UAN : Know All About Universal Account Number

CS Lalit Rajput , Last updated: 01 May 2023  

The Universal Account Number (UAN) is a 12-digit unique number assigned to every employee who contributes to the Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) scheme. The UAN serves as a single identification number for an employee's multiple PF accounts across different employers. It is generated by the Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) for every member who contributes to the EPF scheme and remains the same throughout the employee's career, even if they change their job or the organization they work for.

This article summarizes the FAQs released by EPFO on UAN Activation and KYC Compliances.

1. What is the Universal Account Number (UAN)?

Ans. UAN stands for Universal Account Number. UAN is a 12-digit number which is very crucial for each and every member on the EPFO Portal. When a member changes his job the member id also changes. However, with the help of UAN which is provided to each member of EPFO all the PF accounts and member ids can be linked to the UAN of the employee. Thus a member can view the details of all his EPF Accounts. A KYC compliant UAN helps a member to avail online services on the EPFO Portal.

2. How to generate UAN?

How can the employer generate UAN for newly joined employees not having UAN?

1. Login to EPF employer portal using the Establishment ID and password.

2. Select "Register Individual".

3. Go to "Member" section and enter the details of the employee such as PAN, Aadhaar, Bank Details.

4. Approve all details. A new UAN is generated by EPFO and the employer can link the PF account with UAN of the employee


UAN Login: How can an employee generate his UAN on his own on UAN Portal?

1. Visit the unified member portal ''.

2. Click on Direct UAN Allotment by Employees. However, a valid Aadhaar number with registered mobile is required to avail this facility. Further, an Employee has to provide employment details to obtain UAN.

3 UAN Activation on UAN Portal?

Step 1: Visit

Members can activate their UAN numbers only on the official website of EPFO. For all the UAN relates services the members can visit

Step 2: Click on Activate UAN

The option to activate UAN can be accessed under important links available on the right-hand side of the page. Under important links, you can view the option to Activate UAN. Click on Activate UAN and fill the important details for the KYC process.

Step 3: Complete your KYC

After clicking on Activate UAN you will be asked to complete the KYC. The employee will be asked to enter his/her details like UAN, Member ID, Aadhaar number, PAN, Name. Date of Birth, e-mail id, mobile number.

Step 4: Get an authorization PIN

After filing up the captcha code you will have to click on the blue button at the end reading 'Get Authorization Pin.' The Authorization PIN will be sent to your mobile number that has been registered with your UAN.

Step 5: Validate OTP and Activate UAN

The next step is to validate OTP, Enter the PIN received to validate OTP. You will see a disclaimer box and then you can activate your UAN. The employee will receive password details on the registered mobile number. The employee can use his/her UAN, password, and captcha details to log in to the EPFO portal.

5. How can a member know his UAN on Portal?

A member can know his UAN as follows:

1. Visit the unified member portal
2. Select Member ID, Aadhaar or PAN and enter details such as name, date of birth, mobile number and e-mail id as per EPFO records
3. Get authorization PIN
4. A Pin will be sent to your mobile number registered with EPFO
5. Enter the Pin and your UAN will be sent to the mobile number

6. How can I seed my KYC details with UAN number?


  • Login to your EPF account at the unified member portal
  • Click on the "KYC" option in the "Manage" section
  • You can select the details (PAN, Bank Account, Aadhar etc) which you want to link with UAN
  • Fill in the requisite fields
  • Now click on the "Save" option
  • Your request will be displayed in "KYC Pending for Approval"
  • Once employer approves the details the message will be changed to "Digitally approved by the employer"
  • Once UIDAI confirms your details, "Verified by UIDAI" is displayed against your Aadhaar.

7. How to check claim Status(UAN)?

Click here to know how check your PF Claim status using UAN

Some FAQs on UAN Login and Activation

1.Can one mobile number be linked with multiple UANs?

Ans. One mobile number can be used for registration with one UAN only.

2. How to activate UAN via offline mode?

Ans. No. UAN registration and activation is done only online.

3. Can contractual employees register their UAN and avail online facilities?

Ans. Both contractual, as well as direct employees, can avail UAN facilities online after registration and activation.

4. In which format I should create my UAN password?

Ans. The password should be alphanumeric, have minimum 1 Special Character and 8-25 character long. Special character are: !@#$%^&*( )

Sample Password : abc@1973

5. What can I do if my UAN is not seeded with Aadhaar?

Ans. Member can himself seed UAN with Aadhaar by visiting member portal. Thereafter the employer must approve the same to complete the linkage. Alternatively, member can ask his employer to link Aadhaar with UAN.

The member can use "e-KYC Portal" under Online Service available on home page of EPFO website or e-KYC service under EPFO in UMANG APP to link his/her UAN with Aadhaar without employer's intervention.

6. Can I change my already seeded Bank account number?

Ans. Yes. The bank account number can be updated any number of times by following the steps mentioned above. However, the bank account details cannot be changed during pendency of any claim with EPFO.

7. What precautions should I take while seeding Bank account number?

Ans. You should seed active bank account to which you are either an individual or joint holder with your spouse. Also ensure that the bank account does not have a deposit cap greater than your withdrawal benefit.

8. I have changed my job. Should I activate my UAN again?

Ans. UAN has to be activated only once. You do not have to re-activate it every time you switch jobs.

9. Do I have to pay any fee for UAN registration?

Ans. No, UAN registration is free of cost and you do not have to pay any fee to activate it.

10. Can I activate UAN through SMS or mobile app?

Ans. You cannot activate UAN through SMS. However, you can activate UAN through Umang App. To download Umang app, please visit google play store.

11. Do I need to upload documents on the EPFO Portal?

Ans. No, you are not required to upload documents on the EPFO Portal. Just the name as per the document and the document number must be specified.

12. What are the minimum details which are required to be linked with UAN for availing online services?

Ans. Mobile, Aadhar and Bank account number.

13. Is linking PAN with UAN beneficial for availing online services?

Ans. Yes, if you link your PAN number with UAN then you can avail tax benefits on EPF withdrawal.

14. My name is same in PAN card and Aadhaar card but I am not able to link it with my UAN.

Ans. The name as per Aadhaar and PAN must be same as that in PF records for KYC to be successfully completed. Please note that the name as printed on PAN card may be different from that in the Income Tax database. In such a case you must enter the name as per IT database to get it successfully linked with UAN. If there is a name mismatch then a name change request can be raised.

15. How to change my UAN linked mobile number?

Ans. After login into the Member Interface of Unified Portal, there is a provision in "Member Profile" section to change your mobile number.

16. What to do if I forgot my password and my registered mobile with UAN has also changed?

Ans. Please click on "Forgot Password" at Member Interface of Unified Portal. Provide your UAN with CAPTCHA. System will ask whether OTP is to be sent on registered mobile or some other mobile. System will ask to enter your basic details (Name, DOB and Gender). After successful matching of basic details system will ask to provide your Aadhar or PAN. If KYC details are matched system will ask new mobile number and OTP will be sent to the new mobile. After successful verification of OTP, you can reset your password.

17. What is to be done in case I change the job and join somewhere else?

Ans. You need to simply declare your UAN with your subsequent employer.

18. How can I view/download my UAN card?

Ans. You need to login first with your valid UAN and password. Then go to 'Download' Menu and select an option 'Download UAN Card'. PDF of UAN card can be downloaded.

19.Two UAN allotted to me. What should I do?

Ans. In case two UAN are allotted to you, this could be because of not filling of Date of Exit by your previous employer in ECR filing and / or you have applied for transfer of service in your current establishment.


In such a case, you are suggested to immediately report the matter to your employer and through email to EPFO ( by mentioning, both -your current UAN and your previous UAN(s). After due verification, the previous UAN(s) allotted to you will be blocked and the current UAN will be kept active.

20. My UAN was generated during the initial days of after launch of UAN facility. My employer erroneously linked it with wrong Aadhaar number. How can I correct the same?

Ans. Member has to apply for correction to Regional office of EPFO where his EPF a/c is maintained through submission of joint

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Published by

CS Lalit Rajput
(Company Secretary)
Category Corporate Law   Report



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