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tally import data

Ritesh , Last updated: 30 August 2007  

Import TALLY Data / Export TALLY Data Tally allows users to Import data from other software's as well as Export data from Tally to other software's. Tally allows users to Import and Export in ASCII, SDF and XML formats. XML is now the most widely used format of exporting data in the world. Any transactions can be exported from Tally and imported in other software after suitably altering the current structures to accept Tally data structure. The reverse is also possible by writing a small TDL program to accept the data from other software's. The data that is to be imported into Tally can be in either XML or DBF format. Easy Tally data transfer or Tally data migration from Tally 4.5 & Tally 5.4 to Tally 6.3 , Tally 7.2 , etc. ODBC COMPLIANCE ALLOWS OTHER PROGRAMS TO USE DATA FROM TALLY DIRECTLY. E.G. : MS-EXCEL : ODBC - OPEN DATABASE CONNECTIVITY Tally is now ODBC compliant. Hence, any program like MS-Excel, Oracle etc that is ODBC compliant can use data from Tally. Here, data connectivity is dynamic i.e. any new updation in Tally is reflected in other ODBC Compliant Software immediately. Now, with ODBC facility the user can extract data out of Tally and design his own report formats in other ODBC compliant software's. Procedure : Now, Load Company -> specify period -> minimize Tally -> Open a new Excel file -> select data -> select ‘Get External Data' -> select New database query -> choose Data Source Tally connects to data source and displays Tally Wizard query screen -> select the columns you would want to include in the query. Once all the columns are selected, the user returns to excel and excel displays all the columns selected -> Now, select the second worksheet and design reports as per requirements. Graphical Analysis of Tally Data Sometimes, pictures can say better than figures. Tally also provides graphical (Bar graph) analysis of data. The user can do a graphical analysis reports like Sales register, Purchase register, Ledgers, Funds flow, Cash flow, Item registers etc. This helps the user in deeper analysis of data. In Tally, a graphical analysis can also show month wise graphs for the year in comparison with any other period. This will help the management in quickly locating the highs and lean periods in a financial year and hence be better prepared for difficult times. Comparison for e.g. Sales Registers (Month wise) : -> Select Display -> Select Account Books -> select Sales Register -> select Alt + C (new column) -> specify previous financial year date and save. Tally shows month wise comparisons. Web Enabled Tally ees 6.3 is now Web enabled. This will help the user in reducing his paper work further. Now, report in Tally can be e-mailed directly from Tally. It is not just reports, but even invoices and purchase orders can also be e-mailed directly from Tally. Hence, the user does not have to send printed invoice or purchase orders from Tally. Procedure : Select any report (e.g. Balance sheet) -> select Alt+M (E-mail) -> specify all details as required by Tally Ability to Publish Reports and Documents on the Internet Now, Tally allows users to upload reports on the web site directly from Tally. So companies that would want to publish reports on the web site can do so directly from Tally. Many companies would also like to publish their price list on their websites along with the product they deal with. Procedure : Select any report (Profit and Loss A/C) -> select Upload (Alt + O) -> specify all details as required by Tally. Direct Internet Access Tally now offers direct Internet access. A Tally user while working on Tally can directly log on to tally website get details of all the facilities offered by Tally. The user can also download the latest releases of Tally 6.3 as and when available. Tally website also offers a facility of Tally Chat. Any user can now chat with a Tally representative and get any information regarding Tally. Procedure : Start Tally -> now, from any screen select Web Browser (Alt+W). Tally now takes you to the Tally Web site. Print Preview Any user would ideally like to view format of reports / Invoices / Vouchers before printing the same. Tally now offers a facility of print preview. Now any report can be viewed before printing or before it is mailed. Once Tally shows the preview the user can either opt to print or mail the same. Protocol Support Protocol Support for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, ODBC, and RAW sockets with data interchange formats like XML, HTMNL, HTML with XML Islands, SOAP, SDF and related formats. Formats : XML : Extensable Markup Language HTML : Hyper Text Markup Langauage SOAP : Simple Object Access Protocol SDF : Standard Data Format Formats, here means the standard for Information to be generated from Tally or from other applications that can exchange data with Tally. Protocol (Transport) : HTTP : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. HTTPS : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (Secure) FTP : File Transfer Protocol SMTP : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ODBC : Open Data Base Connectivity Raw Sockets Transport, here refers to a mechanism by which information (data) can be pushed into Tally or from Tally. Tally Advanced Inventory Management STOCK ITEM CLASSIFICATION AS RAW MATERIAL, WORK IN PROGRESS, FINISHED GOODS As discussed earlier, Tally is flexible and can be used in any business organization. The user can classify stock items as per his requirements. In manufacturing concerns the user will primarily have three broad classifications (Stock Groups) i.e. Raw Materials, Work in Progress, Finished Goods. All items that that are procured to manufacture a particular item is called Raw Material & is grouped under the group ‘Raw Materials’, where as, a product whose shape has changed, but has not reached its finished stage is called Semi-finished item. These items will be grouped under the Group ‘Work-in-Progress’ and any item that is changed its shape / nature completely and reached the final form is called finished Goods and is grouped under ‘Finished goods’ group. The user can also create ledgers with the name Raw Materials, Work-in-Progress and Finished goods under the group Stock-in-Hand. Once the user has de-activated the option ‘Integrate Accounts with Inventory’, based on the Closing balances entered by the user, Tally automatically displays the total of closing balances of all the ledgers grouped under the group Stock-in-Hand. BILL OF MATERIAL WITH AUTO ADJUSTMENTS OF STOCK In many industries, especially assembly units there are number of components involved in the manufacture of finished items. It is extremely difficult to issue stock items each time a product is manufactured. Such situations can be handled in Tally by using Bill of Material. To create a bill of material, create a new item (finished or intermediate product) and specify the components that go in to manufacturing of that finished / intermediate product. Now, using manufacturing journal, specify the quantity of items to be manufactured. Tally immediately selects all items that go in to manufacturing of the finished product and automatically adjusts (decreases) the stock. Any additional manufacturing cost like wages, power, water charges etc, can be added to the value of the manufactured product. How to create Bill of Material ? -> Select Inventory Info -> Select Stock Item -> Select Create -> In items creation screen, select F12 and activate bill of material. -> Specify item name, Unit of Measure and other details and activate Bill of Material for Item. Specify all the items that go in to manufacturing / assembly of the finished product along with quantity. Save screen. How to create Manufacturing Journal ? ->Select Inventory Info -> Select Voucher Types -> Select Create -> Specify name of the Journal (Mfg Journal) -> and other details -> activate the option ‘Use as a Manufacturing Journal’ and save screen. How to enter a manufacturing Journal ? Select Voucher Entry -> select Alt+F7 (Stock Journal) -> Opt for Mfg Journal -> select the finished product which is to be manufactured / assembled -> specify Qty -> Tally automatically picks up all stock items which constitute the finished product and also displays the total cost of components. The user can now add additional cost like Power charges, water charges etc. Tally will displays total additional cost, total effective cost and effective rate for each finished product. JOB-WORKING CONCEPTS - Including Sub-Contracting A Job-worker is one who procures materials from your company, changes its shape and form, converts it into a semi-finished state and returns the material back to you. Tally user can handle Job-Working / Sub-Contract concepts with the help of Locations (warehouses). Each job-worker or each sub-contractor can be equated to a location. The user can use Stock Journals to transfer material from the company warehouse to a Job worker / sub-contractor and back. Hence the user can keep him self informed of the qty of material issued as well as qty of stock items lying with the Job worker. Materials can also be transferred from one Job worker to another, to process the material further before the material comes back to the company warehouse. How to handle Job-working concepts in Tally ? Create each Job worker / Sub-contractor as a Location. -> Activate ‘Maintain multiple locations’ in F11 (features) -> select Inventory Info -> select Locations (Warehouses) -> select Create -> specify the name of the Job-worker / Sub-contractor and save screen. Create any number of job-workers. How does Tally handle Job work process ? Select Voucher Entry -> select Stk Journal (Alt +F7) -> In Source column (left side), select items to be dispatched from company warehouse (Main location) along with the Qty and in the destination column specify same items and mention Job worker (location). Again using Stock Journal shows the movement of materials back after any particular process for e.g., the company can issue raw silk (raw material) to a Job-Worker (Location). The Job-Worker will process the raw silk, convert it to yarn and send Yarn back to the company. ADDITIONAL COST OF MANUFACTURING WITH NOTIONAL VALUE AND PERCENTAGE When a product is manufactured, other than the component cost, there are manufacturing cost like water charges, wages, electricity etc, which will have to be added to the cost of the product. In Tally, the additional cost can be added to the product while entering stock Journals or at the time of entering a manufacturing Journal (use B.O.M). The user can specify additional cost as a % of the component cost or even specify a notional value. Procedure : Select F11 (features) -> activate ‘Track additional cost to purchases’. Now, while entering Stock Journals, select the manufactured item in the destination column (right side of the Stk Journal) and specify qty and value -> Tally, now displays another screen and the user can enter additional cost by specifying % or providing notional value. Tally also allows user to add additional cost by using Manufacturing Journal. REORDER LEVELS It is imperative that Companies maintain sufficient inventory stocks to run their business. Hence many companies would like to maintain reorder levels. Tally offers a facility to maintain reorder levels. The user can define reorder levels as well as Min order quantities for all items. The user can define Reorder levels as well Min order quantities as per his requirements or it can be defined based on the consumption pattern for a given period (i.e. Days, Months, Weeks, Years). Tally provides information on all inventory items that have gone below reorder levels. Procedure : -> Select F11 (features) -> activate Purchase Orders and save screen -> next, select Inventory Info -> select Reorder level -> select All items (or particular groups) -> specify Reorder level and Min order level for each item (levels can also be maintained based on the consumption pattern of the item over a particular period) and save screen. How to view a report ? -> Select Display -> select Statement of Inventory -> select Reorder Status -> select any group or all -> Tally display complete details along with closing balance, Purchase orders pending, Sales order due, Reorder levels Shortfall and also order to be placed -> to view only those items which have gone below reorder levels select Reorder Only (Alt + L). The user can drill down to lower levels of reports from reorder status report, for e.g. the user can drill down to ’Specify Reorder Level’ screen from the Reorder level column in Reorder Status Report. STOCK AGEING ANALYSIS This is another important report, which is useful for the management to know how fast inventory of various stock items are moving. This allows the management to decide the production schedule. This report shows ageing period for each and every stock item. The report by default shows ageing by date of Purchase. But the user can select the style of ageing by selecting the option ‘ Ageing Style’ (i.e. By date of Purchase, By Mfg date, By Expiry Date, To be expired). The user can also change the period of ageing by selecting F6 option. It can also be used with the combination of expiry date for perishable goods and Pharma industry. Procedure : -> select Display -> select Inventory Books -> Ageing Analysis Select F6 option for changing period, Select Alt + S for changing ageing style Select Alt + B for Expired Batches only BATCH RELATED REPORTS Tally provides for batch wise reporting. If the customer looks at the ageing analysis he can view all items with their batches along with their date of Mfg and Expiry date. The user can also get a report of items that have already expired or likely to expire so that he can move them fast by offering discounts etc. The user can also view ageing reports for all batches. Procedure : -> Select Display -> select Inventory Books -> select Ageing analysis -> select any groups or all -> Tally displays all stock items with their batch details, Mfg date and expiry date -> select Expired batches (Alt+B)-> Tally will display only those items have already past their Expiry date. Tally Basic Inventory / Stock Management Stock Category In many cases the user would want to classify Stock items, which perform a similar function or are similar in nature, but are grouped under different Stock Groups (e.g. Groups based on brand). Hence Tally provides a feature called Stock Categories. Stock Categories can be defined as parallel classification of stock items. If you take the example given under Stock Groups, all brands (Sony, Panasonic, Samsung etc) could have 29", 25", 21" TV's. The user could create 29" as a Stock Category. Hence all 29" TV's (across Brands) could come under the classification ‘ 29" TV Category'. Now the user can view reports, which displays 29" TV's only and can also provide his customers with options for other 29" TV brands. If the user wants to query on a particular item he can select Stock Query report for that item and in case of non availability of that item Tally will also display all other items of that category and hence provide his customer with a better choice in terms of product as well as price. Tally also allows users to create multiple levels of Categories. How to create Stock Categories ? -> Select F11 (Features) -> activate Stock Categories and save screen -> select Inventory Info -> select Stock Category -> select Create -> specify name of Category -> specify under which Parent category and save screen. How To View Reports ? -> select Display (from Gateway of Tally) -> select Statement of Inventory -> select Stock Category -> select any particular category. Tally displays all items under the selected Category. Stock Query The Stock Query provides all necessary and relevant information for any Stock Item in a single screen. The stock query report for an item provides information on closing balance, cost price, std price, last sale price, last purchase cost etc. It also provides information on the list of locations (warehouses) were the particular item is stored. The stock query report provides important information of other stock item available in stock for the same category. Hence if a particular item is not available in stock the Tally user can offer his customers other similar products belonging to the same category and hence will be able to serve his customer better. Stock Query report also provides information of other stock items belonging to the same group (activate in F12, configurations). Hence, if a customer wants different types of products (i.e. audio, video, refrigerators etc), which are under the same group (for e.g. under the brand ‘Sony'), then the user can list all products under that particular group. How to view Sock Query Report ? -> Select Display -> select Statement of Inventory -> select Stock Query -> select the req'd stock item. Tally displays information for the selected stock item. Select F4 (Item) to change to another item. Multiple Warehouse / Locations Warehouse a storage place where materials are stored. Hence warehouse could be a locations or even Storage racks. Most companies would maintain warehouses and hence would require Stock statements for individual warehouses. Tally offers its users a feature called Locations (Warehouses). Tally allows its users to create multiple Locations (warehouses) and hence at the time of entering an inventory transaction (sales, purchase, stock Journal etc), Tally allows the user to specify Locations, where stock items are to be stored or dispatched from, For e.g. if the user is entering a purchase transaction, the user will have to specify the Location in which the item will be stored and the same way while entering a sales transaction the user will have to specify the location from which the goods will be issued. Tally also allows users to transfer materials from one location to another. The user can view stock reports for one Location or can compare one location with another Location and can also get a consolidated stock report. The user can also create locations to keep track of job works and Sub-contract i.e. the item issued to and rec'd from Job works. Each Job Work / Sub-Contract can be equated to a location How to create a Location ? -> Select F11 (features) -> activate ‘activate Multiple locations' -> now select Inventory Info -> select Locations -> select Create -> specify Location name and other details and save screen. How to view a report ? -> Select Display -> select Statement of Inventory -> select Locations -> select any Location. Tally displays stock statement for that Location. To compare: Tally allows comparisons of multiple locations -> once the user has selected Location report -> select New Column (Alt + C). Tally now displays locations in columnar format. Alternately the user could select Auto Column (Alt + N)-> select locations -> activate Total Column and save screen. Tally displays all locations in columnar format and also displays total column. Sub Locations: Users can also create Sub-Locations (multiple levels of Locations). While creating sub-location the user has specify location name and the parent Location under which the sub-location has to be created. Tally also allows creation of Virtual Locations. Virtual locations will not allow storage of materials. This is useful when a city has more than one location e.g. a city like Singapore can have locations at Jurong and Tampines. The user would require stock statement for both these locations as well Singapore. In this case Singapore warehouse can be made as virtual location, since Singapore as a warehouse does not exist, but the user can get a stock statement report. This can be done in Tally by creating a warehouse and de-activating the feature ‘Use storage of materials'. Stock Transfers to Warehouses Tally allows transfer of materials from one warehouse to another. Transfer of materials can be done using Stock Journals. Tally also provides facility of voucher classes, which will help in simplifying transfer of materials. Procedure: -> select Voucher Entry -> select Stock journal -> In the source column select stock item and the locations from where they are to be transferred -> again select Stock Item and specify location where it is to be transferred. How to Transfer by using Voucher Classes ? First create a voucher class: -> select Accounts Info or Inventory Info -> select voucher Type -> select Alter ->select the voucher Stk Journal -> come down to class and specify class name (e.g. Location Transfer) -> activate ‘ Use Class for Inter Location Transfers' and save screen. Now select Voucher Entry from ‘Gateway of Tally' -> select Stk Journal -> select class -> now specify destination location and select stock items along with source locations and complete the entry. Multiplestock Valuation Tally handles multiple valuations methods for stock items (E.g. Average Cost, Average price, Last Purchase cost, Last Sales price, FIFO etc). Default valuation methods can be specified at the time of creation of stock items and Tally will automatically displays Stock reports using default Valuations methods. Tally also allows user to view stock reports with different valuation methods. Procedure: Lets assume Stock items are already created. Now select Inventory Info -> select Stock Items -> Alter -> select any item -> select F12 (configuration) -> activate Advanced entries in masters and save screen. -> Specify costing method and save screen. How to view report in different valuation methods: -> select Stock Summary -> Tally displays stock summary based on default valuation methods. Now select New Column (Alt+C) -> specify date range -> specify ‘Methods of Valuation' as per requirements. Tally, now displays stock report based on the valuation option opted for. Batch Wise / Lot Wise - Including Expiry Dates Tally provides Batch wise facilities for stock items. This feature is extremely useful and is used mostly in Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Food Industries and other industries dealing with perishable items. Procedure: -> select F11 (features) -> activate ‘Maintain Batch wise details' -> The user can also activate ‘Set expiry dates for Batches' (if required) and save screen -> select Inventory Info -> select Stock Item -> select Create -> specify Stock item name and other details -> activate ‘Maintain Batches' -> activate Mfg date and expiry dates if needed -> specify opening balance with batch details and save screen. Entering Transactions: While entering purchase entry, select the item and specify batch details along with mfg date and expiry date. How to view reports on Batch details ? -> Select Stock Summary -> select F12 (Config) -> activate ‘Expand all levels in detailed format' and save screen -> select detailed (Alt + F1). Tally displays all stock items along with their batch details. Alternate Units of Measure and Tail Units Different items could have different Units of Measure. Tally allows the users to define any number of units as per his requirements. It is also possible that each item could be transacted in one or more than one units, for e.g. an item (for e.g. Sugar) could be purchased in kgs and sold in packets. Tally allows user to create stock items with alternate units (activate Alternate units in configuration screen of Stock items). Hence Stock items can be maintained in both Main Units as well as Alternate Units. Tally also has a concept called Compound units. Compound unit is a relation between of two simple Units. for e.g. the user could create a unit called ‘Box of 12 Nos'. Tally displays summary of all items in base unit (default). The user can also view Stock Summary report with ‘Tail Units' i.e. if we consider the e.g. above (Box of 12 Nos), here tail unit is nos. Procedure: How to use Alternate Units ? -> select Inventory Info -> select Stock items -> select alter -> select any item for which ‘Alternate Unit' is to be activated -> now select configure (F12) -> activate Alternate Units -> now come down to Alternate Units and specify alternate units -> specify the relation between the two units (e.g. base unit is Nos alternate unit is kgs, now you can specify a relationship ->1 nos = 0.5 kgs) How to view reports ? -> Select Stock Summary -> Select F12 (Configure) -> activate ‘Show using Alternate units' and save screen. Tail Units: select F12 (configure) in Stock Summary -> activate ‘Tail units of compound Units' and save screen. Tally displays compound units of stock items in ‘Tail units'. Sales and Purchase Orders Tally permits users to handle Purchase orders and Sales orders. Based on the information provided Tally generates reports for Purchase order outstanding and Sales order outstanding reports. Purchase orders can be e-mailed or printed and sent to suppliers. Procedure: -> select F11 (features) -> select activate Purchase orders and Sales Orders and save screen. -> now, select Voucher Entry -> select F9 -> opt for P.O. -> select supplier name and related details -> enter Order No. -> select item and enter other details and save Voucher. Likewise, Sales ordes rec'd are enterd in Sales order Voucher screen. How to view reports ? -> Select Display -> select Statement of Inventory -> select Purchase order summary or Sales order summary -> Tally shows Group wise summary. Now, drill down till you get P.O. details. If the user wishes to view orders, which are over due then he selects F7 (Due only) and Tally displays order, which are already overdue for that item. The user can also shift to another item by clicking on F4 (Item). Tracking Through Receipt Notes and Delivery Notes Generally, in any business, invoices are sent along with the goods. But there are cases when goods are dispatched first and invoices are sent later or vice versa. In such cases stocks should not be updated along with accounts. Tally handles such situations with the help of Tracking nos. You can receive / dispatch goods first and receive or send invoices later. You could also receive invoices followed by the material. Receipt notes and delivery notes are Inventory vouchers and hence will not affect accounts. Although these vouchers do not affect accounts they will be displayed in Profit and Loss Statement as a part of Purchases and Sales as Purchase bills to make and Sales bills to make. Procedure: -> activate Tracking nos in F11 features ® select Inventory Info -> select F9 -> select Receipt Notes -> enter Party details -> select item ® now user will have to specify tracking nos -> complete the voucher by specifying all other details. In case of delivery notes select Delivery Notes (F8) after selecting voucher entry -> then follow the same procedure as above. While raising invoices, recall the tracking no specified during the entry of inventory vouchers (Receipt note and Delivery notes). How to view a report ? -> Select Display -> select Statement of Inventory -> select Purchase bills Pending. Here the report will show information on ‘Goods rec'd but purchase bill not rec'd as well as ‘Purchase bill rec'd but goods not rec'd'. REJECTION IN AND REJECTION OUT Materials that are purchased or sold might be returned due to damages or for some other reasons. Tally handles these rejections with the help of Rejection in (for Sales returns) and Rejection out (for Purchase returns) Vouchers. These rejection entries will update inventory stocks immediately. The accounting part is updated by entering Credit Notes for Sales returns and Debit notes for purchase returns. But in some cases the user would like to scrap those materials which are Rejected In (i.e. sales return), in such cases the user can activate the feature ‘Treat all Sales Returned as Scrap' during creation of stock item or by going through Alter mode (for Stock Items) option. Procedure: -> activate Rejection Notes in F11 (features) For Rejection In -> select Voucher Entry from ‘Gateway of Tally' -> select F8 (Rejection In) -> select Party Ledger -> select item which is rejected (sales return) -> Tally displays the list of tracking nos. -> select particular tracking no., enter the qty and complete the transaction. For entering Rejection out select F9 (Rejection out) and continue with the transaction as above. Additional Cost on Purchases : When a purchase is made there are additional expenses like freight, handling charges, taxes etc incurred. These additional charges need to be added to the value of the product. Tally allows the user to add additional cost incurred, to the value of the product during the time of voucher entry or at a later stage. Procedure: There are two methods of adding additional cost on Purchases. Method 1 -> select F11 (features) -> activate ‘Track additional cost of purchase' and save screen -> now, select Voucher entry -> select F9 (purchases) -> enter accounting details. When the user selects purchases, Tally displays list of inventory items -> select item, specify qty, rate, value. Tally now displays another screen, where the user has to specify the additional cost along with the percentage or can specify actual cost. The additional cost is added to the value of the product. Method 2 At times the user would have completed the purchases and would want to add additional cost on purchases at a later. Then follow the procedure below. Firstly create a ledger account -> select Accounts info -> select Ledger -> select Create -> create new ledger, activate ‘Inventory values are affected' and save screen -> select Voucher Entry -> select payments -> select the Ledger account (e.g. Customs Duty, Taxes, freight etc), the cost of which will have to be added to the to the value of stock item purchased -> Tally displays list of stock items -> select stock item and without specifying qty, specify value. Select other stock items and complete the transaction. This entry automatically updates the value of stock item. How To a view report ? If the user wishes to view additional cost for stock items for any purchase, then he can -> select Display -> Inventory Book -> Movement analysis -> select stock item analysis -> Tally displays all parties from whom the item has been purchased with their effective rate-> Drill down further and the user will be able to get information of all purchases with their basic rate, additional cost, total value and effective rate. Movement Analysis For Party wise/ Item wise/ stock group wise : Tally offers another important inventory management tool called Movement Analysis. With this report the user can analyse the movement pattern of materials either Party wise, Group wise, item wise etc. Using this report the user can analyse the price at which each party has supplied a particular item. Movement analysis for Party shows, inward and outward movements of all stocks with effective rate and value for the selected party. Select an item and drill down further and Tally displays transaction wise details along with a separate column for additional cost. Movement analysis of Stock items shows party wise inward and outward movements of stock items with basic rate and effective rate. Select any Party and Drill down further for more analysis Movement analysis of a stock group shows the total inward and outward movement of stock items with their effective rates for that particular group of items. Procedure: -> select Display -> Inventory Books -> select Movement analysis -> select any option as per requirements -> You can drill down further to get more analysis. PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS- Stock Group Wise / Stock Item Wise / Invoice Wise / Location WiseTally automatically calculates gross profit for each and every item based on sale price and consumption cost. Gross profit is the difference in value between sale price and consumption value. Consumption value is calculated based on purchase price. Tally Calculates gross profits for each invoice, stock item, stock group as well as items location wise. Stock group wise: -> select Display -> select Inventory Books -> select Stock Group -> select F7 (Show profits) -> Tally displays sales value, consumption cost, gross profit along with %'s. Stock item wise: -> select Display -> select Inventory Books -> select Stock item -> select F7 (Show Profits) -> Drilldown further to get transaction wise profitability (Only for outward entries). Invoice Wise: -> select Display -> select Inventory Books -> select Sales Register -> select any month -> Tally displays all sales entries -> select F7 (Show profits)- > Tally displays Gross profitability for all sales entries. Location wise: -> select Display -> select Statement of Inventory -> select Locations (Warehouses) -> select any location -> select F7 (Show profits) Price List with Multi Price Levels Tally allows its users to predefine multiple levels of price list. For e.g. the user can define price list for Distributors, Dealers, Retailers etc. While entering the price lists Tally displays the cost price as well as last price (historical data) for that stock item. This simplifies and also eliminates the chances of mistakes during the time of invoice entry. The user can also predefine price levels for party's at the time of creation of ledger accounts. Hence, when the user opts for a particular party during voucher entry, he has to select only stock items and specify the qty. The price is selected automatically based on the levels defined. The user can also upload the price list on his company web site. How to define Price levels? -> Select F11 (features) -> activate ‘ Set / modify other company features' -> activate ‘ Use multiple price levels for Invoicing' specify names of different levels that are to be created and save screen. How to enter price level details? -> Select Inventory Info -> Select Price list -> select any Group or All -> specify rate for all items of the group. The user can specify different rates for different quantities of the same item as well as specify different rate of discount. > save screen. Tally Advanced Financial Management Fund Flow Funds Flow is a statement, which reflects the movement in working capital as well as, Flow due to operations, movement of capital and acquisition and sale of fixed assets. Tally automatically tracks all the transactions entered and readily provides Funds Flow Statement. Procedure: -> select Display -> Cash / Funds Flow -> Funds Flow -> select any month Receivables Turnover (Payment Performance of Debtors) Tally tracks the payment performance of all debtors and hence generates a report where-in the user can get information of average time taken by the debtors to pay back their debts. The payment performance of debtors is calculated in two ways. 1. Using Receivables formula: Tally calculates the payment performance of debtors using the formula which is mentioned below: Payment performance by formula: (closing balance / total sales ) * nos of days. 2. Using actual bill clearance dates: Tally calculates the performance of the debtors using the actual bill cleared date. Procedure: -> Select Ratio Analysis from ‘Gateway of Tally' screen. Select ‘Receivable Turnover in days'. Branch Accounting Tally provides a convenient method of handling Branch accounts. Each branch can handle their individual accounts. If there is any transaction or transfers between branches or offices then the user enters a transaction by debiting the other branch account and at the other branch a reverse entry is made (ie first branch is credited). When these branches are grouped together then there is no net effect on the books is nil. In case there is a difference it can be easily used for branch reconciliation. Eg.Create two branch companies, Branch A and Branch B. Now if funds are transferred from Branch A to Branch B In Branch A's accounts books, Branch B is debited and in Branch B's books, Branch A is credited. Now when the two braches are consolidated there is no net effect on the combined books. * Please note that the Branch accounts needs be created under the group ‘Branch and Divisions'. Flexible Period Accounting Tally is one of the most flexible accounting packages available and this can be illustrated by the fact that Tally can handle multiple periods in a single company. Once a company is created the user can specify any range of dates and obtain reports for that range. These date range can also be across multiple financial years. I.e. the user can get a report for 18 months, 24 months etc. Different countries have different financial periods. Hence if a particular company has its parent company in another nation, which has a different financial year, the user can generate a report as per financial periods of the parent company. Also different years can be used such as fiscal year for taxes, any other internal way e.g. Start of new year on the first day of Chinese new year or calendar new year. Procedure: -> select any Report (e.g. Profit and Loss) -> select Period (F2) -> specify date range and save. Consolidation of Companies Yet another outstanding feature in Tally is its ability to handle Group companies. Tally allows the user to create multiple companies which could be either branch companies or sister concerns. These companies could be grouped together to get consolidated reports so as to enable the management to analyse the performance of the group company. Any changes done in any one of the branch companies, is automatically updated in the group company. At any point of time a new company could be included in the list of companies of a particular group. Tally also allows the user to create multiple levels of group companies. Procedure: -> Create multiple companies and load those companies, which have to be grouped together -> select Company Info (Alt + F3) -> select ‘Create Group Company' ---> specify name of the Group Company and other information's -> select companies that are to be grouped together and save the screen. A group company is automatically created Budgeting and Control Tally provides a wonderful tool to the user to have a control over his business through the feature of budgets. The user can hence compare the actual performance of the company with the budgeted figures and also get a Variance report. The user can define multiple budgets (e.g. Optimistic Budget, Realistic Budget) or even create budgets for different periods. The budget values can be defined for each Group as well as all Ledgers. Procedure: -> select Features (F11) and activate ‘Budgets and Controls' -> now select Accounts Info -> select Budgets -> select Create -> specify name for the budget -> specify the date range for the budget -> activate Groups -> select groups A/c -> assign budget value and save -> activate ledger -> select ledgers and assign budget values and save the screen. To view Budget Reports : select any report (B/S, P/L, T/B etc) -> select new column (Alt + C) -> select period -> select type of Budget -> activate Variance and save screen. Cost Centers / Profit Centers With Multiple Cost Categories Tally provides 18 predefined vouchers and also allows the user to define (create) new accounting/inventory vouchers types as per his/her needs. E.g. the user can further classify Payment Vouchers by creating vouchers by the name Bank Payment and Cash Payment Vouchers. The user can also set the voucher numbering as per his needs, which can be either automatic numbering or manual numbering or have no numbering at all. Further the user can also assign Prefix and Suffix for voucher numbers and numbering can restart either from beginning of the year or month. How to create a new Voucher Type ? ->Select ‘Accounts Info' -> select ‘Voucher Type' -> select ‘create' option -> Now enter the Voucher name, specify the type of voucher, specify the method of numbering, activate or deactivate the other functions as per needs. Cost Category: In many cases the user would like to allocate a transaction to more than one cost Centre. Tally provides a facility called Cost Categories. This facility enables the user to allocate cost to Parallel sets of Cost Centres i.e. the same amount can be allocated to more than one cost center. The same is explained with an example. Create two categories one by the name Projects and another by the name Executives. Now create a Cost Centre called Project A under Cost Category ‘Projects' and also create another Cost Centre called Salesman A under category ‘Executives'. Now enter a transaction, after specifying the amount -> select Category (Project) -> select Cost Centre (Project A) -> next select another Category (Executives) -> select Cost Centre (Salesman A) and complete the transaction. To view reports -> select Display -> select Statement of Accounts -> select Cost Catogories -> select any particular category. Variance Analysis Tally provides complete variance analysis reports. This report provides information of variance of actual figures from the budgeted figures. The user can get a variance analysis report once he has activated Budgeting and Control options. This option hence will help the management in taking critical management related decisions. This will help giving exception reports to management. The drill down feature can be used to go to the voucher level details to understand the problem better. Procedure: -> select Trial Balance / Group statements -> select Budget Variance (Alt + B) -> select type of Budget -> accept the screen. Ratio Analysis Ratio Analysis provides management with reporting tools that can give you the pulse of the corporate health. They convey more useful information than absolute numbers. Tally helps the user in analyzing ratios and performance of the company. The Ratio Analysis report provides information on all major Ratio's and also information's like Operating Cost figures, Return on Working Capitals etc which will help the management in taking critical decisions. This report helps the company provide useful information not only to internal management use but also external agencies such as banks etc. Procedure: -> select Ratio Analysis from ‘Gateway of Tally' Scenario Management, Including Reversing Journals and Optional vouchers Scenario Management is the latest management tool provided in Tally by which the user can create multiple scenarios for the purpose of forecasting or to view provisional reports. This can be done by selectively including certain types of vouchers, which will in no way affect the regular books. The vouchers that are used in Scenario management are 1. Optional Voucher 2. Memorandum Voucher 3. Reversing Journal Procedure: -> select F11 (Feature) -> activate ‘Use Rev. journals and Optional Vouchers -> accept screen -> select Accounts Info -> select Scenarios -> select Create -> specify ‘Name' of the scenario -> activate or deactivate ‘actuals' as per requirements -> specify the type of vouchers to be included (use Exclude options only when you need to exclude voucher types which have been included previously) -> accept the screen To view Scenario -> select any report like B/S, P/L, Cost Centre, Ledgers etc -> select New Column -> Select Scenario -> accept screen. Reversing Journals and Optional vouchers are both non-accounting vouchers and hence will not affect the books of accounts in any manner. The reversing Journal is a separate Voucher Type. This voucher is effective only when called for in reports as a part of the Scenario management. In case of Rev. Journal the user can specify the date till which it is applicable. Procedure: -> Select Voucher Entry -> select F10 -> select Rev. Journal -> complete the transaction and specify the date till which it is applicable. For Optional Vouchers select any Voucher and select ‘Optional (Ctrl + L)'. This Voucher is used when the user has to enter a transaction but has incomplete information or the transaction is not yet completed. This Voucher can be regularized at any time by going into voucher alteration mode and clicking on regular option in the voucher. Tally Basic Financial Management Multiple Companies Tally provides its users the facility for creating and maintaining any number of companies. Hence the user can maintain all his companies / Branch companies as well as his own Personal accounts in Tally. The Tally user can also handle companies concurrently i.e. the user can load more than one company and simultaneously work on all or any of the companies loaded by shuffling between companies as and when required. Tally also allows users to group companies and hence provides a consolidated report for the companies grouped. How to create multiple companies? To create a Company -> select ‘Create' option (in company info menu) -> now, Specify Company Name and other related details. Once one company is created, to create a new company -> Press F3 (Comp Info). Now the user will be able to create another company (follow the above procedure). Once, the user has created more than one company he could load and work on any of the companies that is created. Multi Currency Tally maintains books of accounts in base currency. Tally also allows users to enter transactions in multiple currencies and view reports in any of the currencies that have been created in Tally. The user can thus invoice his foreign customers in their currency as well receive payments in their currency. If there is any forex gain / loss, then it reflects the same immediately in the concerned parties ledger account. The gain or loss hence derived can be transferred to a forex account by using a Journal (use voucher class). The user can also view and print ledger accounts in the currency the transaction has been entered. Tally also allows the user to view & print all reports in any currencies. Procedure: Press Alt+C -> select currency -> specify ‘Rate of Exchange'). Procedure to use Multi Currency: -> Click on features (F11) -> activate Multi Currency -> select ‘Accounts Info' -> Currencies -> Create -> specify Currency symbol and other details required. Then, select ‘Rate of Exchange' -> specify rate (selling and buying rate) for a particular date. Now you can enter a transaction in any currency. Lets illustrate this further with an example Lets assume a sale is made to a Party in U.S. on 1st of April for U$ 100 @ S$2 / US$ (selling rate S$ 2 / US$). The receipt for the same sales is rec'd on 2nd of April @ S$2.5 / US$ (selling rate S$ 2.5 / US$ on 2nd April). Now Tally shows a gain of S$ 50 (base currency), which is displayed in Party ledger. The gain now can be transferred to a forex Gain / Loss A/c using a journal (use voucher class in journal). Multiple Financial Year Tally allows the user to have any number of financial years in one company itself. At the time of creating the company it is only necessary to mention the beginning of the financial year. There after the user is free to maintain accounts for any number of periods e.g. lets assume the user has created a Company starting from 1st of April 2001. Now if he needs to change to the next financial, the user has to select Period (F2), from Gateway of Tally) and specify the date range 1-4-2001 to 31-3-2002 and he can continue with the transactions for the next financial year. Once the user has information for multiple years in a single company he can easily shift between different financial periods by selecting ‘Period' (Alt + F2) option or can view reports for a period which could span multiple financial Years for e.g. the user can view a report which could consist transactions for the second half of the previous financial year and first half the current financial year. Comparison of Data Using Multi-Columanar Reporting Tally allows the facility for comparing information / reports by using the multi-columnar reporting facility. The user can view / compare information for multiple periods (year, month, qtr or user defined period), currencies etc for the same company as well a compare information for two or more companies on the same screen instead of toggling between different periods / companies. This facility of easy comparison of information will help the management do meaningful analysis and will help bring out any exceptions very easily. Option 1 ->Select any report (e.g. Balance Sheet) -> select ‘auto column' (Alt + N) -> select any option (company, yrs, month, qtrly etc) and press enter. Tally now displays comparisons based on the option selected Option 2 -> Select any report (e.g. Balance Sheet) -> select any range of period -> select ‘new column' (Alt + C) ->select company to be compared with (if the user wishes to compare bet'n companies -> specify period. Memo Vouchers This is a non-accounting voucher and the entries made using it will not affect your accounts. That is, Tally does not post these entries to ledgers but stores them in a separate register. You can alter and convert a Memo voucher into a regular voucher when you decide to bring the entry into your books. Memo vouchers are used when the user has to make Suspense Payments or he has to make a transaction for which the user does not have complete information. To enter a Memo Voucher, select ‘Voucher Entry' then press F10 (memo vouchers) and complete the transaction. Memo vouchers can be effectively used when they are included in Scenarios. Entries made through Memo vouchers can be made part of a Scenario management and scenario reports can be viewed by including these memo vouchers. To view a report of all Memo Vouchers -> Select Display ->Exception Reports -> Memorandum Vouchers -> select any month (to view memo vouchers for different periods, click on Date (F2) and specify the date range). Post Dated Vouchers Tally users can use this facility for entering vouchers in advance for future transactions that are definite in nature. The voucher marked as post dated does not affect the books of accounts till the date specified in the voucher. This facility is extremely useful when the user has issued or received post-dated cheques. How to enter a Post dated Voucher? -> select ‘Voucher Entry' in ‘Gateway of Tally' screen -> select any voucher (e.g. Payment F5) -> press Ctrl + T (Post dated Vouchers) complete the transaction and save. How to view Post dated vouchers? -> Select Display -> select Exception Reports -> select Post dated Vouchers. Used Defined Vouchers Tally provides 18 predefined vouchers and also allows the user to define (create) new accounting/inventory vouchers types as per his/her needs. E.g. the user can further classify Payment Vouchers by creating vouchers by the name Bank Payment and Cash Payment Vouchers. The user can also set the voucher numbering as per his needs, which can be either automatic numbering or manual numbering or have no numbering at all. Further the user can also assign Prefix and Suffix for voucher numbers and numbering can restart either from beginning of the year or month. How to create a new Voucher Type? ->Select ‘Accounts Info' -> select ‘Voucher Type' -> select ‘create' option -> Now enter the Voucher name, specify the type of voucher, specify the method of numbering, activate or deactivate the other functions as per needs. Sales and Purchase Extracts Tally gives a facility to get an extract report of the Sales and Purchase register. The extract report gives the user the consolidated figures of all groups as and ledgers for both debit as well as credit side. With this report the user gets the complete Sales Turnover figures for any period as well as complete but consolidated tax return figures which help him in filing his Tax returns. Procedure: -> select Display -> select Accounts Books -> select Sales Register -> select particular month -> press F6 (Extracts). Daily Balances& Transactions Value Tally provides a facility of viewing certain reports (cash books / bank books) and ledgers in daily breakup basis. The user can thus have information for total transaction value for all days as well as closing balances for all days. In the same report the user can also get daily average details as well as high and low details for the month (press F12). Procedure: -> select Display -> select Cash/Bank Books or Ledger -> select particular month -> select F6 (Daily Break Up). -> select F12 (Configuration) -> Activate ‘Show Average Details' and show ‘High / Low Details' -> Tally displays Average details for the month as well as High and Low details for the month. The user can also drill down from this level to voucher level. Cash Flow Tally provides with a cash flow statement using which the user can track the movement of cash flow ie cash inflow as well as cash out flow (both cash & bank included) in his business. The report also displays a net flow for any period. The user can also get a daily cash flow statement (F4). By selecting F12 (configuration) option the user can also activate average details and hence get average cash inflow/out flow for any period. Procedure: -> select Display -> select Cash / Funds Flow -> select Cash Flow -> press F4 (for daily flow). Interest Calculations This is one of the most powerful features available in Tally. Tally automatically calculates interest based on the information furnished by the user at the time of creation of ledgers. The user can now view the impact of interest accumulated against each ledger and in turn against each transaction. Although Tally provides exhaustive information on interest implications, the interest amounts are not brought into books. The user now has the option to book the interest calculated as per his requirements. Interest is calculated on simple and compound basis and can be entered into books by passing debit notes for interest receivables and credit notes for interest payable. Procedure : -> Firstly activate interest calculation (including advanced parameters) for the company by pressing F11 (features). Then, activate the interest calculations option for each specific ledger for which interest has to be calculated. Also specify the % of interest along with the interest style. The user can specify different %'s for different periods. -> Select Ledger from ‘Accounts Info' menu -> Alter -> select any ledger for which interest calculation has to be activated -> set interest calculation to yes -> now provide information regarding ‘rate of interest (%)' and style as per requirements. -> accept the same. Tally automatically calculates interest for ledgers for which interest calculations is activated. To view report, -> select Display -> Statement of Accounts -> Interest Calculations -> select Receivables / Payables or ledger wise. In case the user opts to specify or change the Rate of interest at the time of entering the transaction, then he do so by activating the option ‘Override interest parameters' in Ledger creation mode. Percentage Based Reporting Tally provides % based reporting on all financial statements like Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, Cash Flow, Sales register etc. You can activate the option show %'s by pressing F12 (Configuration) in any report and then view the report on a % basis. For e.g. If the user opts to view Profit and Loss report by activating %'s, then all groups are shown as a % of Sales. Tally accounting software for simple accounting. Complete Booking Tally maintains all Books of accounts starting from records of vouchers, ledgers etc. Tally handles different types of vouchers like Payment, receipt, adjustment entries like Journals, Debit notes, Credit notes, Sales, Purchases, Receipt notes, Delivery notes etc. Tally follows the double entry system of accounting and hence will eliminate any possible errors. Books, Registers and Statement of Accounts a) Books:Tally maintains all the Primary books of accounts like Cashbook, Bank Book. b) Registers :Tally maintains all registers like Purchase Register, Sales Register and Journal Registers. c) Statement of Accounts:Tally maintains all statement of accounts like Balance sheet, Profit and Loss and Trial Balance, Cash Flow, Fund Flow & Stock Statement. General Ledger Tally maintains details of all ledgers that are defined by the user. You can define your chart of accounts i.e. - maintain groups, ledger etc. Ledger reports can be used for scrutiny of accounts. Most accounting systems across the globe follow the concept of separate Personal and Nominal accounts. Tally follows the concept of single ledger systems, which includes both Personal and Nominal accounts. Credit Control (Outstanding Mangement) Including credit Limit A Tally user can maintain ‘Outstanding Reports' along with Age Wise analysis. Credit Limits can be given ‘amount wise' as well as ‘period wise'. Once Credit limits are set for a Party, then the user cannot bill the particular Party beyond the specified limit. Only the authorized user can alter the Credit Limits. This helps to monitor as well as control any potential slow collection and warns about the potential bad debts. To set Credit Limits follow the procedure below : Activate Budgets and controls by pressing F11 (Features) -> Select Accounts Info -> Select Ledger --> Select Credit limits -> Select Group -> Define the limit for each ledger either by Value or Period or Both. Accounts Receivable and Accounts payable Accounts Receivables is the amount to be received from Sundry Debtors and Accounts Payable, the amount to be paid to Sundry Creditors. Tally provides complete bill wise information of amounts receivable as well as payable either Party wise or Group wise. This feature can track bills, payments/receipts including advances one-to-one. How to use this facility? Activate ‘BillWise' details by pressing F11 (Features). Now Create a Party (Ledger A/c) under the group ‘Sundry Debtors' as well as one under group ‘Sundry Creditors', and also activate ‘Maintain balances bill by bill' for all the Parties while you are in Ledger creation mode. Next, select the option ‘Voucher Entry' in ‘Gateway of Tally' -> Select Sales or Purchase Voucher. Now, while entering the transaction, the user can specify a Ref. no with due date for the amount or break it up by giving multiple ref no with different due dates. To view the reports follow the procedure given below. Select ‘Display' (in Gateway of Tally menu) -> Select ‘Statement of Accounts' -> Select ‘Outstandings' -> Select ‘Receivables' (in case you want to see amount due to the company) -> Select any particular group. The report displays bill by bill outstanding for all parties along with the pending amount as well as the due date. In case user wants to see the amount payable by the company then select the option ‘Payable' under the menu ‘Outstandings'. The user, once he has selected either Payables or Receivables can toggle between the two reports by clicking F4 function key. For individual Party wise outstanding: ->Select ‘Ledger' option under ‘Outstandings'. This report gives a bill-by-bill display of all outstandings for the concerned party along with the total outstanding amount. For a display of total outstandings for all parties -> select ‘Group' in the menu ‘Outstandings' and then select any particular group or sub-group. Tally gives Age wise Analysis Reports and hence keeps the user informed for the range of period the bills have been outstanding. The user has the luxury of defining the Ageing periods as per his needs. e.g. 0 to 30 days, 30 to 45 days, 45 to 60 and so on. The procedure for displaying the report is given below. The aging analysis gives flexibility to do ageing by due date or bill date. -> Select ‘Ouststandings' under Display menu -> select ‘Receivables ‘ or ‘Payables' press F5 (age wise) -> select method of ageing -> specify the periods. Flexible Voucher Numbering Tally provides predefined vouchers and also allows the user to define different types of vouchers as per his/her needs. E.g. the user can further classify Payment Vouchers by creating vouchers by the name Bank Payment and Cash Payment Vouchers. The user can also set the voucher numbering as per his needs, which is either automatic numbering or manual numbering or have no numbering at all. Further the user can also assign Prefix and Suffix for voucher numbers and numbering can restart either from beginning of the year or month. How to create a new Voucher Type? Select ‘Accounts Info' -> select ‘Voucher Type' -> select ‘create' option -> Now enter the Voucher name, specify the type of voucher, specify the method of numbering, activate or deactivate the other functions as per needs. Flexible Classification of Accouting Heads / Chart of Accounts Tally allows the user to define account heads as per his requirements. Tally offers 28 predefined widely used Groups. Of these 28 predefined groups 15 groups are Primary groups and the remaining 13 are sub groups. Among the 15 predefined groups 9 Groups are Balance Sheet items and the remaining 6 groups are Profit and Loss items. The user is allowed to alter the nomenclature of any of these 28 Groups. Further the user is allowed to create any number of Groups as per his/her requirements, which can either be a Primary or a Sub-Group. Tally also allows the user to have a multiple tree like structure groupings. This flexibility and ease of configuration allows Tally to be used across industries and geography. E.g. the user can have Continent wise Debtors groupings (i.e. Asia, America, Europe, Africa, Australia) under the Group ‘Sundry Debtors'. The continents can also be further bifurcated into countries and states and so on. Bird,s Eye View / Drill Down Display Tally allows users to Drill Down from any report to lower levels of reports till the voucher. E.g. User can view a Balance sheet and then select the required group in the Balance Sheet and drill down till the vouchers. Any changes then made in the voucher (i.e. if allowed by current security levels), is reflected real time at all levels. Data Based reporting Tally allows users to select any report for a particular date or for any range of dates. Once you have selected a Report, press F2 (F2 in case of Day Book) and specify the date range (From and To). You can also do simultaneous comparison side by side for any two selected periods including across financial years. All reports from Tally are generated based on the transaction date rather than the date of actual entry and hence Tally ensures that information is always represented accurately. This unique approach to bank reconciliation allows review of past date status for auditing purpose. Voucher and Cheque Printing Tally provides the facility to print any voucher that has been entered. The user can print the voucher as soon as he has entered the voucher or even later. Tally also provides cheque printing facility. The cheque can be printed immediately after printing the voucher or can be printed later. To activate Cheque printing option press F11 -> activate ‘Set modify company features' -> enable Cheque printing -> specify bank name (as created in Ledgers) -> Specify dimensions of Cheque. Now while entering Payment Voucher mention the name to be printed on the cheque. Once the voucher is saved Tally prompts the user to print cheque. Columnar Reports Tally provides columnar reports in Sales register, Purchase Register and Journal registers as well as Ledgers and Cash / Bank Books. For Columnar Reports, Select Display -> Accounts Book -> select any of the registers -> Press F5 (Columnar). Bank Reconciliation Tally provides the user a facility to reconcile bank accounts with his bank statement and hence providing the user with information regarding transactions, which haven't been cleared as yet by the bank. For bank reconciliation follow the following procedure: Firstly, while creating “Bank Account” Ledger, specify ‘Effective date of reconciliation' (ie the date from which the user wants to reconcile his bank accounts). Then, Select, -> Display -> Account Books -> Bank Book -> Select the particular ‘Bank' à Select month -> Press F5 (Reconcile). Now enter the date, on which a particular transaction has been cleared. Tally now provides information of balances as per company Books as well as per Bank. Tally - The Best Tally at a glance. Why Tally is the best ? Simplicity Tally is one of the most simple and complete business solutions available in the world. Anybody who has a basic knowledge of accounts or an average knowledge of English can use Tally. It is easy to learn, configure and use Tally. Tally is not a computerized accounting package but is Accounts on computers. Speed A Tally user can get any reports instantaneously for any date / period and can toggle between reports, either accounting or inventory or even from one company to another company instantaneously. The user can also shift across dates in any report without any time loss (i.e.: If one is viewing a daybook for 1st of April he can immediately select 31st of march of the next year and will be able to see the daybook instantaneously for that date). Power Tally has the power to generate management information, which would help the management in taking correct and quick decisions. This in turn would enable faster growth of business. The power of on-line information made available by Tally helps one in keeping his business under complete control. Flexibility Tally is very flexible to use. Tally mimics the human thought process, i.e. Tally can adapt to any business needs rather than the user trying to change the way his business is run to adapt to the package. No Codes Tally was the first accounting package in the world to introduce the No Codes concepts for Accounts. Tally accepts alphanumeric characters for accounts and inventory masters and hence any accounts or stock items can be created and identified by their names. The codeless concept introduced by Tally is now the widely accepted norm across the world today. In case the user wants to use codes, Tally supports that too. Real Time Tally updates all reports (from day book to Balance sheets) as and when the transactions are entered and hence does not need any back end or day/period end process to be done. Online Help Tally provides user-friendly context sensitive online help for the user. Hence a first time Tally user can start using Tally without any training. It also helps the user to do his own configuration as well as use Tally better
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