Understanding the Step 1 for CA Final Preparation

Mansi Sharma , Last updated: 07 September 2018  

Now that we are crystal clear on what our aim is and the mind and the subconscious are in sync. What is the next step to achieving my dream? 

Failing to plan, is planning to fail. Really? 

My father at one point had started calling me a member of the Planning Commission of India because all that he ever saw me doing was making a plan. 

I was trying to live my next 3-4 months of exam preparation today.  It was an impossible thing to do.  But all that I had heard from qualified CAs and seniors in the profession convinced me enough that it wasn't a waste of my time.

Each time I made a plan and failed to implement it to the level of perfection, it disturbed me.  But since I had no intention of giving up. 

I made another plan. This time a more detailed elaborate one.  Failed on implementation again.

I made another plan. And the circus went on until exam days went into single digits, giving way to extreme stress and anxiety.  I couldn't quit but I wasn't prepared that well either.  Result failure. 

Next attempt I decided to quit planning completely.  I thought it's clearly not working for me, I should not plan. I will just study. All the time. Focused studies.  After a few days of study, I was lost. If someone asked me the status.  I had no clue how much was done. How much was left?  I felt like a donkey. Working so hard without a goal. But I wasn't ready to fall into the trap of planning phase again.

Since I had read the heading of the topics And I was aware of the basics of each topic, I came up with an idea. 

Planning was a strict no for me.  The advantage that I had since I wasn't studying the syllabus for the first time was familiarity. I used this advantage to create a package for me.

In every subject, I had a few easy topics and a few tough ones.  Since I was aware of the weightage and the format of the question paper, I picked up a 4 subject notebook and made it my Gita.  So from then on, whatever I studied, I quickly summarised it in that book.  I revised that book on an almost daily basis so that even the things I am not strong at, I begin to build my comfort in it. 

I could keep track of my studies. I knew how much was required to be done. I was confident of the status of my preparation.

It might seem cumbersome and tiring for you to make an extra summary book.  But you will end up falling in love with that 1 book. This book will help you sail through. 

Also during preparation, keep those 3 hrs in your mind.  All the practice, habit, understanding, reading skills is being worked hard on for those 3 hrs. If you can give your 150% focus in those 3 hrs where you don't even realize when time flies. Why not that same focus during your preparation? 

Think about these things when you study. 

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Published by

Mansi Sharma
(Statutory Auditor)
Category Students   Report

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