Results!! OMG. Isn't it Scary?

CA Anand Chawda , Last updated: 26 May 2017  

Hey Guys, It’s really chilling time now because CA exams are over few days ago. One may be engaged in some extra curricular activities where as someone may be roaming to various places, Obviously many of us must have get back to the pavilion. I mean must have joined offices also for Article ship or Jobs and I hope the routine life must be going good enough.

Although we are engaged in various stuff, but at some point of time we all fells into the deep well of thoughts, the though is all about the forthcoming Results, it is the only thing, even single thought of which brings "Jitters" in our stomach.

Have anyone ever analyzed that why it is so much scary?  Just because of the "Over expectations".

The Over expectations of our self, our Family, especially the peer pressure and the society. so guys let me discuss some of them:

  • Many students have habit of negative thinking, they always thinks like "Mera Nai  Hoga" if you are one of this category then please stop saying the negatives about yourself. You might have read the law of attraction.. if you think negative then the Nature itself will say "Tathastu" i.e. you will get what you are thinking.. so stay positive.
  • Some may be so much over confident that they think "Yes I am CA now". Absolutely yes, attitude of thinking positive is always better but don’t expect more over confidently, because in case the situation happens in negative way you will not be able to accept it anymore, and you will require lot of time to come out of such situation.
  • Some people have nature to just crying like everything went wrong only with them during exams and pretending like they are going to get the negative results, but guys my personal advise to all that avoid such people especially such topics from which you are going to get nothing except the tension and worries.
  • Remember that always we should stay lenient, stable and calm.

Spend some time with the Parents understand them and feel their love, take time for meeting new peoples, do some socially benefiting activities visit old age homes/orphanage homes, plant various trees, enjoy life and develop the personality of self and make value addition to your life.

Many of us must have attempted well and vice versa, but believe me the results are never predictable. So relax, don't ever discuss such topics with others, better avoid it and use your time in a very productive manner. Even our holy Geeta says that "Karmanye vadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana", it means you just give your best and don't be worried of the results of your work. If you have given your best then you are surely going to get the sweetest fruit for it. We have studied with our best motive so at least leave that other part with God, who is always great.

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Published by

CA Anand Chawda
(Senior Accountant)
Category Students   Report

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