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Strategy for CA Exams last 50 days

AKSHAY , Last updated: 08 April 2019  

About 50 days are left for the CA Exams. Many students panic during this time because they are unable to remember what they have read recently or they are not sure whether they can present it on the paper as expected.

In whichever stage you are in, you just have to believe that you are studying in the right way. That belief alone will lift you up in this crucial time.

Here are some points I want to highlight the most,

1. Don't compare yourself with others. Your study strategy, Reference Books, Timing of study must be as per YOUR convenience. You don't have to mimic someone. Everyone has there own experiences. You don't have to get manipulated by their thoughts. Believe in your study style till the end of the exam.

2. You can utilize your time better by preparing your own voice clips. Just summarize the chapters in 10-15 mins on your phone recorder. So that you can hear them when you commute to some place or just before sleep. When you listen something repeatedly, it automatically gets into your mind and it will really help you to have an edge over others.

3. Remember, there is limited time left for the exam and you should strictly study only from the books you were referring earlier. Don't go after any new study books at this stage. This will consume your time as each book has its own pros and cons and you don't have much time left to familiarize yourself with those new books.

4. Primary preference should be given to CA Institute Study Material, Mock Tests, RTPs. These are some books which one cannot afford to ignore.

5. Theoretical subjects like Audit and Law are like nightmares for most of the students. I would suggest that you read and repeat as much as possible. Don't forget to scribble the answer on rough pages. "Practicing by Writing" is the most effective strategy for theoretical subjects.

These were some points from my side. I hope it will be helpful for you all. 

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