Two new Excel tricks

CA Rishabh Pugalia (ExcelNext) , Last updated: 18 June 2013  

Case Study 1:

Visualize ratings of employees

Application Areas:

Feedback/Performance Ratings

Techniques required for Solution: 

Formula =REPT()

[Picture 1]: =REPT() formula repeats specified character(s) the no. of times you specify

Case Study 2: Add Zeroes as pre-fix to raw codes of varying lengths so to make all 5-digit code

Application Areas: Data migration, Data cleaning

Techniques required for Solution:  Formula =REPT(), &, =LEN()

[Picture 1]: Input vs. Target Output

[Picture 2]: Find no. of zeroes to be added using the logic =5-LEN (length of existing codes)

[Picture 3]: Repeat zeroes the no. of times as specified by previous step and concatenate (join) using “&” to the raw codes (input)

• CA. Rishabh Pugalia’s other popular articles on Excel tricks at – Click Here

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