1. Amendments to Annual return in Form GSTR-9 as per notification no. 56/2019 - Central Tax
SL. NO. |
Reporting post amendment - Optional / Required |
Table 8C |
For FY 2017-18, ITC on inward supplies (other than imports and inward supplies liable to reverse charge but includes services received from SEZs) received during 2017-18 but availed during April, 2018 to March, 2019 |
-- |
Required |
Instruction no. - 2 |
It is mandatory to file all FORM GSTR-1 and FORM GSTR-3B for the financial year for which the return is being filed for before filing this return and for FY 2017-18, the details for the period between July 2017 to March 2018 are to be provided in this return |
-- |
Required |
Instruction no. - 3 |
It may be noted that additional liability for the FY 2017-18 not declared in FORM GSTR-1 and FORM GSTR-3B may be declared in this return. However, taxpayers cannot claim input tax credit unclaimed during FY 2017-18 through this return |
-- |
-- |
Instruction no. - 4I Table 4B, 4C, 4D & 4E |
Aggregate value of credit notes issued in respect of B to B supplies (4B), exports (4C), supplies to SEZs (4D) and deemed exports (4E) shall be declared here. Table 9B of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to fill Table 4B to Table 4E net of credit notes in case there is any difficulty in reporting such details separately in this table. |
Separate reporting of Credit notes is Optional for 2017-18 & 2018-19 Can be directly reported under Table 4B-to-4E |
Required |
Instruction no. - 4I Table 4B, 4C, 4D & 4E |
Aggregate value of debit notes issued in respect of B to B supplies (4B), exports (4C), supplies to SEZs (4D) and deemed exports (4E) shall be declared here. Table 9B of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to fill Table 4B to Table 4E net of debit notes in case there is any difficulty in reporting such details separately in this Table. |
Separate reporting of Debit notes is Optional for 2017-18 & 2018-19 Can be directly reported under Table 4B-to-4E |
Required |
Instruction no. - 4I Table 4A-to-4E |
Details of amendments made to B to B supplies (4B), exports (4C), supplies to SEZs (4D) and deemed exports (4E), credit notes (4I), debit notes (4J) and refund vouchers shall be declared here. Table 9A and Table 9C of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to fill Table 4B to Table 4E net of amendments in case there is any difficulty in reporting such details separately in this table. |
Amendments can be directly reported under Table 4B-to-4E Can be directly reported under Table 4B-to-4E |
Required |
Instruction no - 4K & 4L Table 4K & 4L |
Details of amendments made to B to B supplies (4B), exports (4C), supplies to SEZs (4D) and deemed exports (4E), credit notes (4I), debit notes (4J) and refund vouchers shall be declared here. Table 9A and Table 9C of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to fill Table 4B to Table 4E net of amendments in case there is any difficulty in reporting such details separately in this table |
Amendments can be directly reported under Table 4B-to-4E |
Required |
Instruction no - 5D, 5E & 4F Table 5D, 5E & 4F |
Aggregate value of exempted, Nil Rated and Non-GST supplies shall be declared here. Table 8 of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. The value of no supply shall be declared under Non-GST supply (5F). For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to either separately report his supplies as exempted, nil rated and Non-GST supply or report consolidated information for all these three heads in the "exempted" row only. |
No separate disclosure required. Exempted, Nil rated and Non-GST supply can be shown in aggregate under exempted supply. |
Required |
Table 6B |
Aggregate value of input tax credit availed on all inward supplies except those on which tax is payable on reverse charge basis but includes supply of services received from SEZs shall be declared here. It may be noted that the total ITC availed is to be classified as ITC on inputs, capital goods and input services. Table 4(A)(5) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. This shall not include ITC which was availed, reversed and then reclaimed in the ITC ledger. This is to be declared separately under 6(H) below. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to either report the breakup of input tax credit as inputs, capital goods and input services or report the entire input tax credit under the "inputs" row only. |
No separate disclosure required. Option available to show total ITC under Inputs only. |
Required |
Table 6B |
For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to either report Table 6C and Table 6D separately or report the consolidated details of Table 6C and 6D in Table 6D only |
No separate disclosure required. Option available to show total of ITC on URD and RCM under 6D only. |
Required |
Table 6E |
Details of input tax credit availed on import of goods including supply of goods received from SEZs shall be declared here. It may be noted that the total ITC availed is to be classified as ITC on inputs and capital goods. Table 4(A)(1) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to either report the breakup of input tax credit as inputs and capital goods or report the entire input tax credit under the "inputs" row only." |
No separate disclosure required. Option available to show total under Inputs only. |
Required |
Table 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 7F, 7G and 7H |
Details of input tax credit reversed due to ineligibility or reversals required under rule 37, 39, 42 and 43 of the CGST Rules, 2017 shall be declared here. This column should also contain details of any input tax credit reversed under section 17(5) of the CGST Act, 2017 and details of ineligible transition credit claimed under FORM GST TRAN-I or FORM GST TRAN-II and then subsequently reversed. Table 4(B) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. Any ITC reversed through FORM ITC -03 shall be declared in 7H. If the amount stated in Table 4D of FORM GSTR-3B was not included in table 4A of FORM GSTR-3B, then no entry should be made in table 7E of FORM GSTR-9. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to either fill his information on reversals separately in Table 7A to 7E or report the entire amount of reversal under Table 7H only. However, reversals on account of TRAN-1 credit (Table 7F) and TRAN-2 (Table 7G) are to be mandatorily reported." |
No separate disclosure required. Option to report the entire amount of reversal under Table 7H only |
Required |
Table 8A |
The total credit available for inwards supplies (other than imports and inwards supplies liable to reverse charge but includes services received from SEZs) pertaining to FY 2017-18 the financial year for which the return is being for and reflected in FORM GSTR-2A (table 3 & 5 only) shall be auto-populated in this table. For FY 2018-19, It may be noted that the FORM GSTR-2A generated as on the 1st November, 2019 shall be auto-populated in this table. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to upload the details for the entries in Table 8A to 8D duly signed, in PDF format in FORM GSTR-9C (without the CA certification. This would be the aggregate of all the input tax credit that has been declared by the corresponding suppliers in their FORM GSTR-1. |
-- |
Required |
Table 8B |
The input tax credit as declared in Table 6B and 6H shall be auto-populated here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to upload the details for the entries in Table 8A to 8D duly signed, in PDF format in FORM GSTR-9C (without the CA certification). |
-- |
Required |
Table 8C |
For FY 2017-18, Aggregate value of input tax credit availed on all inward supplies (except those on which tax is payable on reverse charge basis but includes supply of services received from SEZs) received during July 2017 to March 2018 but credit on which was availed between April to September 2018 shall be declared here. For FY 2018-19, Aggregate value of input tax credit availed on all inward supplies (except those on which tax is payable on reverse charge basis but includes supply of services received from SEZs) received during April 2018 to March 2019 but credit on which was availed between April 2019 to September 2019 shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to upload the details for the entries in Table 8A to Table 8D duly signed, in PDF format in FORM GSTR-9C (without the CA certification). Table 4(A)(5) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. |
-- |
Required |
Table 15A, 15B, 15C and 15D |
Aggregate value of refunds claimed, sanctioned, rejected and pending for processing shall be declared here. Refund claimed will be the aggregate value of all the refund claims filed in the financial year and will include refunds which have been sanctioned, rejected or are pending for processing. Refund sanctioned means the aggregate value of all refund sanction orders. Refund pending will be the aggregate amount in all refund application for which acknowledgement has been received and will exclude provisional refunds received. These will not include details of non-GST refund claims. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this Table. |
Option available not to report information under this Table. |
Optional |
Table 15E, 15F and 15G |
Aggregate value of demands of taxes for which an order confirming the demand has been issued by the adjudicating authority shall be declared here. Aggregate value of taxes paid out of the total value of confirmed demand as declared in 15E above shall be declared here. Aggregate value of demands pending recovery out of 15E above shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this Table." shall be inserted. |
Option available not to report information under this Table. |
Optional |
Table 16A |
Aggregate value of supplies received from composition taxpayers shall be declared here. Table 5 of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this Table." shall be inserted. |
Option available not to report information under this Table. |
Optional |
Table 16B |
Aggregate value of all deemed supplies from the principal to the job-worker in terms of sub-section (3) and sub-section (4) of Section 143 of the CGST Act shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this Table." shall be inserted. |
Option available not to report information under this Table. |
Optional |
Table 16C |
Aggregate value of all deemed supplies for goods which were sent on approval basis but were not returned to the principal supplier within one eighty days of such supply shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this Table." shall be inserted. |
Option available not to report information under this Table. |
Optional |
Table 17 & 18 |
Summary of supplies effected and received against a particular HSN code to be reported only in this table. It will be optional for taxpayers having annual turnover upto Rs. 1.50 Cr. It will be mandatory to report HSN code at two digits level for taxpayers having annual turnover in the preceding year above Rs. 1.50 Cr but upto Rs. 5.00 Cr and at four digits' level for taxpayers having annual turnover above Rs. 5.00 Cr. UQC details to be furnished only for supply of goods. Quantity is to be reported net of returns. Table 12 of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up details in Table 17. It may be noted that this summary details are required to be declared only for those inward supplies which in value independently account for 10 % or more of the total value of inward supplies. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this Table." shall be inserted. |
Option available not to report information under this Table. |
Optional |
2. Amendments in Form GSTR-9C as per notification no. 56/2019 - Central Tax
SL. NO. |
Reporting post amendment - Optional / Required |
Table 5B |
Unbilled revenue which was recorded in the books of accounts on the basis of accrual system of accounting in the last financial year and was carried forward to the current financial year shall be declared here. In other words, when GST is payable during the financial year on such revenue (which was recognized earlier), the value of such revenue shall be declared here. (For example, if rupees Ten Crores of unbilled revenue existed for the financial year 2016-17, and during the current financial year, GST was paid on rupees Four Crores of such revenue, then value of rupees Four Crores rupees shall be declared here) For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this table. If there are any adjustments required to be reported then the same may be reported in Table 5O. |
No separate disclosure required. Option to report the information under Table 7O only |
Required |
Table 5C |
Value of all advances for which GST has been paid but the same has not been recognized as revenue in the audited Annual Financial Statement shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this table. If there are any adjustments required to be reported then the same may be reported in Table 5O. |
No separate disclosure required. Option to report the information under Table 7O only |
Required |
Table 5D |
Aggregate value of deemed supplies under Schedule I of the CGST Act, 2017 shall be declared here. Any deemed supply which is already part of the turnover in the audited Annual Financial Statement is not required to be included here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this table. If there are any adjustments required to be reported then the same may be reported in Table 5O. |
No separate disclosure required. Option to report the information under Table 7O only |
Required |
Table 5E |
Aggregate value of credit notes which were issued after 31st of March for any supply accounted in the current financial year but such credit notes were reflected in the annual return (GSTR-9) shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this table. If there are any adjustments required to be reported then the same may be reported in Table 5O. |
No separate disclosure required. Option to report the information under Table 7O only |
Required |
Table 5F |
Trade discounts which are accounted for in the audited Annual Financial Statement but on which GST was leviable (being not permissible) shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this table. If there are any adjustments required to be reported then the same may be reported in Table 5O. |
No separate disclosure required. Option to report the information under Table 7O only |
Required |
Table 5G |
Turnover included in the audited Annual Financial Statement for April 2017 to June 2017 shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this table. If there are any adjustments required to be reported then the same may be reported in Table 5O. |
No separate disclosure required. Option to report the information under Table 7O only |
Required |
Table 5H |
Unbilled revenue which was recorded in the books of accounts on the basis of accrual system of accounting during the current financial year but GST was not payable on such revenue in the same financial year shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this table. If there are any adjustments required to be reported then the same may be reported in Table 5O. |
No separate disclosure required. Option to report the information under Table 7O only |
Required |
Table 5I |
Value of all advances for which GST has not been paid but the same has been recognized as revenue in the audited Annual Financial Statement shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this table. If there are any adjustments required to be reported then the same may be reported in Table 5O. |
No separate disclosure required. Option to report the information under Table 7O only |
Required |
Table 5J |
Aggregate value of credit notes which have been accounted for in the audited Annual Financial Statement but were not admissible under Section 34 of the CGST Act shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this table. If there are any adjustments required to be reported then the same may be reported in Table 5O. |
No separate disclosure required. Option to report the information under Table 7O only |
Required |
Table 5K |
Aggregate value of all goods supplied by SEZs to DTA units for which the DTA units have filed bill of entry shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this table. If there are any adjustments required to be reported then the same may be reported in Table 5O. |
No separate disclosure required. Option to report the information under Table 7O only |
Required |
Table 5L |
There may be cases where registered persons might have opted out of the composition scheme during the current financial year. Their turnover as per the audited Annual Financial Statement would include turnover both as composition taxpayer as well as normal taxpayer. Therefore, the turnover for which GST was paid under the composition scheme shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this table. If there are any adjustments required to be reported then the same may be reported in Table 5O. |
No separate disclosure required. Option to report the information under Table 7O only |
Required |
Table 5M |
There may be cases where the taxable value and the invoice value differ due to valuation principles under section 15 of the CGST Act, 2017 and rules thereunder. Therefore, any difference between the turnover reported in the Annual Return (GSTR 9) and turnover reported in the audited Annual Financial Statement due to difference in valuation of supplies shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this table. If there are any adjustments required to be reported then the same may be reported in Table 5O. |
No separate disclosure required. Option to report the information under Table 7O only |
Required |
Table 5N |
Any difference between the turnover reported in the Annual Return (GSTR9) and turnover reported in the audited Annual Financial Statement due to foreign exchange fluctuations shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this table. If there are any adjustments required to be reported then the same may be reported in Table 5O. |
No separate disclosure required. Option to report the information under Table 7O only |
Required |
Table 12B |
Any ITC which was booked in the audited Annual Financial Statement of earlier financial year(s) but availed in the ITC ledger in the financial year for which the reconciliation statement is being filed for shall be declared here. This shall include transitional credit which was booked in earlier years but availed during Financial Year 2017-18. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this Table. |
Option available not to report information under this Table. |
Optional |
Table 12C |
Any ITC which has been booked in the audited Annual Financial Statement of the current financial year but the same has not been credited to the ITC ledger for the said financial year shall be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this Table. |
Option available not to report information under this Table. |
Optional |
Table 14 |
This table is for reconciliation of ITC declared in the Annual Return (GSTR9) against the expenses booked in the audited Annual Financial Statement or books of account. The various sub-heads specified under this table are general expenses in the audited Annual Financial Statement or books of account on which ITC may or may not be available. Further, this is only an indicative list of heads under which expenses are generally booked. Taxpayers may add or delete any of these heads but all heads of expenses on which GST has been paid / was payable are to be declared here. For FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the registered person shall have an option to not fill this Table. |
Option available not to report information under this Table. |
Optional |
3. Amendments in Certification under Form GSTR-9C as per notification no. 56/2019 - Central Tax
a. Auditor's comment on Cash Flow Statement is required only when the Cash Flow Statement has been prepared.
b.Wording of Auditor's opinion has been substituted to "True and Fair" from "True and Correct".