Results! Freaked Out?

Siddharth Goel , Last updated: 19 July 2018  

If you are a student and you take exams periodically, you’ll be able to resonate with the two words that go hand in hand: Results and Nervousness.

Let me tell you two stories which I am sure many will be able to call one of them their own.

The first goes like this- A 20-year-old spends his day following his study plan ardently. He writes the exam after a full-fledged preparation of the syllabus and is now spending his days waiting for the result. He roams around the house with the question paper in his hand, calculating again and again how much he expects to score in each question to get a rough idea whether he would pass the exam or not, talking or bugging his friends continuously. He hardly sleeps as his mind is so worked up as to keep thinking about how he did on the exam and what the result could be; after all it’s going to change his fate. Upon the announcement of the result he learns he has qualified and becomes overjoyed. However, every time he writes an exam he follows it up with getting nervous about how he has done, and not every time does he succeed.

The second is same yet slightly different- This 22-year-old takes an exam after preparing well, follows up with things like playing a sport, getting some work-experience, making more CV points by learning a new skill, etc. And he clears the exam too. He is happy that he has moved on to the next phase of his life. In the next phase, he does the same, however now he fails the exam too.

The stories intend to make only one point: Feeling nervous about the result does no good to you, simply because the result is not under your control, the preparation for the exam is.

If you get nervous once, it’s okay. But if you keep getting nervous about the same thing over and over again, it’s becoming a phobia.

So the question is: how do I overcome the feelings of nervousness and anxiety about my CA results (or any other exam for that matter)?

Keep reading:

1. Deb Bixler said: “Nervous and excited are the same sensation, negative and positive. Stop saying you are nervous and start saying you’re excited!”

Say it to the universe that you are going to pass!

2. Understand that even if you clear the exam, the nervousness shall not pass until you land a job or the articleship as per the level you are at. So while you’re at leisure waiting for your result, build your interpersonal communication skills to be able to hold a meaningful conversation just about anything and everything hence leaving an impact on the other person.

3. Distraction is both a boon and a bane. After you take the exam, distraction can show its prettiest face by helping you get your mind off the stress.

Indulge yourself in physical activities like running or playing a sport and/or complement your field of study by enrolling into MOOCs (online courses) that will definitely improve your prospects of landing a job.

An active body and mind throughout the day will help you sleep better, reduce midnight snacking and over-analyzing of what could go wrong.

The feeling of nervousness or anxiety about the exam or the result can easily be replaced by activities like strengthening relationships or pursuing a hobby. These are proved to reduce the inert, unproductive feelings in the long-run. You must study well undoubtedly, but also realize that you WILL clear the exam today or tomorrow, but supporting academia with a good personality is a must in the century that offers competition more than opportunities.

Work on making yourself better and happy! The results of THAT will never be disappointing.

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