Share Capital and its Accounting Entries

Mitali , Last updated: 26 May 2023  

Share capital refers to the total value of shares issued by a company and held by its shareholders. It represents the initial or subsequent investment made by individuals, institutions, or other companies in exchange for ownership in the business.

Types of share capital

Here are the types of share capital:

  • Authorized Share Capital: The maximum amount of share capital that a company is legally allowed to issue as per its constitutional documents.
  • Issued Share Capital: The portion of authorized share capital that a company has actually offered and allotted to shareholders.
  • Subscribed Share Capital: The portion of issued share capital that shareholders have agreed to purchase or subscribe to.
  • Called-up Capital : Called-up Capital is that part of the subscribed capital for which the company actually demanded from the shareholders.
  • Paid-up Share Capital: Paid-up capital is that part of called up share capital which has been paid by the shareholders. The amount of share capital that shareholders have fully paid for. It represents the actual funds received by the company from shareholders.
  • Reserve Capital : Reserve Capital is that portion of the subscribed capital which has not been already called up, and the company has, by special resolution, resolved that it can be called up in the event of the winding up of the company.

Issue Of Shares

Issue of shares involves inviting offers from the public to subscribe to the share capital of a company. The share capital of a public company is raised by issue of either - equity shares or both equity and preference shares.

Equity share capital

Equity share capital refers to the portion of a company's capital structure that is raised through the issuance of equity shares. Equity shares, also known as common shares or ordinary shares, represent ownership in the company and give shareholders voting rights and a share in the company's profits.

Preference shares capital

Preference share capital refers to a type of share capital issued by a company that carries certain preferential rights

  • as regards the payment of dividend either as a fixed amount or at a fixed rate.
  • to the payment of the paid up capital.

Various accounting stages in the process of issue of shares


For receipt of application money


To Share Application

For receipt of allotment money


To Share Allotement

For allotment of shares

Share Application……………….Dr

To Share Capital

For making share call money due

Share Call……………….Dr

To Share Capital

For making the allotment money due

Share Allotment……………….Dr

To Share Capital

For receipt of share call money


To Share Call

Issue of Shares at Par

Issue of shares at par means issue of share at face value. It means that the total amount collected for each share is equal to the nominal value or face value of shares.

Issue of share at premium

Issue of share at premium means issue of shares at a price higher than its face or nominal value. Premium is the excess of issue price over face value of the security.

When premium money is payable on application

When premium money is payable on allotment

On receipt of application money


To Share Application

When the allotment money along with premium becomes due

Share Allotment...........Dr

To Share Capital To Securities Premium

On transfer of share application money

Share Application...........Dr

To Share Capital

To Securities Premimum

For receipt of the allotment money


To Share Allotment

Issue of Shares at a Discount

When the share of a company are issued at a price which is lower then its face value or nominal value, the issue is said to be 'at a discount'. In other words, the excess of the nominal value of shares over the issue price represents discount on the issue of shares. Accounting entry for recording discount on issue of shares :

Share Allotment...........Dr
Discount on the issue of shares...........Dr
To Share Capital


After allotment of shares, the company asks the shareholders to pay their allotment money and call money. Sometimes some shareholders may fail to pay the amount due on allotment or calls for various reasons. In such a case, the respective allotment or call accounts will show debit balance. From the point of view of company, the total unpaid amount on one or more installments is termed as Calls-in-Arrears. Accounting entry for recording Calls-in-Arrears on issue of shares :

If the money due on allotment remains unpaid

If the money due on call remains unpaid


To Share Allotment


To Share Call

Interest on Calls-in-Arrears

The directors of the company are usually authorized by the Articles of Association to charge interest at a stipulated rate on calls-in-arrears. It refers to the additional amount charged by a company to a shareholder who has not fully paid for their subscribed shares within the specified timeframe. 

For receipt of interest

For transfer of interest to P/L  account


To Interest on Calls-in-arrears

Interest on Calls-in-arrears..........Dr

To Profit and Loss


Interest on Calls-in-Advance

The articles of the company usually provide for the rate at which interest is payable on calls-in-advance. But in case the articles are silent on the rate of interest, Table A is applicable which leaves the matter to the Board subject to a maximum rate of 6% p.a. Since the Interest on Calls-in-Advance is a type of advance received by the company, according to Table A, the company may pay interest at the rate not exceeding 6 per cent on such advance call money. The accounting treatment of interest on Interest on Calls-in-Advance is as under :

On payment of interest on Calls-in-advance

On transfer of interest to P/L account

Interest on Calls-in-advance.......Dr

To Bank

Profit and Loss.......Dr

To Interest on Calls-in-advance

Forfeiture of Share

Forfeiture of shares refers to the cancellation or loss of ownership rights and privileges associated with a particular shareholding. It typically occurs when a shareholder fails to fulfill certain obligations or breaches the terms and conditions set by the company or relevant regulatory bodies. The accounting treatment relating to forfeiture of shares are :

  • Forfeiture of shares originally issued at par : When shares are forfeited that were originally issued at par value, the accounting treatment involves:
Where the paid amount was transferred 
to calls in arrear account
Where the unpaid amount has not been 
transferred to calls in arrear account
Share Capital…………..Dr 
To Calls in Arrear
To Forfeited Shares
Share Capital…………..Dr 
To Respective Calls
To Forfeited Shares
  • Forfeiture of shares originally issued at discount : When shares are forfeited that were originally issued at a discount, the accounting treatment involves :
Share Capital…………..Dr 
To Discount on issue on shares
To Calls in Arrear
To Forfeited Shares
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Category Accounts   Report

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