Selection Process in Current Scenario

Member (Account Deleted) Guest , Last updated: 03 October 2012  

Greetings of the Day to every member of CCI Family!

“Hurray today I got my dream job” or” Yippee I got a job that I always dreamt of” have we ever heard these type of expressions from our friends or any job seekers. Invariably the answer will be ‘No’. We never get a ‘Wow’ factor in our career. Most of the employees are unsatisfied with their current job. Have we ever tried to find the reasons behind these questions?

Today I shall throw some light on this topic.

“Selection Process in Current Scenario”. Friends, we attend  interviews with the hope of better job without focusing on certain issues like what is the particular company all about, what will be our job profile,  can we improve our knowledge further, can we go ahead and more.

I found some strong reasons behind these problems:


Today we have degree, knowledge and even the relevant openings are available in the market but still we are not able to fit into the relevant job. We put all our efforts in passing the exam but we don’t apply the same effort for getting a job. For that matter we don’t even put much effort about our future career. All we need is only urgent Job with good package. We even ignore our profile. In this scenario it’s very difficult to find a proper job as per our choice and qualification. In spite of being aware of all these things we ignore such things.


At first we got to understand that it’s only we who are responsible for all these above problems. We can overcome these problems by following these steps-

We should be aware of our strength, weakness and area of choices.

We should have a proper goal for future.

We should discuss with our seniors, family members and friends for our future careers.

We should have knowledge about that particular job.

We should be specific before applying for a particular job.

We should try to get information as much as possible for the particular position.

We should be well preparing before going for the interview.


They are very good source to get our dream job. We can utilize them for our future career but we will have to know how to utilize them. Sometimes they don’t give any proper information about company and job profile. Most of the time, they themselves don’t know much about the particular company. At times they don’t even give the Job Description before interview.


These simple steps can act as a solution:

We should ask them for proper information about particular position.

We should ask them what the company all about is.

Most important part we should ask them for Job Description for the interview.

So one simple mantra is just ‘Ask’.


Today companies are hiring candidates on their own set benchmarks. They don’t put more light on candidate’s quality, like their knowledge about particular job, their Qualification, their attitude. They already set a benchmark and hire on that basis only. If you are not fit on that then you will be rejected, means you will lose a good opportunity for which you are eligible. Here more or less we are also responsible for this cause. We should be well prepared before applying for the particular position. We should have knowledge for the particular position. Most of the companies clearly mention their selection process but we mostly ignore them. We would have followed their rules if we are going for the interview. We have to accept their guidelines for the particular position.

There are some more critical points discuss to apart from above things:

Major Selection Process followed by corporate:

1. Written test

2. Group Discussion

3. Personnel Interview

How to Crack them:

1. Written Test:

The questions will be from our own field. So no need to panic. We would have struggled a lot to complete our CA or any other course. Written test will not be like a final exam which we have faced. It will be much simpler. Just we need to get some idea about the company profile and the post for which they have called for. Based on our survey, we can get a basic idea about what the company is expecting from us. First we should lay a path, which is correct and should move forward. We should have a relaxed mind when we are appearing for the test. If you are tensed, you will lose even a simpler stuff which you would have known clearly.

We should definitely spend some time in preparing for the written test. Of course, it is nothing much more than what we have learned for 4 or 5 years. If we have spent 4 or 5 years in clearing a tough exam, to enjoy the real fruit of the same, there is nothing wrong in spending some 2 to 3 weeks in preparing for the test.

Suppose, the call for is concerned with direct tax field, you should go through that subject in detail and all the other areas such as accounts, cost etc., should not be left out. A basic knowledge of those subjects is also very much necessary.

2. Group Discussion: 

So now, you have successfully cleared your written test with flying colors. Congrats! ,but it’s not yet over. You have just finished building the hall of your house. Here comes the master bed room. All of us will be having beautiful plans about the interiors and modeling of our master bed rooms. U too have to build it as per your wish, then you should crack this group discussion too.

What is Group Discussion?

GD is a methodology used by an organization to gauge whether the candidate has certain personal traits and/or skills that it desires in its members. It includes:

· Ability to work in a team

· Communication skills

· Reasoning Ability

· Leadership Skills

· Initiative

· Assertiveness

· Flexibility

· Creativity

· Listening

· Awareness

You may think why even after clearing my exams, these people are making me to go through this process of Group discussion and interview.

The ultimate aim of GD is to find out how well you will suit the company.

It’s easy to crack a GD if you do the following:

1. Be confident in whatever you speak

2. Don’t argue

3. Give space for others to put forward their points

4. Don’t interfere when someone else is bursting out their views.

5. If you have said “yes” to the topic, never say “No” during the discussing.

6. Take the initiative.

7. If you didn’t speak or was not allowed to speak by other fellow members, don’t worry. Just at the end of the discussion give a summary of all the points’ putforth by others during the session.

3.  Personal Interview:

This is the most important step of selection process. In this they check your overall personality, your experience, your knowledge about the particular job and many other things which depends upon particular position.  We have to clear it from our own efforts and previous experience.


In my opinion ultimately the onus of responsibility lies on ourselves for this situation, like going blindly for the interview without knowing much. We can overcome above problems by self awareness. We should make a self analysis on our strength, ability, qualification, interest before we apply for a particular job or go for an interview. We should do our homework, meaning we should make ourselves aware of things, like company profile, Job profile, future growth prospect, Company’s growth rate and see how it matches with our requirement.

I hope this will help us to get the subject in right perspective and understand what problems the employees are facing and how to solve.

Your suggestions are always welcome.

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Member (Account Deleted)
(Finance Executive)
Category Career   Report

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