned that ICAI does not reduce marks, already awarded in the process of verification. And if marks are increased, you'll get an intimation on the mail and revised mark sheet through the speed post.
You can download the report from below link:
8. I have found discrepancy in the copies received under RTI, what should I do?
After receiving the copies, if you find any discrepancy covered under Regulation 39(4), of the Chartered Accountants Regulations 1988, i.e. totalling error(or)
carry forward of marks from inside the answer books to the cover page, (or) any question or sub-part of a question has remained unvalued.
Please note that RE-EXAMINATION/ RE-EVALUATION OF ANSWERS shall not be permitted under any circumstances.
You can report the discrepancies only if the same was covered under regulation 39(4) as mentioned above. You cannot report, if you are not satisfied with the marks awarded even though the same is matching with the suggested answer. Suggested answers meant for academic guidance only, for evaluation separate model solutions will be given to examiner.
You can report the same by way of a letter in writing, indicating the exact discrepancy within 30days from the date of receipt of certified copies, by speed post or registered post.
A proforma of the letter can be downloaded from the below link:
9. I didn't apply for certified copies or verification at ICAI Exam portal by paying prescribed fee and the window was closed, whether I can apply for certified copies under the RTI now?
As per the ICAI regulations, you can apply for certified copies only within 30days from the date of result by paying Rs. 500 per subject for certified copies and Rs. 100 per subject for verification of marks on ICAI Exam portal.
If you haven't applied, you can still make an application under the RTI for certified copies, even though thetime period was over as per the ICAI procedure i.e., 30days from the date of result.
As per the RTI Act, 2005 you can request for information as far as it is available with the public authority. As per ICAI record retention policy, copies answer sheets will be retained for a maximum period of 120 days from the date of declaration of result.
Read the below article if you would like to know the process of making RTI application for certified copies.
Now CA students get Answer Sheet copies at Free of Cost under RTI: SC Orders!
10. If you have further Queries, refer to the FAQ from the below link
FAQ on certified CA exam copies under RTI