Stay calm and super focused on studies

CA Kaival Shah , Last updated: 26 March 2018  

The very crucial point that we all need to understand is that we NEVER fail in life, it is only that we LEARN from experiences.

Failing is exam is just the equivalent to playing games wherein sometimes you Exam win and sometimes other party wins. NOW all that matters is how you FIGHT BACK to achieve your dreams. Once you make a determination to achieve you goal believe me NO on could ever stop you.

I had dreamt to become CA at 21 and I worked for it for continuous 4 years of my life and I achieved it.

Now to coming to HOW can we stay 'CALM' and 'FOCUSED' all the time?

This 2 words together reminds would surely remind ALL of us - The one and only one man - MS Dhoni!

All we need to do is simply learn from these great people!

MS Said: 'I focus on process rather than result'' #Pro-Hack

Now here is the entire theory starts. The moment while we are preparing for our exams the only thing that should come in our mind should be the 'Continuous Improvement” towards our goal. Don't run behind Success but make YOURSELF as Success run behind you.

  • NEVER compare yourself with with your peers. The only person you should try to be better than is who you were yesterday.
  • Going to Temple and Praying EVERYDAY (even for 5 minutes) is basically the most essential element to be Clam. The Aura and the Positivity of such places are just incredible. I having been pursuing these practice since last 7 years and I could surely guarantee you the CHANGE.
  • Make your Study Schedules and Keep following them consistently. In this 21st century you just cannot achieve your goals without a proper STUDY PLANS. Make Daily, Weekly & Monthly goals! As soon as you Start achieving it, you yourself if stay MORE & MORE FOCUSED. You would start to realize that you are very nearer to your destination.

So that was all from side to share on 'Becoming Super-calm & Super-Focused while preparing for your Exams'

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Published by

CA Kaival Shah
(22, C.A.)
Category Students   Report

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