Something about CS Training Preparation!!!

Ankur Garg , Last updated: 25 April 2021  

Hello Friends,


Through this brief write up I would like to discuss some of the basic needs and pre-requisites of CS Training. Many times a question strikes the mind of a prospective CS trainee regarding the list of general and typical questions that can be asked in a 15 month training interview in a company.



Just for reference I would like to share a link which is connected with one of my old Article on Training…as am sure that the points raised are relevant:





According to me following points are very important to be kept in mind, for a CS students while appearing for Company Secretary Training interview:


Company Selection:


Basic understanding about the company is must. I mean you have to be very careful while choosing your company. Focus on business of the company along with your proposed profile. There is no need to hurry…simply take your time and explore your interest.


Kindly observe the points mentioned below for successful interview and training:


1. Small research about the company or firm is very much desired.


2. Get ready with a realistic Resume. According to me your resume should be simple and impressive.  One more thing should be taken care of is that you should possess the requisite knowledge of all things that you have mentioned in your resume.


3. Needless to say confidence is the key. Just be confident while appearing for the interview and just be yourself and do not try to copy anyone else.

4. Workout on your basics as most of the questions are field based. Here I would advise you to prepare the following things for CS Trainee Interview:

1. Read the topic of incorporation of company and ROC e-forms.

2. What are the basics of MCA e-filing. For more info regarding this kindly check

3. maintenance of statutory records in a company

4. Basic information about General and Board meeting along with type of resolutions.




Also prepare Basic sections:

A.) Sections 163, 205, 292A, 293, 295, 297, 299, 314, 269, 309, 310, 372A

B.) Rules for issuing Share Certificate, share transfer are also very imp keeping in view the day to day working of

C.) Circular Resolution u/s 192A for General Meetings and u/s 289 for Board Meetings. Resolutions requiring unanimous approval.

D.) Listing Agreements along with basic understanding of Corporate Governance. Thorough knowledge of Listing Agreements is must for an interview in a Listed Company along with compliances like filing of Share Holding pattern, Corporate Governance Report, SEBI Declarations (SEBI Takeover and Insider Trading etc)

E.) SEBI - SAST, Delisting Rules and connected compliances and quarterly and Annual compliances.



One more thing keep yourself updated with latest amendments and trends. Your confidence, positive attitude and ability to work as a team should be bang on target. Also prepare yourself ready to work under pressure. You know this is something I have experienced personally. So there is nothing to fear…but avoid overconfidence.


This Article is also available at the link mentioned below in the career forum:




Well I hope the above points will help you in one way or the other…Would request you to please share your thoughts.


Best Regards

Ankur Garg

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Published by

Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
Category Career   Report

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