The Way To Answer The Case Law

CA Madhukiran Reddy , Last updated: 15 April 2011  

Friends, previously in our exams ICAI use to give “direct question in company law and auditing” like “Explain the main characteristics of the Company?” But now the question paper pattern is totally changed…

Now ICAI is giving all practical questions to test the knowledge of the students… For the previous pattern all of us can mugs up the answers and can pass the exam. But now you have to perfect with the concept to clear the exams.

Also the main reason to write this article is many of our friends contacted me on this topic. Exams are reaching near, how to attempt case study?

I saw many students who know the concept well but unable to present in the exam. Many of my friends in this club also asked me how to present Case study.

So, this article is towards the students who are lacking in presentation aspects in case study.


Let us directly come to the point:

The first and most requirements understand the case.

I also mentioned in some of my previous articles on this topic in brief…


The Way to Answer the Case study:

It’s not a big issue to answer the case study, only four steps required to give better presentation.


1.     Facts of the case

2.     Sections for the case

3.     Explanation to the case and

4.     Conclusion.


That’s it. If you follow these steps you can cope up with presentation aspects for given case study.


1.  Facts of the Case:

In this stage you have to explain the case study which is given to you. Just express what you are thinking about the case. Like this “Mr.X and Mr.Y entered into a contract and Mr. Y doesn’t fulfill he words which he was given at the time of entering into contract”



2.  Sections for the Case:

This is very crucial aspect most of our friends will quote some sections which are not related to the topic given and they loose marks. Try to write the sections and case laws (if applicable) to the given case study. Also don’t quote the wrong sections if you are not perfect with the sections. Then leave it…

Remember “For not quoting of sections you will not loose even a single mark, its just add up to the presentation and creates the best impression in the minds of valuator, but wrong quoting of sections will make you to loose marks”

If you know the sections and case laws perfectly then start this point as “According to the Sec.XXX of the Companies act 1956” or “As per the Case law held between Mr.X and Mr.Y “


3.  Explanation to the case:

Now give what is your explanation to the case.. Here Explanation means possibilities or chances that Mr.X can do in that situation and do give your opinion there itself.


4.  Conclusion:

Here is the final stage, you have to give the conclusion in this stage i.e., what is your decision to the given case…

Also start conclusion in this way “In my opinion Mr.X “


These are the stages required to give a better presentation in exams for case study questions….

Many of our friends use to give direct their opinion first…. This is not advisable to do… and this will create negative impression in the valuator.

So, We will not do the same mistake what others do !!!







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CA Madhukiran Reddy
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