We all want to flourish at work and be recognized as a high-performer. Although, many of us put in enough effort towards the goal but at times, the rewards and recognition are just below par.
This article intends to throw light on key pointers one must follow in a corporate environment:
If it doesn’t make you better, it’s not worth doing: "Quit" is the ultimate four-letter word in the business world. Quitting just because something is hard can be a terrible decision, but quitting when something is not helping you improve can actually benefit your career.
Leadership is the art of doing through others: "Leadership is not just getting things done. Rather, it’s the art of getting things done through others." This statement has caused a focused effort to delegate and empower our sub-ordinates to get things done so I can focus elsewhere.
Over-prepare, and then go with the flow: Whether it’s manager’s review, meetings, presentations or anything else associated with job-related duties, over-prepared individuals can relax once they are in the hot seat.
Listen more than you talk: Listening carefully and with real intent is such an important thing. By just listening well, you pick up a lot of what it eventually takes to succeed.
Race your own race: When doing business at all levels, people lose the forest for the trees and get lost in the details. The idea is that you ignore the details of what others are doing, and you do your best based on the objective information at hand.
Self-promote: I know, I do and I show should be the guiding principle.
Write out your plan for the day: Have a list of the things you want to accomplish for the day and prioritize the one or two big-ticket items that are most important. Tackle those first.
Focus on the problem in its simplest form: Focus on the problem in its simplest form, one that you can describe in one sentence. Articulating the problem well is half the solution.
Get things done early on: Focus on identifying specific tasks or objectives you can achieve early on to establish your reputation as someone who gets things done. Be sure to choose a goal that matters to the company and its business objectives.
Stay hungry, stay humble: The key to never faltering is to truly stay motivated and to not get overly confident when things go well.
The author can also be reached at carupesh16@gmail.com and on twitter @Rupesh_Kalantri.