True story of CA student

sachin , Last updated: 16 July 2012  

Hi Friends, this is Sachin.

This is my first article on life journey of a CA student before CA Inter.

This article is based true story.

I have joined CA course in July 2006 after completion of  my degree in Small town (a small city in Belgaum district) under the instruction of my elder brother and I was doing M.Com simultaneously in Shivaji university, Kolhapur. I gave my first CA attempt in May, 2007 (PE-2 Group-2) in Belgaum exam centre. Before giving exam  I had some understanding that CA was a difficult course and it is not possible to clear in first attempt and because of that understanding I studied only 2 subject in 9 month (studied not regularly) i.e., Costing and FM and Income tax. When I entered exam hall, I was scared about my first paper Costing. I got costing question paper- It was very easy, however I wrote all the answers but all were wrongly written, then, I got confidence in second paper- Income tax I wrote Income tax well and third paper I did not study so I just attempted the paper and written what I learn in B.com and left exam hall after 1 hour.  Results were declared in the month of July end. I scored 41 marks in costing, 62 marks in Income tax and 19 marks in Information Technology. I got exemption in Income tax and I was happy at that time though CA course is difficult I got exemption but at the same time I received call from home which was from my brother, he started shouting at me saying that “you failed” and asked so many questions- “why you did not study properly for Information Technology, what you did in 9 month study period? Also you did not help father in agriculture, you just wasted time and money.  And so on”. I became sad.

Again I received call from home at night. He said forget whatever happened and now you start studying and I will send the exam form, fill it properly and send it. I replied ok. And in second attempt I cleared PE-2 2nd group by scoring 62 in costing and 48 in Information Technology.

Third attempt I did not clear 1st group. Then brother suggested to join the Accounts classes in Kolhapur about 40 km from my city and joined. After 4th attempt of PE-2 1st group, I did not have any practical knowledge so I planned to join any Audit firm. I searched in many CA firms but most of them replied,”currently we do not have vacancies or ok you can join I will pay Rs 900/- PM” but my expectation was atleast Rs 1,500/- PM to cover my lodging expenses in Kolhapur. I tried almost 30 audit firms then I returned back to my city and start helping my father and mother in agriculture work. I worked in agriculture for 1 month. Because of continuous hard work I got fever. (Still now I can’t forget that 1 month continuous work). 4th attempt results was declared and again I failed in aggregate and brother blamed me and so on. One thing I want to mention that my parents never shouted/blamed at me or on my brother for failing in CA exam because they are illiterate and my mother asked me many times after results, “If you are not interested or you find it unable/difficult to pass the exam then leave it don’t take tension, we have land and cattle, you will look after that and let your brother do CA”.

Then I told my brother I won’t quit I will take one more attempt I will pass this time. Then I left my native place and went to Belgaum for study purpose, one of my classmate helped me to stay in his room free of cost. I got 4 months for study because of CA exam was postponed for 1 month because of Elections. I studied well and attend the exam. After exam I planned to work under CA then I got as paid assistant in ABC, CA audit firm near to CA institute, Again CA results were to be declared on …… day. Institute postponed it to…..day. Again they postponed to Sunday at 12PM. In the morning I went to temple (Mandir, Lord Shiva) and I asked God please pass me, and told the lord “I will do this and that for you” and so on. I was pressing again and again F5 key in internet cafe. Again the institute announced results will be declared at 5 PM. At 5 PM institute announced that results will be declared at 6 AM morning. I could not sleep at night because that was my last attempt (as I told to my brother). I was staying in first floor. At 6 AM I went to second floor and knocked the door saying “Jagadish (who is my brother’s friend and he is having internet connection in his room) So again I started pressing F5 key. Still 7.30 AM results not declared. Then there was a power failure and went then I came down. Then At 8 AM I received call from my brother, he told  me that I failed, then for a few seconds  I was silent and replied ok and disconnected the call. At time other 2 roommates are sleeping. I went to balcony and cried. (I failed for first 4 attempts but I did not feel bad/cried because of no proper studies or not prepared well and other reasons). I was very very very sad at that time and still I remember that time. (I can’t forget that day).

Again I received a call from my Home- first my parents spoke with me and my brother was not ready to talk with me but after being forced from my mother, brother took the phone and started scolding me in Marathi and Kannada languages and told that do not call me and I will not call you and was not interested in speaking with you (for at least 2.5 month neither I called my brother nor he did) I called once but he has rejected the call.

I did not go for work on Monday, next day morning I went directly to office and told that I needed 2 months of leave for studies. He approved my leave letter immediately but scolded saying you do not have common sense. (i.e, Monday you did not go to client place, did not inform also, now you asking direct leave from today and so on). Afterwards, I realised that I made mistake.

Again I filled PE-2 application form immediately and started studying. Finally I cleared PE-2 in 6th attempt. (i.e., I received call from my brother saying that I cleared PE-2). Then again we started talking each other.

That happiness lasted for atleast 6 months from results.

Hence, after all the battle with life, I came out successfully. Therefore;

I want to give some important tips to face the battle.

a. Please avoid mobile phone during study time (i.e., means use simple mobiles without any features like Internet facility, Touch screen (big screen) to watch movies etc.)

b. Do plan every day for studies (I planned many times but I couldn’t follow) Please follow that plan.

c. During study time I saw 5-6 movies in film theatres with my CA friends. (in last attempt). Though I cleared, please do not do this.

d. Computer and TV- I was addicted to that. Avoid this strictly.

e. Group discussion with 2-3 people is good. But it has disadvantages also. Please ensure that you are wasting time in such situation and you’re sitting with interested people.

Battle continues.

Thank you.

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