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Success is not a matter of choice!

CS Advocate Abhishek Goyal , Last updated: 07 April 2022  

Success is a duty, an obligation and not a matter of choice certainly for all of us have a fundamental right to attain greatness in our precious lives. Make no mistake about that! 

It is true that we as humans don't have a choice as to the world in which we are born but we certainly have a choice to make our world of success. Being comfortable and cozy for the rest of our lives and leading a pretty average-looking life is definitely one choice but to be passionate, on the move, pushing self inculcated boundaries is certainly a better choice.

We have been told to earn a pretty ok kind of living and be satisfied with that for the rest of our lives particularly when we come from a humble background. Become a professional like CA, CS, doctor, lawyer get established and make a decent living and that's it! nothing more than that!

Success is not a matter of choice

The people who make a difference in their as well as other people's lives are visionaries. They look beyond their boundaries and set very high standards. They are never going to feel comfortable, they keep taking enormous actions, keep improving, and keep exploring all the time. That's why they are remembered as people who have attained greatness in their lives.

Why would you choose to become an average person with a decent-looking life? Why don't consider success as our duty, our obligation rather than a choice? Life is happening in this very moment. And we have been given only one opportunity to make it count. Being successful is our right being humans and each one of us has our own talent and caliber in one way or the other to convert it into grand success.

Yes, success or transformation is not easy, it's a long process. You have to cut down on your comfort level, do things that you otherwise don't like to do or procrastinate, get rid of your old bad habits, and get rid of your mental blocks which have prevented you from achieving what you really are capable of, for so long! But the process of transformation is certainly worth it. 


To taste the ultimate fruit of success, you must undergo the process of transformation. And for that to happen firstly you must believe that you too can break the barriers and reach great heights in whatever you set your mind to do. Secondly, you must believe that you owe a duty towards yourself and your dependents to be successful and it's not a matter of choice.

and then, most importantly prepare yourself to embrace challenges, take massive actions instead of average actions and prioritize your bid to attain success over the pretty time-wasting activities that you invariably indulge in our everyday lives knowingly or unknowingly. Keep improving all the time, keep learning as learning is a lifelong process. Keep on adding new skills to your repertoire and keep getting better and better.

And last not the least enjoy the journey! So what are you waiting for, see you soon at the top of your endeavours!

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CS Advocate Abhishek Goyal
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