Decoding some useful tips on Time Management

CA Dhiraj Ramchandani , Last updated: 01 May 2021  



Hello friends, hope everyone doing is fine. These days, I’m going through GMCS, and trust me, it’s one of the most useful tools to improve your overall personality and develop upon your communication skills. So whenever anyone joins the same, do pay proper attention, never avoid any sessions.


Now, this article has got some useful tips (as per me) for managing our time. All this I learnt is in GMCS, and may be I may mention my experience in between. So, lets begin with.





Friends, generally, we often complain that we don’t have time or else we always say that we are very busy. Many of us don’t attain social functions, don’t go on outing with our friends (those are not studying CA), don’t enjoy many movies or not upgraded with general knowledge of the world. If a CA student is asked about a section or clause, he’ll answer it in frequently, but if the same person is asked about INDIA – SA match score or any movie review, he’ll say he’s no time to deal with all that stuff.


So, what is time, and how much one needs the same to deal with all the situations and surroundings? Our madam, during conducting this session asked us “what is time management or are we suppose to manage the time in real?” One boy answered correctly, “We are not suppose to manage the time, but our activities as per available time.” And ofcoarse he was correct.


Time is not running away or has stopped for anyone. Time is passing on its own in its own speed. Its we, who have to understand this and manage our activities to complete our them by the time. For e.g. let’s say, if my exams are in MAY’11, and I don’t start my studies now but in MARCH, so I would feel lack of time for preparations. But in actual, I had sufficient time to prepare for, but I did not bothered or concentrated on some other work at present, so I felt lack of time at end.


That means, it’s only us who can very well manage our time-activities and can get our job done on time everytime. It does not help us completing our tasks on time, but also reduces our stress, or else everyone overhere knows the conditions on 31/07 and 30/09, the D-Dates.





Friends, when we actually manage ourself and do our jobs on time, we are indirectly managing the time. We are not letting time dominates us, but we dominate it by getting perfect. Now let’s consider some aspects that can help us in managing the time in actual sense:




To get best results, one needs to utilize every second of his life. The moment you think of sitting idle, that very moment you assure wasting your time by not doing any productive work. Once the time is wasted, it never returns, rather it also affects your available time.


For e.g.: The moment you think of delaying your studies, that very moment you compromise with your revision time. As at end, you will be preparing everything for first time, there will be no time for revision. So, utilize the available time in best way.




The most important thing is to know what you want to do in upcoming days. Friends, generally, we know that what our upcoming tasks. So it is necessary that we list them down in our notes, so that we can remain aware of allocating time to each activity.


We need to prioritize our to-do activities and move ahead in that order only, otherwise we will neither be able to finish our on-hand job nor can we start another pending job to do.


For e.g. : In exam, we get 180 minutes to solve questions containing 100 marks in total. So, it is very necessary that on an average, we should complete any question containing 10 marks in just 18 minutes. If we don’t bother for time, and go on solving one question for 20-25 minutes, it will hinder us at end. We feel that the paper was lengthy.




Many a times, it does happen that because of our sub-conscious mind, we remember some important work all & sudden, but its not possible to do that work at that point of time. So, do have a habit of keeping a pen & paper with you always.


Now a days, mobile is so much multi-tasking that you can also note down anything you remember. You can also put that on your calendar or reminder list or in NOTES. So that if your mind clicks something in brain, than note it down on piece of paper and perform that job as soon as you get the time.


If you don’t follow such activities, you’ll end up in rush and stress on you. Because, many a times it does happen that we forget to do anything important or not important on time.




Most of don’t do this. We know that there are still 5 months to go for MAY attempt, but hardly anyone will think to get serious for studies from now onwards. One will just start with studies without realizing or considering the fact that how much time he should allot to one subject.


It is very necessary to analyze the available time and at the same time analyzing the time-consumption of any activity. So that one can budget his/her available time accordingly.


If someone refers accounts for 2 months, solving each and every question in FINALS, than that person can never complete preparation of a single group even. Because, accounts is suppose to be prepared within a month or maximum by 40 days.




It’s a human nature or we can say that it’s a human tendency to do unproductive things first and than concentrating on important matters later. I’m not referring to any particular person or incidence, but it’s a general scenario, because I myself make such blunders a lot of time. Due to such wastage of time or avoidance of available precious time, most important matters are either delayed or remain undone.


For e.g., while we are preparing for any subject, we, most of the times prepare least important topics first because they are easy. The difficult topics that have high chances of being asked in exams, we keep them pending and at the end we regret, either before exams or after exams.




Friends we don’t bother the people who are directly or indirectly disturbing us. They just waste our time, energy, money and various resources and we still don’t realize that. Why can’t we have our privacy? Why is it necessary to attain every person?


While preparing for exams, many a times we get call from our friend or a friend personally visits our place. We don’t realize that how much time we are wasting behind such informal conversations. And then we feel lack of time. It’s better to say “NO” to such calls or restrict such meetings with friends.


We often have get together with either our school or college friends, we should avoid that as well, as our precious time is suffered behind such meetings. Once a while it is fine, but it should not be regular.




The major aspect of all above, is maintaining DISCIPLINE. Discipline in every task you perform, may it be planning, thinking, processing, organizing, executing, etc. any thing you consider as important for saving time, you need to maintain discipline for those things.


If someone maintains discipline in preparing plans but fails in executing the same, than all such preparations fails. So, it should not be end within planning process or organizing for the same. It is necessary to be discipline from you nature and character otherwise it’s very difficult to do everything on the time.


For E.g. : If I misplace my mobile or keep it at some place and forgive, I’ll end up losing high time in searching it. Better option is, I should place my mobile at its regular place at home and should get it from there everyday. This will reduce my mental stress as well.




It is necessary that one should file all his/her projects, ideas, commitments, etc., and revise them constantly.


A system is supposed to be organized, which handles all assignments, promises, and commitments that must be fulfilled at a future date. Then, forget them and only spend time thinking about them when their time comes.




Ø  Reach to the job or office before anyone else or exactly on time. Then do the things you don’t like to do first and finish them off.


Ø  Make appointments and fulfill them on the time, don’t delay otherwise it will again result into lack of time for any other thing.


Ø  A pocket calendar is always preferred, so that one can excess it anytime and completes the job on time. But I think mobile fulfills the requirement of pocket calendar.


Ø  Don’t get confuse or stressed any point of time, because if you do, that will waste your time further.





One may think that above mentioned points are theoretical and not practical. But let me tell you, unless & until you try, everything remains theoretical only. So, rather than just reading it and considering it theoretical, why not to try and implement some of them in practical life?


Hope, this article may have helped lot of you to understand that how can one manage the time by actually managing himself/herself.


Thanks to all of you for appreciating my previous articles, which inspires me always to give my best everytime.






As usual, I would say that the ideas or thoughts mentioned here are purely mine. So if someone disagrees with these suggestions, I can’t help it. Because these tips are very subjective, they differ from person to person and situation to situation. I’ve written what I felt correct, someone may have different ideas for managing the time effectively



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Published by

CA Dhiraj Ramchandani
(CA, M. com)
Category Others   Report

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