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Sparsh: Life Lessons Express #1

CS Advocate Abhishek Goyal , Last updated: 14 July 2021  

Life is an unsolved puzzle. Here, everything is so uncertain.

 जो आप चाहते है वो अक्सर होता नही, जो होता है वो आप चाहते नही.

Sometimes you may feel as if nothing is controllable in your hands. To a certain extent, it is true as life unfolds its own mysterical puzzles, unexpected twists and turns which you have never expected sometimes even in your wildest of dreams. Off course, you have no control over certain things, people and circumstances.

But it's not entirely correct to say that life is not controllable in our hands. It is equally true that we shape up our lives more often than not. But the irony is that most of the times we do not realize that.

Does it mean that given its twists and turns, is it possible to lead a life which we long for? yes it is. We human beings has the potential to shape up our lives to a great extent barring a few uncertain events and circumstances which are not in our hands.

In the absence of that realization, we are more likely to lead a life that is on auto pilot mode. तब तो आप सिर्फ़ जी रहे है.

जैसा की अक्सर हम कहते भी है : ठीक है ! बस काट रहे है

The fact remains that human life is absolutely precious, more so given its uncertain limited period. We are all here for a limited duration of time. किसी गाड़ी के छूटने का दिन और समय निसचीत होता है लेकिन हमारी जीवन रूपी गाड़ी कब और कैसे छूतेगी ये हममे से किसी को नही पता होता

The uncertainties of life makes it precious. We have to make the most of whatever little time the almighty has given us to be on this earth. Who knows the next time we shall get a human life or not!

Sparsh: Life Lessons Express  1

So our endeavor should be to make our life more meaningful rather than just going through the motions and let it pass away.

There are so many things we can do for ourselves, our family and society at large. We must learn to set goals, high standards and consistently follow those goals. A goal less life is like playing football without a goal post!

A goal less life is a meaningless life as you don't even have something to aim for. In such a situation, you will experience a distracted, confused and purpose less life and we may end up doing anything here and there with no real purpose in it.

We must realize the importance of our life and time. My mother passed away due to corona couple of months ago and the lesson that I learnt from her demise is that human life is precious. There are so many things on which we set our minds and how many of those get realized? Perhaps nothing or a very few. The reason is not setting realistic goals and understanding the value of our time and life.


Ever since I have realized the importance of goals and set up goals in 5 different aspects of my life, I can feel within myself that I am a much changed person. I track my goals every day to make sure that I keep working on those goals every day so that in the process not only I get better and better but also move towards achieving those goals in time bound manner.

But merely goal setting is not enough. What matters even more is the consistent following and working towards your goals. Don't forget the 1% rule, which says that in the process of consistently working towards your goals, you get better by 1% every day and that 1% change is going to be massive at the year end! There are umpteen examples of it in real life where people have reached top from bottom.


Your goals within sight will help you keep moving forward. Off course there will still be distractions, unwanted incidents, unexpected circumstances here and there which may jolt you, push you back or may hit you hard. But the key thing is never ever lose focus and keep fighting, keep going and keep moving like an eagle who is able to see its prey from 5 kilometers distance and keeps a very strong undistracted vigil on its prey despite obstacles on the way.

Similarly we can also learn from an aunt who moves in a straight line more often than not and once it does that, it never changes its way no matter how much obstacles you put on its way. It will either climb over it or walk through it from left or right but will never changes its way.

So what are you waiting for? it's time to make the most of your life, set realistic goals, keep a track on them and keep working every day. Don't get bogged down, just keep going no matter what the obstacles are! You shall be successful beyond doubt whatever you set your mind to do.

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CS Advocate Abhishek Goyal
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