Role of professionals in nation building

CMA Mrudula M , Last updated: 14 January 2021  

Each one of us is known by our name, or language we speak, the traditions and belief systems we have etc., and as a group when we are identified or we could be related to, we are called as a Nation and that brings oneness amongst all of us. That fosters us to strive together and make our Nation a better one since our lives are inextricably linked to it. Nation's welfare is our welfare. We have to nourish it and keep the flag high for our own good and survival. Let's look at the bigger picture and shape our future. Whether we are professional accountants engineers, doctors, teachers, or any profession for that matter, each one of us has an obligation to contribute to the nation building for a simple reason that this is our nation, our home, and we have to do everything possible to make it a great one. What goes in the making of a good professional?

a. Ethics

Having integrity, objectivity, professional competence and ensuring due care is taken to perform the duties as per the standards or guidelines are the basic ethical requirements. But when it comes to choosing between overall good of the society or welfare of the client (and thereby forego the commercial interests), to have enough courage and confidence to do the right thing. I always feel to be 'right ' is different from being 'righteous'.

b. Industrious

Essential to work with diligence and be creative. Bring out solutions which are economical, sustainable and scalable. Look beyond the horizon and think for the next generation. It is essential to encourage and participate in decision or policy making decisions.

c. Skill improvement

Two quotes sum up the whole point. (i) Alvin Toffler said, 'the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and re-learn' and (ii) Abraham Lincoln was quoted as saying “ Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”. Unless the skills are sharpened, there is a downside risk of us being irrelevant. Hence, skills improvement in both short-term and long-term basis is required. Education is an investment in oneself, but the returns are earned by others as well.

d. Competitive

Develop the attitude to take up the challenge and work towards overcoming it. Competitiveness can be developed by having the right mix of attitude, aptitude and skill set. Healthy competition is good since it brings out the best of the people and for the overall good of society. The world has accepted our leadership qualities, as evident from the biggest entities of the world having Indians as their business head or CEO.

Role of professionals in nation building

e. Culture and Tolerance.

A very important aspect of ourselves. We as a Nation have a great culture to be proud of. Right from a simple greeting 'Namaste' which many of the outsiders realized was a safer and better way to greet than a handshake (in Covid era), or invariably knowing more languages and getting along with different cultures, India is known to have a unique culture and identity, amongst various other practices, we are brought up with the concept of 'Vasudaiva Kutumbakam'. The welfare of the people and society has always remained our bedrock whilst making decisions. Let's not lose sight of it and let's be proud of it. In each of our decisions, give an opportunity for different views. Respect, dissent and disagreement, but these should not be a bottleneck to move forward.


Our Nation is in our hands. Let's come together to take it greater heights.

The author CA Aditya Kumar S is a qualified Chartered accountant with 20+ years of experience in his field. He carries immense knowledge in his areas of expertise and interest, namely statutory audit, internal audit and SOX audit gained through numerous and varied client assignments he has dealt with.

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Published by

CMA Mrudula M
(Educator,Career coach)
Category Professional Resource   Report



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