Results are merely a reflection in numbers from institute point of view

Nagendra Hegde , Last updated: 21 January 2017  

Keep it simple - Make it Happen

Of course, there cannot be a list to dos and not to dos which guarantee you the result in any professional exam. We think it needs both element of hard work and a portion of luck to clear exams like CA. But trust me if you had to clear you would have !! Please don’t give excuses.

I am a recently qualified CA after couple of hiccups and thought I should share my views which may find worth to few of you at least. When you could not clear an exam, 90% of your friends/relatives would console you that not to worry as it happens and you could do better next time. There would be hundred things dumped into your mind such as inappropriate evaluation, issues in counting, paper was tough etcetera etcetera.

Do you really think that you should now worry about so many probable reasons of failure which was anyway not in your control and curse yourself for your so called inability and bad luck that you could not succeed!!!

Just stop and take a break. Nothing has gone wrong. The results are merely reflecting your performance in numbers from institute point of view and not your subject knowledge. It’s like hundred metre running we did in school days. Though we failed to reach the target in first place, every time when we ran, our timings got better and better!  But we bothered only about price. All the efforts you have put all these days for the exam would certainly help you to reach your dream, without which you might never!

You are one step ahead now. You have already studied the subject and now them better. You have practiced well now play properly. So, what to do next. Relax, let your current temporary emotions caused due to so called failure go. No decisions or plans shall be made when you are influenced by something especially emotions.

My policy has been keep it simple make it happen. I don’t understand who has been putting the pressure on every student to clear in first attempt. It’s your life, if you don’t have problem no one else can. Goal would be the same for all but never spoil your path in a hurry to reach the goal. Trust me the path is beautiful. It's up to you to enjoy the path. If it's taking time, make sure you enjoy the beauty all the way.

There are many more challenges that fall in our way in future, then we realize that the clearing CA was nothing compare to it. There is no requirement to give so much hype that it actually does not deserve. They call it as mark sheet and not life sheet. It does not say that you have failed in your life.

The real culprit is frustration of failure. Please understand the negative results must be the highest ever possible motivation factor for success. When you dream something and someone says you can't make it happen, your only aim would be prove them wrong. Similarly when you get negative result from the institute, take an oath to prove them wrong next time. Crying and slapping yourself could be done even after exams but not the study. Throw some water on your face and start right now!

Each one of us knows each one of this but it goes into background that brush would be required from time to time.

Following things, I find worth trying:

Have your own plan - you know the best of you. Plan which suits you the most. Don’t take suggestions just see them and make your own.

Prepare for knowledge - Reading is for knowledge. After clearing CA, if you feel yourself that you may not deserved to be it is useless. Trust me it happens!

Stick to one book, one lecturer and one friend - Other two things are fine. But one friend for discussing subject is important as the number increases your effective time would decrease.

Take one group unless you aim for rank - Most of us want to complete in hurry. But we end up writing one more attempt. While deciding whether one group or two just give bit high weightage on one group.

Health - don’t worry about it! - yes. Just focus on what you need to do and do not do anything different. Your body will take care. If you start worrying about it, every time it shows you that it is a concern during exam. Why do you fall ill exactly few days before exam, because we change our habits so much that our body and mind may not take such nuisance.

Stop giving excuses to yourself - If anyone else gives excuses when they suppose to do something, we would be disappointed. Then why don’t we expect same thing from ourselves. If you are suppose to study just study. Reasons for skipping may be thousand. Just don’t let you to give the excuses to yourself! Once you stop giving such excuses you find easy to stick to your plan. Once it happens you don’t have to worry about time management.

Love it - It’s one of those few things we are doing for ourselves. Let us do with love and not as an obligation or responsibility. You are taking additional effort for your own betterment then how can you complain?  

Too many thoughts always create too much confusion. Have one determined approach and follow without comparing with others. Day by day we progress, we grow it not that one day when we clear the exams. Breathe positive, dream positive. Things would meet your thoughts and we redefine the success as we progress.

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Published by

Nagendra Hegde
(Chartered Accountant)
Category Students   Report

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