Success Technique

DASHARATH JADHAV , Last updated: 17 February 2012  

Success is the ultimate achievement of the goal. It does not come easily as there is no short cut to success. A successful person is not born, but is made out due to his 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration. Dedicated hard work is a must to continue untiring effort till the success is achieved. Habit of procrastination will not be of any use and has to be dropped.

The following aspects should be borne in mind to develop the success technique.

1. Aim: It is necessary to fix aim in life, depending upon one’s interest and aptitude. Generally nobody works seriously, unless he has a certain aim.  For example, an ordinary student is never serious about studies during the whole year, but starts studying just prior to final examination since he has an aim just to clear it. If the system of examination is abolished and promotion granted, he may not work at all. Similar is the case when somebody is assigned to deliver a lecture on a certain subject. Necessarily then he will do his homework to prepare the subject well. Otherwise not. Thus putting an aim, rather high one, is so very important for climbing the ladder of success.

2.Enthusiasm: Enthusiasm is also powerful force in life and help to activate the mind to start the work and overcome the difficulties, if they come, by intensifying the enthusiasm. Once started, it behaves like a fly wheel of an engine. If well oiled, and turned once a little, goes on rotating due to momentum. The other wheels then automatically follow suit. In the same way once a powerful mental force of enthusiasm initiates the action, all other remaining things become active and helpful. Enthusiasm has to be associated with eternal and sustained interest in the work to achieve the aim. A man can succeed in almost anything for which he has enthusiasm.

3.Willpower: The most essential contributing factor to attain success is the willpower. It is the power which activates the mind to do what one wants to do. Willpower can be developed by resorting to concentration of mind. Normally the human mind has a tendency to think number of things while doing something. By concentration of mind, you will be able to achieve miraculous results. The story of Arjuna in Mahabharat, who was able to see only the eye of the bird in the archery competition is well known. Eklavya, who was denied admission by Guru Dronacharya had achieved mastery over even Arjuna simply by concentration, consequent willpower and hard work.

Self denial of favorite things, as also observing fasts helps to promote will power. Gandhiji, often employed technique of fasting for self purification and concentration.

4.Sharpening of the faculties:

a) Observation: God has given us two eyes by which, we are able to see third dimension i.e.  depth. We do see, but may not observe. Seeing and observing are two different things. Seeing with a depth can perhaps be nearer to observation a faculty necessary for a leader, power of observation can be developed by practice. Whenever you are out for a walk or work, observe various things, trees, shops, buildings with their names, landmark, special features etc.

b) Concentration and listening: Importance of concentration needs no emphasis. Often we see that sometimes we are absent minded, thinking of something else in mind during the network, classroom, meeting or even play due to valid or invalid reason. During the interview, examination, the question is not grasped fully due to lack of concentration. The result is obvious. Keen listening is an art which can be developed. While listening, body language is quit important. Eye contact with the talker, slight forward learning posture, and occasional nods of the head will encourage the talker and get the impression that you really want to listen and learn.

c) Communication skill/Commentary: Whenever any message is to be conveyed to other person, sufficient details in exact and least words are necessary. The importance of communicating exactly whatever is in the mind of the conveyor cannot therefore be overlooked. Communication skill comes by practice.

d) Commentary: Many of you are conversant with cricket commentary and some of you are able to give cricket commentary, which  is comparatively slower than that of any other fast game viz football, hockey, basketball etc. I suggest that you also try to give commentary of a game being watched on TV screen, a bazaar scene, busy road, a procession, a function, a fair etc. giving all details so that the listener should get exact picture of the events that are taking place. Further, you may sit on a scooter as a pillion rider or in a car and start giving commentary of the moving scene. Remember, however, to do this in a whispering level so as not to disturb the driver of the vehicle.           

5)Duty and Hard work: A few words about life’s philosophy will not be out of place. During Mahabharat war, Lord Krishna’s advice to Arjuna on the battle-field regarding his duty is quite important to be studied. The emphasis is on the “duty without expectation of a return benefit” “Work for the work’s sake and not for the sakes of its fruit. Leave that to God. You will then be free from worry” says Lord Krishana to Arjun. It thus follows that fruits, you will get, but the quality will depend on the quality of your work.

6)Positive thinking: It is said that whatever you think yourself, you will be. If you think yourself strong, strong you will be. The man, who wins, is the man who thinks he can. You, therefore have to develop positive attitude towards every assignment. There is a famous story of a potter named Shatakarni. He every time played a role of a king, declaring that he was the king. He sat on a branch of a “Shal” tree to deliver the judgements and always called the branch as his vehicle. Thus born the famous Shalivahan and was crowned as king in 78AD. Shalivahan shaka is known after him.

This was the power of positive thinking. It does miracles. It can change defect into success, by treating the defeat as temporary setback and putting more efforts.   

Do not be carried away by negative forces that surround you, for these have been existing from the past and will continue to exist in future also. You have to steer clearly through them using your positive attitude.

A few suggestions to develop positive thinking:

1.Think always of your positive assets and try to forget your weaknesses and failures.

2. Whenever anybody meets you and tasks you as to how you feel, use always cheerful, positive words such as ‘very fine’ wonderful, great etc.

3. Wish others, describe them by favourable words, and comment positively about them. Everybody likes to be praised by others. So use it in plenty for others. 

4. Use positive words during your conversation, such as encouraging, hopeful, promising victory.

5. Drop negative words / phrases from your conversation such as “if”, “cannot”, “impossible” “problem” “fear” “do not” “miss” “fail” “but” etc.

6. Do not criticize unnecessarily every time. Rational, justified and occasional criticism is okay.         

7. Confidence: If one is confident of oneself, successes not far from him. Confidence can be built by aiming small and short term tasks and shot term tasks and achieving success in them. However, there is one factor of fear, which may cause lack of confidence. Many types of fear exist such as fear of failure, fear of facing the people, fear of competition, fear of unknown etc. This fear complex has to be removed in the first instance Action is the best remedy for this.

To acquire confidence is to make a practice of public speaking. It is an art which can be achieved by sheer practice. Grab every opportunity to make yourself in a group. Since voice plays an important part to make your speech influential, richness of your voice is necessary and for that diaphramic breathing is recommended. Practise diaphramic breathing regularly. 

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