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Result, Fear and Tension

*RENU SINGH * , Last updated: 18 July 2017  

I guess now every professional course exams got over e.g. CA, CS, CWA finally the days of hardworking gone, owl nights, full sigh. I suppose everyone should be in enjoying mood and relaxed. Right, we hear the slogans of being positive and everything will be positive.

Let’s get back to the drawing board and find out the thoughts that goes deep into the ocean of our mind.

Suppose you met your friend and he/she is saying marking is gonna be tough they fail the students whose marks come into margin area.  While discussing with others you got to know that some questions were not right. Your mind start wandering and get focused on such negative thoughts. You start calculating your marks, then the fear holds its grip. And then you ask yourself, how to stay positive?

Let me help you a little bit:-

1. Count your efforts:- Whenever you face such blues, start recalling the days when you were working like an owl, struggling with your sleep and study and just focusing on doing your best. Just remember all these. You will feel positive.

2. My questions are wrong:- Yeah right ! just tell me did you were doing all this to get 100%, nahi na, Means you had targeted of around 50,60, 65, then if mistakes are there, I guess leave it , just focus on what you did right.

3. Low marking:-  People hit themselves very hard for this cause alone. Low marking, tough marking, just ask yourself.  Do I need to fail?  If I am saying that there is low marking means, I really wanna fail? The instant answer will be your real power.

4. Idols:-  hmmmm …. Now I guess you gonna kill me for this … and gonna say me … are you nuts?

Normally people set those persons as their mentors who are not just good but excellent , who do their work with perfectness. Good, very good, but here people do mistakes.

Suppose you saw one person who burns midnight oil and that person got failed. Now you start thinking. If he can fail, then what about me, my knowledge is not even half of what he possesses. But just tell me, were you there at the examination hall with him? Did you know what he felt when he was giving exam … because I have even felt one minute disturbance can disturb your concentration for more than 20 minutes … and balancing those 20 minutes take another hour almost. And normally people can’t balance anything until and unless it’s a do and die situation.

Now suppose the person who failed last time, even though he was intelligent, fail again. When success comes, it boost your confidence level to 2 times … but when failure comes , it reduces your confidence to atleast 4 times. And this rule, apply to every-person in this world to obviously if that intelligent person failed it doesn’t mean that he didn’t studied. It was his confidence level which was below the ground-level, the real cause of his failure.

So, please don’t set such persons for motivate yourself. Now what kind of person you should have to set an example before yourself :-

I’m sure everyone of you had seen atleast one person in your life, whom you can say. I didn’t expect , he will pass. He don’t even know any logics. I was really surprised to see his results.

That’s it, this is the perfect person to be your mentor for results time. Just ask yourself.

If he can pass, then why not me? Atleast I am better than him.

Have confidence and believe your efforts.

Now I wanna end my article with the line which my family and friends use to motivate me:- If you are conceptually right, no one can dare to call you wrong.

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