Unable to clear CA Finals in multiple attempts, so what?

Mansi Sharma , Last updated: 08 September 2018  

This article is going to talk about the situations when a CA Final student after having given multiple attempts starts finding other courses attractive.

Whatever I will be mentioning here is personal experience, if you do not relate to it. No worries! You carry on with your life, I will with mine, but for the next 2 minutes of yours stay with me.

Mansi has been an average student from the beginning not because she tried very hard to study and she couldn’t, but simply because she was an all-rounder. Going for swimming lessons, music classes,badminton, participating in all activities that she could has been her upbringing.

So when she was required to give her 100% single minded focus to studies in CA Final, she found it slightly difficult also with a lack of guidance. She missed the golden attempt and her cycle began.

What happened during this cycle was, when she couldn’t clear the exam, she always shifted her attention to..ok, what else can I pursue or do!

She found courses like CS, CWA, MBA, ACCA,IFRS(Dipl.) National Stock Exchange exams, MA Economics, Bank Exams and many more.

She was so fed up of her situation in CA that she thought, Mansi, let us try our hand at other courses. So, she spoke to her parents. They being equally distressed by her situation, were ready to support her for all her choices where she thought she could succeed.

So what did Mansi do. Very gladly made up her mind to Quit CA and pursue MA Economics from IGNOU. She paid the fees, attended the orientation. She also started giving National Stock Exchange Exams which she cleared with an average score of 98%.

Oh! Happy days were here for her. No more sulking and failures. Finally the dark clouds had given way to some light in her life.

 While heading back home from one of her NSE exams she decided to pamper herself, she shopped for clothes, shoes, treated herself with a lavish lunch. Isn’t this all that she ever wanted. Yes!!

The day went by very quickly, next morning when she woke up, she had to start working on her MA Economics assignments. Economics has been her favorite subject since 9th standard, it was what pushed her to take up Commerce in the first place. She gladly opened the books, went through the introduction and came to the technical part of the study. It was difficult and complicated.

She decided to keep it away for a while. Exactly what she used to do when she found any difficult topic in her CA studies.

Next day, she opened the books again, the difficulty hadn’t changed because she hadn’t put any efforts to change it. Within a few days, her happiness started changing to sorrow and distress again.

She decided to reach out to her peers who she had met at the Orientation, turns out, they were waiting for her to finish it off before them, so they could use it as a reference as they weren’t as knowledgeable an experienced as her. Oh! How glad they were to having found her at the orientation. Unfortunately, she couldn’t find any help in them.

She started losing interest in MA Economics, it was just like a rebound relationship one gets into after a break up. She wasn’t really interested in doing MA Economics, all that she was doing was running away from CA.

The stressful days were back as she did not know what to do next.

CA was a roadblock in her mind, which would not let her succeed anywhere, no matter what, is what she thought.

It wasn’t a change of course that she needed.

All that she needed to do was, change her approach to studies. Start having an attitude of facing difficulties and put in efforts to find solutions instead of avoiding the problem and just waiting for things to solve on their own. They don’t. They never have. They never will.

Create a change WITHIN. Externally what happens is not in our control. It never has been. It never will be.

If you wish to grow. Face the difficulty. Stop looking for alternatives. You will face similar levels of difficulties in every course. Time is precious.

If you have time, use it to find a solution to the current problem you are stuck into. Don’t look for other problems with the hope they will be easier. They might be less difficult, but they will not help you grow. And isn’t that what we all wish to do?


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Published by

Mansi Sharma
(Statutory Auditor)
Category Students   Report

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