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Tips to score maximum marks of your ability

Vinay Raja , Last updated: 02 December 2010  

All these suggestions are made focusing on those 4 hours of your examwhere every minute counts!! You have to reproduce all the knowledge you learnt during few months in just 4 hours.



This December attempt is that last of its kind as pass percentage pattern is going to change. So I thought if this could help few people in getting the best out them in a better way.



In the examination hall


  • Be there 30 min before.
  • Have three sharpened pencils readily, dont let your productive time spilt over sharpening them.
  • Have a bunch of lavangas or whichever you feel comfortable like chocolates in your mouth, the juice extracted from it keeps your brain active and pleasant relieving you from stress.
  • When you get the question paper, dont hurry buryly look at me, place it on the table and have a self talk (closing your eyes and concentrating on your mind saying I CAN DO IT I CAN DO IT), this raises your confidence level to the optimum.
  • If you feel that paper is tough, dont feel bad because every one in the hall has same question paper and its tough for everybody. And dont for get that you got a second session too to score.
  • Take the subject which you are better on first, I took M.law, a good start eases you from stress.
  • Time is not a constraint in CPT, but to be on safe side before exam divide time for each subject as you feel appropriate (I had 2/3rd for FA and 1/3rd for M.Law) and see whether you are on time now and then.
  • After you complete a subject, dont enter into the other immediately, have a break for say 30 sec, this will relax your mind and gets your mind out of accounts book and makes you ready for other topic.
  • Every time you answer, first point out the question number in OMR sheet and then dark the answer against it, I have seen few of my friends yelling to me that they had left a question and in the OMR darkened the next ones answer on it and it went on like that.
  • I got a technique which I followed in CPT exam and still repenting on it. My senior told me that, first attempt all the questions you damn sure of and if it crosses say 120 leave the remaining, you will get passed, if you attempt the other questions it may give adverse effect because of negative marking. I followed it and still repent why I had left the others. So think twice and act wise.





On the exam day


  • Wakeup early in the morning, before you start doing anything practice warm up and stretching exercises like say surya namaskar(This helps your body and mind stay fresh through out the day)
  • Have a healthy diet, dont go for any oily foods, it disturbs you in the examination hall like idli. Refer Sans article on best brain food before exams.
  • Dont drink more fluids before exam, it makes you search for bathrooms in the exam centre while others are productively writing their exams.


On the day before exam


  • Dont be studious this one day isnt  going to change your few moths study, so enjoy the day have fun with friends look around the city if you are new, this helps you to get adjusted with the atmosphere of city, I suggest you to go and look around your exam centre a day before.
  • Keep yourself a self-exam on the same time as of exam time on this before day and take the exam seriously creating exam hall conditions (dont worry if you got failed in this exam because this isnt any real question paper, its just a practice). This helps your subconscious mind to get habituate to exam conditions on that exact time. For IPCC I followed this mantra from a week, and it really helped me.
  • Use the calculator vigorously, because this gonna cost you if you dont have a grip over the calculator, it easy time and if time is bad may result you in a wrong answer.
  • Have a fruit at night along with curd, purifies your digestive system.
  • Read the instructions back on the hall ticket.




Things you need to carry


  • hall ticket
  • black ball pen
  • 3 pencils(sharpened)
  • Eraser and sharpener
  • Calculator( a 12 digit one is generally preferred)
  • Watch
  • Pad


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Vinay Raja
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