Third Group of CA Exam!

Sarthak Goyal , Last updated: 07 November 2013  

We all study Accounts, Law, Audit, Cost, DT, IDT, SFM and ISCA. But why is it so that only handful are able to pass them? Some say, my DT is weak, I cant understand the concepts of SFM or some blame it on ISCA or Audit. But do you really think Accounts, Cost, Audit, Law, Tax are the subjects what makes you a Chartered Accountant?

Whenever you see results, you only see marks of Group 1 and Group 2. But there is another, the third group which you need to qualify for. Its the group whose exams are not limited to 3 hours, but continue throughout your life as future Chartered Accountants.

Like the other two group, you have four subjects in this group also with compulsion to pass all four. Lets take a look at these subjects and their content.

Subject 1: Capability

Objective: To determine whether you have the ability to achieve your goal.

Content of the subject:

Past performance- Performance in school /college level determines your capabilities. If you have not been able to perform at those levels, then you need to buck up and improve your capabilities.

Clarity over fundamentals-  For those who only study for marks and do not believe in understanding the concepts at its core, its a tough road for you ahead. A person having basics of the subject clear is surely more capable than "muggers".

Learnings from Articleship- The hours that one puts in in his articleship plays a very significant role in mental grooming - making you a lot more mature and capable of handling pressure. A dummy only makes you lethargic and less hard working.

Grasp over language-  Its not about English language or the language of law, its about conveying what you actually wants to convey. Knowing how to answer is as important as knowing the answer and this capability can get you those extra marks.

Intelligence Level- Every human being has his/her strong and weak points which influences their capability. Their are people who are called "born" intelligent, but then there are those who have to make themselves intelligent.

Subject 2: Hard Work

Objective: To check how much you can put it to achieve your goal

Achieving your targets-  For achieving any goal, its necessary to set small targets and then making sure that you achieve them, no matter how much hard work you have to put in.

Regularity/Time- Its not your college or school exams where you needed to put hardwork only during exams. One is required to work hard on continuous basis and in a regular manner.

Going in Depth- Its CA exam,  and you are expected to know everything in detail. Whatever you study, study in depth. No mugging up, not to consider any topic irrelevant and to obtain full understanding of each and every topic.

Smart Work- With hard work, its necessary to put the smart work. But beware of the thin line between smart and over smart.

Subject 3: Determination

Objective: To see how far you can go to achieve your goal

Content of the Subject:

The last attempt- There is always a next time. If you are preparing with this thought in mind, better give it the next time. Be determined to clear the exams in this attempt only. There is no second time of clearing it in first attempt.

No Excuses- You will get thousands of reason for not studying- from facebook to whatsapp to family functions to family burdens. But this subject does not recognize any excuse. If you have to, then you have to. This is it.

No shortcuts- This is the tough chapter. If I leave this one, still I can make up 50. Let me just go through it quickly, its not that important. If you are doing it like this, then such shortcuts are going to make long cuts in your marks. In CA, each and every thing is important. Dont take shortcut. Always prepare for getting 100 marks!

Stamina- Your body, your mind will give up. You will reach a saturation point. Each cell of your body say, no more please. And this is the time where most of us give up. But don't. Because this is also the point where victory is only few steps away.

Subject 4: Luck

Objective: To make you aware about harsh reality of life

There are no subject. Nothing here. There can be circumstances where you have prepared the above 3 subjects, but sill can not make it. At such times, don't lose hope! Luck can be against you once, but trust me, it will be with you next time. And never forget, harder you work luckier you become!

Capability, Hard work and Determination- these three are in your hands. Don't be less than 100 in these three.

For the 4th one, I will say, All the Best! :-)

About Writer:

The writer has cleared his CA Final Exam in May 2013 and is a blogger @ www.sarthakg.wordpress.com

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Published by

Sarthak Goyal
(Practicing Chartered Accountant, partner at Shiv & Associates)
Category Students   Report

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