Time is free but its priceless!

CA CS CIMA Prakash Somani , Last updated: 28 May 2014  

How many times we might have heard this word but ever we understand the real meaning of it? If your answer is Yes then you are on right path but in case your answer is No then you are inviting trouble! Time is money and you are wasting time, if you are not utilizing it perfectly. Everybody has potential in themselves but there are few who can use those potentials and go extra mile.

“If you value yourself then other’s will value you” so first and foremost respect yourself and then to others. Most of you have been to air journey! The airhostesses while instructing you about safety instructions tells you “please put on your safety mask before helping others”. The same logic applies here as well. If you want to be excel in your life then first bring Excellency and then spread it across. The knowledge is the only thing which increases as you distributes it among others so keep on learning and sharing. Those who will learn from you are like you in some way so make people follow your footsteps.

There are many leaders from corporate, politics, accountancy etc who are far busy but ever you thought how do they manage their time? How do they do things? Someone correctly said “leaders don’t do different things, they do things differently”. That’s where leaders fall apart from common people. They know what they are going to do, how they are going to do and most of the time they can project really well about implications of whatever they do. Once you learn to project perfectly, you can easily decide on your job priorities. “It’s not enough to be busy, it’s more important to know where are you busy”

Priorities are not only important in professional life but also in personal life. Every work demands priority. Your boss has asked you to do few job, you cannot just start working without assigning your priorities to each job. If you can set your priorities well, you can do justice to yourself and your job. The big advantage of setting priorities is that you will have spare time which you can invest in more productive things. KEEP ON EXPERIMENT AND BE READY FOR CHANGE.

Believe me from my personal experience, I have learned that BE READY FOR CHANGE is greatly powerful word. Those who resist change are far behind from success. “They can just grow can’t outgrow”. Their success is limited with organizations growth. “A river has to remain in flow to keep itself clean, so do you” i.e. if river stops flowing, its water will become dirty likewise you have to keep moving in your life and career, once you stop your presence will go unnoticed and your career will get hampered. On the other side, if you accept the changes or bring on changes (for something better) then TIME IS YOUR’S. the best example is “Staff who are employed with a company from years and are accustomed to work in particular manner”. They are not so keen to change their working style and thus can only grow parallel to the organization and falls at bottom of the organization bell curve.

“I have learned that we can do anything, but we can't do everything” so keep yourself updated about your surroundings, make a good friend circle (Include me too in your friends list J), talk less and meaningful, make one person happy in your life, set your definite priorities, follow your ideal and bring a change….

Lastly one of my favorite most quote “Live life in a way that once you  look back you feels no regrets”

CA CS Prakash Somani

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CA CS CIMA Prakash Somani
(Landmark Group)
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