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The Genius....Great

Kumar Purohit , Last updated: 13 January 2017  

"Doing things that is impossible for normal being if done is talent, doing things which are impossible for talent if done then that is Genius".

Here comes a question in mind that how a genius looks alike? What's his identity? Geniuses are also born with eyes, hands, legs etc. same as that of normal human being. But what makes them different from others is the qualities, ethical and moral values imbibed within them etc., a few minutes of association with them makes us feel and helps us to know that this person is not an ordinary one.

It was in 2002 Soccer world cup final, Brazil v/s Germany. Brazilian attack was so powerful that till they reached finals, they succeeded in breaking defense of every opponent teams. On other hand, German defense was so strong that till finals they didn't let opponent team to break their defense. A high voltage game, the greatest sporting event on the planet. Till 1st half its 0-0. In 2nd half Brazilian player Ronaldo running at 4o miles per hour managed to enter the D area from the extreme left of German defense, but he saw that he could not break the defense he passed the ball to Revaldo in middle, all of the German defense moved to the middle, Revaldo saw it's not possible to break the German defense. He used a technique he made a dummy kick, on doing so, all the German defenders turned around to block and it was German wall. And it was the right time Revaldo passed ball to the Ronaldo running at 30 miles per hour and Ronaldo converted that pass into excellent goal. All of the Commentators broke silence and commented "it's a classic act of genius".

It is like we were in the stadium and reviving the memories if any about this final match. Through this very example what I want to share here is why they commented this way, because, in the ground where you have only fraction of seconds to decide, to understand the other player and to act. The decision taken is not possible even for highly talented person; it can only be taken by the one who is born with football in their blood.

Now we move ahead looking at one more genius. There are four grand slam tournaments played in a year, the Australian Open, the French Open, the Wimbledon Open, and the US Open.

Many tennis players are champion at or are used to with clay court or grass court, but the Bjorn Borg is the only player in the history who won the both French Open and Wimbledon Open that too consecutively for five times from 1976 to 1981. French Open is played on red clay court and it's a baseline game, whereas Wimbledon is played on grass court and this is serve and volley game. Also time between two tournaments is a week or two.  The manner in which two Grand Slam opens are to be played is very different. To bring such change in the game in very short span of time, it can be quoted that it is as difficult as to write your 1st paper with right hand and next with the left hand.

Here we shall describe genius as a person who sometimes produces excellent results within less time and with less effort.  Also one who solves very difficult problems with casual undertaking and produces high efficiency results.

We might come across a startling question whether the geniuses are born or art of becoming genius can be learned?

John Dryden has said "Genius must be born, and never can be taught", but General Mark Clarke quotes that "contrary to old saying geniuses must be born, the art of becoming genius can be taught and mastered".

I remember the beautiful words of John F. Kennedy describing genius, "exercising the vital energy along the lines of excellence, in a life affording them scope". No doubt everyone in this universe is blessed with the vital energy within, but what makes difference is the manner in which one is exercising that energy.

Genetic Science research says that 75% of the intelligence/genius can be developed and only 25% is hereditary or in born. Hence, geniuses are more by hard work then by hereditary or birth. Thus, art of becoming genius can be learned, can be taught and can be mastered. There are certain qualities of genius which are described as under.

The first important quality for becoming genius is "Perseverance".

For this quality of genius, I shall mention few words to describe perseverance "you have to carry the extra burden, have to walk the extra miles, and have to face extra danger". It will be wise to mention quote of Late Shri Abdul Kalam that "If you want to shine like Sun, first burn like Sun".

During APJ Kalam's School days, once he was in a hurry, and he stepped into the wrong class, where math teacher was taking class. He glared at Kalam and said "what are you doing in this school if you can't even find your way to right class? You just go back to your village where you came from". Then he caught the cuff of Kalam's neck and caned him in front of the whole class. Kalam felt crushed, he felt terribly homesick at times. But he was determined to make his family proud. And now we can see he has not only made his family proud but he made the whole nation and world to be proud of him. Also he made up his mind to not only good student but the best student, and we can see he is the role model for millions and millions of students.

The second important quality for genius is "Intense work".

The great Heart Surgeon of Indian origin Dr. Valavanur Subramaniam of Lenox Hill Hospital at New York, works for 21 hours a day. One has rightly quoted that "the heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight but they, while their companions were sleeping, they were toiling upwards at night".

The third quality of genius is "Accepting ideas of others".

"If you want to go fast go alone, but if you want to go far go together". And for going together you need to accept, entertain and give value to the ideas and opinions of others with you.

Now let us try to know what is after one has been genius? Let's try to understand it through the following quote, "When the fruit get ripened it's full of taste and ready to be eaten. Like that when the Genius of the person ripens, that person becomes great and not only his association but remembering him gives us a healthy feeling".

For analogy, the person is at the place of tree, the genius of a person is at the place of fruit which is neither ripe nor green; whereas greatness is at the place of ripened fruit. And we very well know the fact that we value or take care of the trees, to get ripened fruit. Likewise, here I will say that we value and respect the person more because of his Greatness than anything else. 

Here I shall mention one such event which took place in the life of Late Shri Abdul Kalam which is enough to prefix the word Great with the name of Kalam. It was June 2015, a month before he left his mortal body. He was in Sarangpur, a small village in Gujarat for launching "Transcendence" the book which is compilation of last of his excellence messages for human beings, in presence of his spiritual master, when he reached the village there was huge crowd, there came a small boy running, the attendant and others tried to stop the boy but Kalam said them "don't stop the boy, these are the first years of his life". After some time an old man tried to reach Kalam, but they stopped him, and he waved his stick, Kalam noticed him he asked what he wants to say, the attendants started to say we are getting late. Kalam said "don't disappoint an old man; these are the last years of his life".

What a noble man he was, no doubt he was a genius, but his genius was ripened and he was ready to be called a great man because he succeeded in imbibing the hidden treasure from the word GENIUS in his life. The word GENIUS hides within a treasure for all of us i.e., you can become Great, if you practice to be Egoless, live with Noble qualities, live with Integrity, Understand others feelings, and remain Simple.

The above event helps us to derive a great message i.e. when one who is genius, and has become great, he has love and friendly feeling for all in his heart, free from prejudices, tries their best for what good or useful they can give to the society, and also their short association makes others feel good.  

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