Tips for students to clear CA Exam(old syllabus) : Part3

Vidhyashankar , Last updated: 11 June 2009  

Dear All,

Let me continue with Group 1.

1. Advanced accounting/accountancy(now called Financial reporting): The best book to follow here is Padhuka's notes.It has beautiful steps and illustrations and latest uptodate exam papers and rtp.You dotn need to buy anything further with this.If you couple this with Gurukripa classes, it is an excellent affair.

2.Vijaykumar's notes are also good(but one should attend his classes). I would not prepare purely from his notes.

3.V.K.Saxena(Sultan Chand) for CA Final advanced is also good.

(TS Grewal and Guptha and Radhaswamy,etc are all average.Once upon a time, TS Grewal Books was like God to many CA students but they failed to keep up with the exam pace and changes and so it is a staid book now.However, it cna be kept for extra reference.)

One of the three above books is good enough.

If someone is studying on his/her own for the exam

Then one can follow this plan:

1. Buy Padhukas, finish that atleast 2 times.

2. Finish all problems from Study material(RTP,Compiler,etc all come in Padhukas so no need to buy that extra and do it)

3. Finish theory portion.

4. Keep VK Saxena or one other book like Grewal only for reference(in case you have something fishy or difficult to understand then open this book and see it.This is better than chit-chatting with stupid good-for-nothing friends and trying to clarify or becoming frightened to ask a busy professor after his or her class)

5. Practice from exam point of view, dont do a Phd in accounting!


If someone is preparing from under a coaching class(not the stupid Institute coaching, which is a waste of time and money and only if you are lucky, you can learn something from there):

1. Then too buy Padhukas and do the above plan apart from conceptual understanding from the coaching institute.

2. Finish Study material including theory.

You will get like me more than 80% if you do thus.


MAFA(Strategic management):People say there is no single book for this course.This is true to some extent.However, it is a waste of time to go behind thousand and one books.Some say, "Oh for Bond valuation, I used this book.For portfolio management I used this book,etc"This is all pure unintelligent moves.

My plan irrespective of whether you have attended coaching or not

1. Buy Padhukas--all rtp questions,past exam questions are covered and stepwise solutions are beautifully laid out.

2. Buy one additional book like Snowwhite publications Pattabhi and Bala(or Sridharan book)

3. Also buy one additional book of an advanced level like Horngren or brearly Meyers.

Use 1 extensively.For ease of conceptual understanding use 2.If you like the subject and need more clarification and understanding one can then go to 3(Horngren or the like).Most of the time, even 1 would do without even going to 2.

Theoryis very important for MAFA/Strategic management.Read it from study material.Im not mentioning RTPs or compilers because Padhukas takes care of it.

Other books like Khan and Jain,Prasanna Chandra,etc are also good.



Study material and Padhukas is more than enough.

(Infact, Study material is enough but then Padhukas contains RTPs,Past exam questions,presentation for exam,etc and also one text for auditing is also boring and it is a good idea to have one extra referencer).

There are other books for auditing and all are good but dont go by that alone.Study materail very surprisingly is very good for this subject!!(Rain might fall! haha!)



Study material plus Padhukas here too.

(Same as above)

ND Kapoor is also good, extra points are given.

Anantharaman book is a waste of time as far as CA exam is concerned.

Srikanth(prime academy) classes and book is also good.

But I think too much is over-kill for this subject and this subject like auditing can be studied at home.No need to waste precious time attending classes for these two subjects unless one is really paranoid about the subject.


For all the subjects Scanner is a good investment as it gives a birds eye view of what to concentrate and not concentrate.Now, by not concentrating I mean qhich to prepare later and not which to leave.

Many students peruse Scanner to just leave subjects or questions.This is not a correct approach as sometimes,the same questions can be repeated.

It is to be used for judicious selection and preparation and not for rejection.



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