Self Study Vs. Tuition Classes - The Burning Debate

CA Sourabh Agarwal , Last updated: 19 September 2011  

Should I go for self study or coaching? What subjects to take and what to leave at a time? Which faculty will be good? Either go for all subjects at once and then revise at own?

I think almost each one of us has been caught in such a situation. The most burning and debatable topic of CA students is self study vs. coaching. Although most of us these days are dependent on coaching only because they are available quite easily and a better way to pursue exams, but what all are pros and cons of this.

Why to go for coaching?

·         We people don’t have time. Generally when we come to comparison, we compare with our seniors. But I want to say that there have been lots of differences. The course was not so much vast as it is now. Today we are busy in pursuing 3-4 courses at a time {no one knows why so, CA is enough if one does it with whole passion and to the perfection}.

·         The technicalities of syllabus. Although this cannot be put into debate as syllabus of CA has always been technical and it will be always. But still looking on recent developments in each and every subject, and at the same time comparing it requirement of expert level knowledge by ICAI, we student also need some expert advice and guidance to help us.

·         The generation gap. When we look into us, we will found out that the average of becoming CA is 22-23 years and at the same time, it was around 24-25 some 10 years back. Our mental capacity increases with time, no matter how much we can learn {leave exceptions} and clear courses, the actual level of knowledge comes with time and maturity. This also requires the need of coaching.

·         The new pattern. Earlier when CPT was not there, students first complete their graduation and then enter into CA, which makes them grasp the subjects quite easily. Students were able to do self study as basics are clear but nowadays how many of us even see college. Just after start with CPT and then carryon.

I don’t find any harm in choosing coaching over self study but following consequences shall be kept in mind.

It never develops your skills.

Yes friends this is truth, coaching is medicine which cures you for the time being but it can never make you immune for life time. The real knowledge can be gained only and only through self study. To be successful in life, we need to develop our skills and this is achieved only through self study.

Student who had done self study might agree with me. We always remember what we have analyzed on our own. How many of us remember the concepts learned {crammed} at coaching classes? The answer would be negligible but at the same time, we might remember all those concepts and notes which have been developed by self study. This way we not only develop our skills, we gain some confidence in life that “yes, we can do it”

It makes you addicted towards easy route.

We all know self study require time and mind both. And we as a student are busy with all other things and also want that somebody should come and put spoon in mouth. This habit is developed from school level. This is the only reason for decrease in CA’s opting for self practice. When you have never done self study how you can do self practice.

Although self study is a longer route but it is the BEST. The increasing trend of coaching is just a help in passing our exams not our life journey.

Then what is middle way out?

There are lots of books and material available on each and every subject but the point is “kaun kare” and this question takes you to opt for tuition classes.

Opt for coaching on the subject where you feel, you are weak {if all, then all}. There is no harm in choosing all subjects unless we become dependent on coaching ONLY.

Coaching should be viewed as place to take some time out for practicing multiple questions, gaining some extra knowledge, and prepare is short span of time. Every faculty is expert of his/her subject thereby giving some extra knowledge but if we don’t get that also then what is use of coaching.

If you have lot of time with you, first try every question, every topic and every concept on own and at the same time use coaching where you find it difficult to understand the subject.

Saurabh Agarwal


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CA Sourabh Agarwal
(Chartered Accountant)
Category Students   Report

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