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Tips for CA students

CA.ViVeK M ACA , Last updated: 26 March 2009  

My discussion here dealt withCA course preparation and presentation. My articles deals what is the realproblemof a ca student , how mentally prepared for facing the challenges and finally how to handle the CAexam effectively and defiantly.
Phase I How tomentally be prepared for the CA course.
First problems with most of the CA student is a change over problem.....
If any student coming out from Graduation and enteres in to CA, they requires some time to settle in to their fled....Some problems were how to study..........which book to follow...........Etc.....Up to that time almost of great time will be over ........
If new student went to coaching alsojust limited to the coaching version and they were just like a spoon feed baby...........
The candidate undergoing article ship may not find sufficient time to study their Portion is also other threat.........They hardly get a lesser number of leave and no time to undergo the study..............
Repeated failures would result to destruction of our confident..................
How to overcome...............
1.Mental preparation
Please be understand the course is itself is tough in nature so the fresher be mentally be raised to the level of CA course....You should never be limit to your coaching classes or B.com.Think it is a tough but achievvable target for you........In short please raise according to your opportunity................
2.Self anaysis
It consist of evaluating yourself your strength and weakness in studies.... Some were very hard working than others, some otheres were strength in theory but some others were good command on the problems.....some were averages......
3.Pay more attention on weaker subject...
After self analsysi pay more time effort to weaker subject......Go consulting your doubt .... Go for the best coaching.........
4.Proper planing
It consist of systematic and logical alocation for your studies. Do pay more careful for your planing.......Divide the subject in smallest managable part and go ahead.....
5. Dedicate to studies
This is very critical.... study to be effient if you devote your soul and body exclusvely to CA... forget other occupations.....
Find atleast 6to 8 produtive study hours for articled student inculding their coaching and 12 to 15 hours for non articlestudent......You may be gradualy in the track........
6.Periodic revisons
Evaluate periodicaly that where you stand interms of studies and improvement you have achieve...............How to improve..... If you commit more corrections then more you will improve..............Commit mistake .......correct and improve................
7.Kep away from negatives
8.write exam according to your strength and weakness....
Start all subject in first pahse.......But before six month if you feel command on any one group then give more focuz on that and less focuz on other....
9.Keeping good notes.....
This is very critical.... For theory papers..... It adds your creativity also..............
10.Three round studies before exam.......
You have to cover three round of studies before exam........
11.confidence in writing.....
Take the exam as battle ... if you attack the exam with whaterver you know you will susceed. If you not know also but attempting also yu can suceed.
Lack of confidence and over confidence is too dangeroues......But their is only needed the self confidence............
Following a wrong method of studied and sticking with the same method is a great Disater
Phase II How to handle CA exam smoothly
We all knew that the CA exam is itself is competitive. The exam is a game of 3 hours. The way in which we approaching the exam will lead you the success or failure. You may be studied harder but not able to produce any result. So managing the CA exam is a skill.
The day before exam.
The day before exam is very critical, do visit to any temple near to you. Be cool and relaxed and sleep well. Proper sleeping will make you to revise unconsciously what you have revised. Arrange your tool kit for the exam.
Find time to revise quickly
You must find time to revise the portion quickly. So, if you have the habit of making notes it will reduce your tension to revise the lesson. If there is no notes with you then you have to turn the entire book, It increase your hypertension and poor performance
For problem papers, please go to scanner you can get which problem is very important and which problems are less important. You should focus the important problems.
The Day of examination.
Please re look in to your tool kit and confirm .Please enter half an hour before exam and sit your seat. Please find the time yourself to settledown.Please write your roll numbers and ready for the exam .When you receiving the question papers just find the time to read the whole question papers.
Confidence in exam is a key
But the confidence is the key, If you tense, then you will forget whatever you have studied. Keep in mind that we will attack the exam than surrender. Take the exam as a battle between you and the ICAI. So do or die.
Approaches for tight papers of CA
When you receiving the toughest paper, Start writing the question you know well. If you not able to complete the question, stop that point and skip to other knowing question and so on and so froth. But never loose the confidence with you. Keep on writing .After half an hour you will defiantly on track.
Presentation is a great tools
While writing the exam care to be taken not to cut and paste from the module. It is not the right way to write the exam. You should convey the lesson in your way to the examiner. This is called presentation. You should give a maximum time to each question. That is called the Time management.
Dont discuss after the exam
After completing the exam even if it is toughest dont discuss with any body. Prepare for the next day exam. Each exam shall be unique chance.
Dont eat junk food
FOR CA Student club.
Vivek M

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