Simplifying Variances Between Ind AS and AS in Inventory Valuation

CA Rakesh Ishi , Last updated: 30 December 2023  

Let's break down the key differences between Ind AS 2 (Inventories) and AS 2 (Valuation of Inventories) in simpler terms.

1. Recognition of Costs

  • Ind AS 2: Talks about how to recognize the cost of inventories later on as an expense.
  • AS 2: Doesn't have a similar provision, showing a change in how we think about inventory costs.
Simplifying Variances Between Ind AS and AS in Inventory Valuation

2. Inventories of Service Providers

  • Ind AS 2: Explains how service providers should deal with inventories.
  • AS 2: Doesn't provide specific guidance for service providers, showing that Ind AS 2 is more versatile.

3. Machinery Spares

  • Ind AS 2: Deals with machinery spares under a different standard (Ind AS 16).
  • AS 2: Includes them as part of inventory valuation. Ind AS 2 is more detailed in this regard.

4. Fair Value for Commodity Broker-Traders

  • Ind AS 2: Doesn't cover how commodity broker-traders measure inventories (uses fair value).
  • AS 2: Doesn't make this distinction. Ind AS 2 is adapting to new ways of doing business.

5. Assessment of Net Realizable Value

  • Ind AS 2: Gives a lot of guidance on how to check the value of your inventories later on and what to do if you had to lower that value before.
  • AS 2: Doesn't go into as much detail about these kinds of adjustments.

6. Scope Exclusions

  • Ind AS 2: Excludes fewer types of inventories and gives guidance on how to deal with them.
  • AS 2: Excludes types without providing guidance. Ind AS 2 is more comprehensive.

7. Cost Formula Determination

  • Ind AS 2: Says to use the same cost formula for similar inventories.
  • AS 2: Says the formula should be the fairest approximation. Ind AS 2 is more standardized.

8. Disclosure Requirements

  • Ind AS 2: Requires more information to be shared about inventories in financial reports.
  • AS 2: Doesn't ask for as much detail. Ind AS 2 aims for more transparency.


Moving from AS 2 to Ind AS 2 in inventory valuation is like upgrading to a more detailed and adaptable system. Ind AS 2 reflects changes in how businesses operate today, providing clearer guidance and asking for more transparency in financial reporting. Understanding these differences helps us navigate the evolving landscape of inventory valuation.

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Published by

CA Rakesh Ishi
(Working at Private Company)
Category Accounts   Report

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